Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Wolf Tour

TITLE – The Wolf
SERIES – The Keeper Saga
AUTHOR – K.R. Thompson
GENRE – Historical Paranormal Romance
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 53 pages
COVER ARTIST – Keri Knutson, Alchemy Book Covers
Their secret has been safe for hundreds of years, a legacy and legend that has been carefully kept by six guardians. They are known as the Keepers. But before the legend of the Keepers—came the Wolf.
Once upon a time, there lived a man whose fate would rest with two sisters. One will hold his heart. With her, he discovers a love that will last forever, though it will come with a price.
From the other sister, he will learn fortitude as he discovers that she holds the power to destroy all he holds dear. For as easily as one sister captures his heart, the other has found the way to trap his soul.

One mountain stood off in the distance. Its peak was the highest. It grazed the heavens. It was the closest point that he could get to his love, now in the inky, deep black sky. It seemed it would be the perfect place to make his presence—and his demands—known. The trip up the mountain took a great deal of the night, his strength had waned, but anger and determination pushed him up to the giant boulder, far above, jutting out into the night air. The moon was beyond his reach—so close, yet, so far away. Swift Foot stood on the edge of the rock. A cool breeze greeted him, brushing softly against his cheek. He felt Shining Star had sent the breeze to touch him. “I am here,” he told her softly, looking up into the sky. Then, he took a deep breath, and announced loudly to the Great Spirit, “I have come to speak to you.” The breeze was replaced with a sudden burst of warm air, an acknowledgement of sorts. He took a step forward, feeling the balls of his feet touch the edge of the rock. He was close now. “You will put me there with her or I will die!” The raw emotion caused his voice to crack, but he knew the Great Spirit heard his demand. A lightning bolt cracked from a cloudless sky in front of him, striking the ground below. No whispering voices came to his mind or thundering ones either. It seemed the Great Spirit wasn’t in the mood for negotiations. It wasn’t the response Swift Foot had wished to hear or see. Still, he stood on the rock, while his love watched him from her place in the heavens. That was just as well, Swift Foot decided. He would be with her soon, with or without any help. He would never spend a day without her. Another lightning strike lit up the sky as he lifted his arms out, and fell…
K.R. Thompson was raised in the Appalachian Mountains. She resides in southwestern Virginia with her husband, son, three cats and an undeterminable amount of chickens.
An avid reader and firm believer in the magic of nature, she spends her nights either reading an adventure or writing one.
She still watches for evidence of Bigfoot in the mud of Wolf Creek.
BOOK #1 - Hidden Moon

BOOK #2 - Once Upon A Haunted Moon

$25 Amazon Gift Card
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I WIll Find You Release Day Blitz
He abducts women who look like her and takes them as his bride. With each disappointment, he begins again.
A young female’s mutilated body is discovered outside the Newfoundland religious compound in Billings, dressed in Amish clothing. For Montana SBI Homicide Detective Hannah Grace, it’s unnerving how she and the victim bear more than a strong resemblance. She teams up with detective-in-charge and partner, Sean Murphy, to catch the killer before he strikes again. When the investigation leads them to a second body, the same features and clothing as the first, Hannah is shaken to the core and begins to make a terrifying connection—she may know the killer.
A gruesome discovery and a third victim leads them back to Newfoundland, where the monster she’s been hiding from for ten years is waiting to claim Hannah as his bride. After all, she’s the one he’s wanted all along.
And she’s the only one who can stop him.
Buy Links:
Author Bio:

She loves to hear from readers and encourages them to reach out to her through her website at
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 29K
COVER ARTIST – T. A. Straley
Kieron MacAlister has always loved Fia MacLachlan, a wee fey lass he met years ago who, with her sweet smile and surprising insight, changed his life. When he comes face-to-face with the beautiful woman she’s grown into, can he convince her to change her life, too?

“Fia can go with you,” Elena said. Fia’s breath hitched. “Nay, I am needed here, at least until after the bairn is born and you are recovered.” Elena took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I shall be fine. The midwife can look after me.” Fia wanted to shake her head, but she nodded instead, swallowing all of her arguments for why she should stay. ’Twas her duty to do as the chief and the lady required. “I will go.” “Do you share the Lamont gift?” Tavish snapped, jerking Fia’s attention back to the two men who stood closest to her and spoke for their clan. “Nay,” Fia answered with a lift of her chin, “but I am well trained as a healer.” “Fia is expert with herbs, far more than I am,” Elena said. “She has a canny way of knowing which will best serve those she treats, such as I have never seen before.” Elena reached out and pulled Fia close, wrapping her arm over Fia’s shoulder in a gesture that had always made Fia feel safe, while at the same time Elena skewered first Tavish, then the other man, with that same motherly glare that made even grown men cower. “She is more than capable of tending your chief in his illness.” Elena’s words of praise eased some of Fia’s concern over leaving her foster mother when the bairn could come at any time. “Aye, I will do all that I can for your chief, but I have one condition.” Elena tightened her grip and Symon turned to face her, irritation and concern filling his eyes. Fia wiggled free of Elena’s grip and took her hand again. She smiled at Symon, knowing he could not glower at her when she did that, and indeed his gaze softened. “I will need to return to Kilmartin within a ten day. If you cannot promise me that, then I will not go with you.” She took a deep breath, unused to going against Symon or Elena’s wishes, but she hoped this was enough of a compromise to keep everyone happy. Fia could feel the knots in her shoulders loosening now that she had set her own requirements on the deal. “But she does not have your gift.” The words came out as a growl from between Tavish’s gritted teeth. Fia could see the man next to him tense, as if ready to do battle, though he had not so much as gestured toward his dirk or his sword. That was when she noticed that he held something in his hand, rolling it in his palm as if he calmed himself with it. She looked up at his face carefully for the first time and realized he was familiar to her, though she could not remember from where she might know him. There was something about his eyes…nay, she could not place him. Elena tilted her head and smiled, glancing at Fia and drawing Fia’s attention back to the conversation. “Nay, she does not have the Lamont gift,” Elena agreed, “but she is very talented in her own way, and you do not have a choice. Fia can go with you to tend your chief—your father—” she added pointedly, “and be returned here within a ten day, or you can leave here with a tincture that may or may not be what your father requires.” Tavish started to respond, when the other man simultaneously reached out and gripped his shoulder, as if to stop him from speaking, and dropped the thing in his hand. Fia watched as a perfectly round, milky stone rolled to rest near Elena’s feet. Fia scooped it up, for Elena could not even bend over these days. She dusted the pretty stone off on her skirt, then held it out for the man but he did not take it from her. “Do you think you can heal him, Fia?” he asked, saying her name as if he, too, remembered her, though she still could not remember why she knew him. She looked at Tavish, holding the stone out for him to take as his companion did not seem interested in it anymore. “I do not ken,” she said, needing to be truthful with him and herself, “but I will do my best.” The palest pink whispered along the milky white ribbons within the stone, surprising her even as she heard the other man let out his breath. “But you must promise to have me back here before Elena’s time,” she said, though her eyes were still on the stone that was once again milky white, “whether your father is better or not.” Elena plucked the stone from Fia’s hand and held it up to the pale sunlight, gazing into it with a bemused look upon her face. “I believe she can heal him,” Elena said, still gazing into the stone, while pink once more whispered through it. Fia gasped. Elena looked at her for a moment and quirked an eyebrow as if asking if Fia had seen what Elena had. Elena lowered her hand and held the stone out to its owner with a mysterious sort of smile playing over her lips. “’Tis a beautiful stone. It reminds me of a tale I once heard about the Cailleach Bheur, the mother of winter, and a frozen tear that held the truth of her heartache. You should not be so uncareful with it.” “Aye, my lady,” he said quietly. “I have heard that story, too.” He swallowed and smiled. “I am afraid I have a bad habit of fiddling with it and dropping it betimes,” he added, tucking the stone into a pouch at his belt. “Fia’s skills will be most appreciated.” Tavish sucked in a loud breath. “She will do as she says,” the other man said to him, “I am sure of it.” Tavish said nothing for a long moment, then nodded. “Very well. If we cannot have the skill of Lady Elena, we will take Fia with us to tend my da.” Fia and the other man winced at Tavish’s less than grateful tone. “And return me in a ten day.” Fia narrowed her eyes and pressed her lips together. She had no intention of budging from Elena’s side without this assurance. “We promise,” the other man said when Tavish did not.

Laurin Wittig writes Kindle Top 10 bestselling and award-winning Scottish medieval romances. She has been obsessed with her Scottish heritage since her first visit to Scotland when she was eleven years old, and was thrilled, years later, to discover Scottish romances. Since then she has had the good fortune to bring her own Highland stories to readers around the world.
$25 Amazon Gift Card
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Organized & Hosted by

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Kissin’ Hell Blog Tour
Kissin’ Hell Blog Tour ~ A brand spankin' new That Old Black Magic spin-off series.
Oct. 15th
Goodreads Link:
There are two certainties in life soul collector and hellhound Jericho Stryker knows too well—Death never takes a holiday, and women are typically more
trouble than they’re worth. That goes double for his personal nemesis and regular pain in his backside, Lola McKenna. Sure, the luscious little hellcat
gets his blood boiling in more ways than one, but some scratches are best left un-itched. That determination is strained to the max when a botched soul
acquisition job lands him on the same case as Lola.
Fetching a stubborn soul from a haunted bordello should be a piece of cake. Unfortunately for Lola, she has to deal with Jericho horning in on her bounty.
Attempting to keep her cool and her wits around her sinfully sexy adversary? Easier said than done. Especially when she finds herself locked overnight with
Jericho. Not strangling him before sunrise? A faint possibility. Ignoring the lusty, depraved sexual fantasies he awakens in her? A snowball’s chance in
hell of happening. But worse of all is the very real possibility that he could steal the one thing she most fears losing to him—her heart.
Jericho gave the ceiling one last baleful glare before shifting his focus to Lola. She was staring straight ahead, her succulent, glossy lips parted in
awe. Frowning, he followed her gaze. And blinked.
The sofa and subdued antique furnishings of Dahlia’s apartment had vanished. In fact, he wasn’t even certain they were in her suite anymore. Across from them stood an enormous canopy bed. In addition to the sinful depictions of erotic sex acts carved into the bed posts there were velvet ropes that he suspected had nothing to do with tying back the curtains. The nearby night table held an intriguing assortment of bottled oils, dildos, and a feather tickler. He panned his attention back to Lola and noticed she was also gaping at the accoutrements. Her cheeks adopting a pretty rosy-pink hue, she peeked at him before quickly looking away.
He stalked to the bed and poked at the lace spread covering it. “Where in the damn hell are we?”
“My guess—one of the bordello rooms.”
Yeah, he suspected as much too. Still didn’t explain how they got there. Okay, maybe he didn’t know precisely how, but he sure as shit knew who was responsible for the change of scenery. “I’m going to wring that fucking ghost’s neck.”
He waited for Lola to add her agreement to that plan. When she remained mute he turned his head to see why she was giving him the silent treatment. He nearly swallowed his tongue at the vision greeting him.
She stood stock still in front of him, gaping down at the eye-popping carnal red corset and garter set adorning her mouthwatering body.
A strangled sound attempted to make its way from his throat but croaked out as a “Gah” instead.
Lola’s head jerked up and she stared at him. “I have no idea how she did this.”
That made two of them. Though truthfully, he was feeling infinitely more charitable toward Dahlia than he had a moment ago. “That color looks good on you.”
She double blinked. “What?”
He scratched the back of his neck. “I’m just sayin’, she picked the right outfit for you.”
Lola’s mouth twitched. “I guess she would know. Being an expert and all. I wonder why she didn’t do anything with your clothes though?”
“I’m a guy.”
“So? A nice pair of leather assless chaps would fit right in here.” She waved to their erotic surroundings.
He grimaced. “Don’t say that out loud.”
She chuckled. “Worried Dahlia might overhear?”
“Hell yes.”
Lola pivoted and sashayed toward the door. His eyes nearly fell out of their sockets as he took in the seductive jiggle of her heart-shaped ass. Day-um, mama had back and then some. His hound salivating, Jericho imagined massaging those gorgeous globes while he rode her from behind. Cock thickening in his briefs, he wiped the drool from his chin.
Lola tried the door again before sighing in defeat. “I don’t think we have any option but to teleport.”
He arched his brows. “You’re going to go ghosthunting in that getup?”
“Trust me, not my first choice,” she replied wryly.
He certainly wasn’t against the idea of getting to see her prance around in her wicked skimpies, but he didn’t want to subject her to any embarrassment or a chill. Plus there was the small fact that he’d be a walking boner advertisement every time he looked at her. He shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to her. She accepted the garment with obvious surprise and a dazzling smile.
He had a moment to mourn the lost view of her knockout tits before she tugged the jacket in place and grabbed his hand, twining her fingers with his. Recalling the unsteadying turbulence she’d experienced on their last flight, he wrapped an arm around her waist. His hand ghosted to the small of her back, tucking her closer to him. His fingers rested in the dip of her tailbone, barely brushing the top of her bikini bottoms. Sticky sweat rolled down his back. They stared at each other, their ragged breaths mingling. Several seconds ticked by. She licked her lips and he tracked the motion with rapt interest.
She swallowed hard. “Nothing’s happening.”
Not entirely true. Something was definitely happening behind the fly of his jeans, and his hound was whining to be let out to play as a result.
“I-I think she somehow disabled our teleport links.”
He nodded. “Told ya ghosts are nothing but pains-in-the-asses.”
“We need to find another way out of here.”
He nodded again. “Fuck yeah we do.”
“That portal isn’t going to close itself.”
“Nope.” He shivered a little bit when Lola curled her arm around his neck and sifted her fingers through his hair.
She bit her lip. “We should—”
“Fuck.” He spit out the word, both as a curse and a desperate suggestion, right before he crushed her mouth under his.
Author Bio:
At the ripe age of seven, Jodi Redford penned her first epic, complete with stick figure illustrations. Sadly, her drawing skills haven't improved much,
but her love of fantasy worlds never went away. These days she writes about fairies, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures, only with considerably more
She has won numerous contests, including The Golden Pen and Launching a Star.
When not writing or working the day job, she enjoys gardening and way too many reality television shows.
Author links:
Group Blog
Amazon Author page
Facebook profile
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
A Closed Door, by Andrew Q. Gordon
New Release: A Closed Door, by Andrew Q. Gordon
Book Blurb:
Outted at thirteen, Orin Merritt left home after high school hoping to escape the hell his life had become. Ten years later when a tornado destroys his childhood home and kills his parents, Orin finds himself in an entirely new nightmare. One he can't run away from.
Blaming himself for failing the two people who always loved and supported him, he returns home and confronts his past in the person of his one-time best friend, Thomas Kennett. Thomas not only rejected him when Orin came out, he led the group that tormented Orin into leaving.
As he struggles to deal with his grief, Orin also labors to fulfill the pledge he made to his parents before their death. In the process, Orin learns that sometimes when you go away to find yourself, you leave the answers you're looking for behind.
Cover Artist: Lily Velden and Jay Aheer
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing.
Buy Links:
"Orin, I won't." Thomas stood a bit straighter and his eyes lost the sad, pleading shine. "I won't hurt you again." "You can't promise that. Things happen." Orin watched as his words dragged Thomas back from the brink of hope. "If you truly believe that, then there's nothing I can do. You have to believe there's a chance or else I can't prove it." "That's not what I'm telling you." He locked his gaze on Thomas's. "If I say yes, I'll have to take down the walls I surrounded my heart with to keep it safe. Once it's gone, I won't be able bring it back if I get hurt. Not now. "So what I'm saying is, think about what you’re asking me to risk. If you really love me, ask yourself if are you willing to risk what will happen to me if you can't keep your promise." He knew how unfair he'd been, but self-preservation had been a skill he'd honed over the past fifteen years. He needed Thomas to know just how serious the repercussion could be for his actions. "Orin, I . . . I . . . how . . .?" Their faces were inches apart, and Thomas moved in for another kiss. This felt different than the first—less urgent, but no less intense. Orin trembled at the leap he was about to take. When they stepped back, Thomas rubbed his thumb across Orin's cheek. "I do love you, Orin. More than I can say. So much, that I'm not willing to risk what will happen if I fail you again. I don't have that right." Thomas's lips quivered and the tears welled at the bottom of his eyes. He kissed Orin's forehead gently. "Good-bye, Orin. Please be happy." Without looking back, Thomas walked to the front door, opened it, and walked away.Author Bio:
Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write. He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his partner of eighteen years, their young daughter and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important D.C. 'insiders', Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball and seeing how much coffee he can drink in a day.Social Media:
Website:, Facebook:, Twitter: @andrewqgordon, Email: Other Books: The Last Grand Master: (Champion of the Gods – Book 1); Purpose: (Un)Masked: Ashes of Life:Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Cover Reveal - Tempt by Rene Folsom

Title – Tempt (A Twisted Wolf Tale)
Series – Red Hot Treats
Author – Rene Folsom
Genre – Paranormal Romance
Publication Date – October 15, 2014
Length (Pages/# Words) – Approximately 130 pages / 20,000 words
Cover Artist – Rene Folsom with Phycel Designs

Deep in the Shrouded Wood, on her way to her granny’s cottage, Rosetta is ambushed by an unseen force. Soon after, she finds herself plagued by strange dreams—visions of a large wolf and a seductive woman beckoning her.
Not knowing what to do with these dreams and the odd changes happening to her body in the waking world, Rosetta sets out to confront whatever lies in the Shrouded Wood, determined to discover the temptations within. But what she finds is beyond anything she could’ve ever imagined… or hoped for.
Get ready to dive into Rosetta’s world and enjoy a new twist on the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood.
This Halloween, something sinfully wicked is coming your way. Give yourself a Red Hot Treat this fall with ten spine-tingling stories sure to warm up your night. Scary just got sexy with TEMPT, part of the Red Hot Treats multi-author series (stands alone for reading enjoyment).
Warning: This supernatural romance novella contains f/f adult situations and is meant for ages 18+.
Find out more on Rene’s website at or Goodreads

Rene Folsom, author of paranormal romance and erotica, lives in Florida with her husband and three kids. She has officially diagnosed herself with creative ADD and often has a million and one writing projects going at once. In addition to writing, she is also a graphic artist who enjoys creating custom book covers for indie authors. She is definitely an artist at heart and would love nothing more than to be elbow deep in clay during her waking hours.
Rene believes that all fiction is based on some form of reality—otherwise we would never have the inspiration or knowledge to dream up the realistic situations we portray with our words. She is proud to say that her personal experiences have been inspirational, though perhaps not always identical to that of her fictional characters. Where reality and fantasy diverge, however, must remain her little secret...


Parker Harris Tour
Cascades of
The Parker Harris Series Book 1
Pages: 259
Publication Date: May 13, 2012
***UPDATED VERSION 07/11/13****
Parker Harris was a normal
teenage girl with a normal teenage life. That was true until two years ago when
she was bitten by a werewolf, forcing her to endure the painful shifting each
month during the full moon. She has kept this secret from everyone she loves.
One day a stranger enters her small town and knows this secret. Nothing ever
happens in the small town of Cascade Idaho, and new people rarely move in, but
its Parker's senior year now and two new faces show up in town. Shortly after their arrival, there is a
brutal murder which becomes the first in Cascades history.
Spells, and Moonlit Tales
The Parker Harris Series Book 2
Pages: 278
Publication Date: December 18, 2012

The Dark
The Parker Harris Series Book 3
Pages: 251
Publication Date: May 5, 2013
This book picks up from
the moment we left off in book two. Quinn received a call from Parker stating
Will is alive. Quinn drops everything to rush to her aid. Will he make it in
time or will his father stop him? Parker and Mitchell's feelings are not going
away and they begin to take a toll on Mitchell's relationship with Jackie.
Everyone seems to have a secret they are keeping from Parker and it seems they
have feel "there's something she should know" and now is the time.
Parker is overwhelmed with all the new information coming her way. Parker's
secret life as a werewolf is on the brink of being exposed.
The Cold Moon
The Parker Harris Series Book #3.5
YA Paranormal
Releasing: Aug 22

Shimmering Pool
The Crispin Sinclair Chronicles Book #1
(spin-off from Parker
YA Fantasy
Releasing: Oct
Crispin Sinclair isn't your average teenage boy. He
inherited precognitive dreams from his mother who died during childbirth. His
other unique quality was inherited from his father; Crispin is a werewolf.
Growing up as a supernatural being in a world that doesn't know they exist is
difficult to say the least. Crispin's been lucky that his family is made up of
supernaturals; witches, vampires, and werewolves. As he begins to obtain his
werewolf abilities, his life will be thrown into turmoil placing everyone he
loves in danger.
Amytha Roberts feels like the most ordinary girl in the
world. She was adopted at age five but not by your traditional idea of parents;
her mom's a werewolf and her dad's a vampire. Amytha's best friend Crispin is a
werewolf with futuristic dream abilities, while she is a normal sixteen year
old girl surrounded by paranormal beings. Stories of Amytha's past begin to
surface causing her family to investigate more into where she came from.
Crispin and Amytha take turns telling this story of being in
a family that you choose, being abnormal in a normal world, and the importance
of friendship. Together they will go on adventures into a faraway place where
they'll encounter new creatures and discover truths they never imagined.
Author Bio
Amy McClung was born in Nashville, TN. She is the second oldest of four girls. She married Daniel McClung in September 2005 and they currently reside just outside of Nashville. She graduated from Father Ryan High School in 1996. In 2002 obtained her general certification in medical coding and billing and in 2009 she obtained a specialty certification in Hospital medical coding and billing. Amy and her husband are both fans of fantasy novels as well as avid movie collectors. The Parker Harris Series is the first series of books by this author. Cascades of Moonlight is Book #1, Dreams, Spells, and Moonlit Tales is Book #2, and The Dark Moon Book #3 and The Cold Moon Book #3.5 a Novella from Mitchell's POV. Her second series is a New Adult Contemporary Romance, The Southern Devotion Series, with each book having as a standalone novel with crossover characters. The first book in that series is For the Love of Gracie. Curves in the Road is her newest release as Book 3 in the NA series. Her favorite past times include watching movies, drawing, and reading fantasy novels. Her first book was a means of therapy for her as it enabled her to escape reality for a while during a difficult transition in her life. Her current work in progress is a spin-off of The Parker Harris Series called "The Crispin Sinclair Chronicles" that will be released in October 2014 as a YA Fantasy series.
Social Links:
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Saturday, October 4, 2014
The Wunder Series Tour

TITLE – DreamZ, The Approach & Reunion and coming soon - Teamwork
SERIES – The Wunder Series (Volume 1)
GENRE – Paranormal romance/zombie-lit
PUBLISHER – Dream Z Dragons Publishing
COVER ARTIST – Wicked Muse

BOOK SYNOPSIS (for Wunder Volume One)
(Contains DreamZ, The Approach, Reunion AND bonus material)
Wunder isn’t your average girl in fact—she isn’t even an average human. In a world ravaged by Zombies, she was born amidst the chaos. She may have a normal life now…well as normal as a freak of nature could have. Part zombie while her job is to hunt bloodthirsty creatures to protect the innocent. It’s the dreams that haunt her and they aren’t nightmares. Wunder dreams of a man, a man made just for her. Is he real, can he be the one she‘s yearned for?
Wunder’s life has been far from perfect so far, secretly being part Zombie in a world devastated by the plague of the walking dead. Still, she knew there was something special awaiting her, someone out there who could change everything and she did find him. Pete is everything she dreamed of and more as she discovers passion and fulfillment for the first time in her life.
Pete has his own secrets to tell. His world is a lonely one as he wrestles with the reality of being part zombie. His hatred for the creatures that killed his parents drives him to patrol the streets and wipe them all out. His life would be stark, but for the dreams he’s been having; of a woman, so sensuous, so sexy. These alluring visions have become erotic and consuming. He feels as if he made her up to keep from going crazy. Is this life of hunting the walking dead, all there is? Or is she out there waiting—just for him?
Now—with the reunion; Wunder’s life turns into a journey of discoveries. Secrets from the past come full circle and her world is changed forever. In the coming chaos, can she keep her new found happiness and the man of her dreams?

Series link (Amazon)
Why? Why the torture? Each and every single night since I became a woman I awaken sweating, panting, hot and bothered from the pure sexual torture. Many times with my hand rubbing my most intimate place. A dream, so many dreams. Each one is different, but all contain the same faceless dark haired stranger.“UGH!”The only things I know for sure is he is tall, has raven black hair, the same color as mine, but much shorter. He has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. Glowing eyes that seem to be able to see into my soul. My heart’s deepest desires and he always grants them to me without pause. It was strange at first, seeing him and yet not. Not being able to make out his facial features, except for his eyes. I got used to it throughout the years, I guess. One thing I DO know, is the way he makes me feel, always!So much passion, heat and desire. He makes me feel beautiful, irreplaceable and wanted in a way, I imagine, every woman wants to feel.Frustration at its finest. This latest dream seemed more realistic than all of the others. I still feel the ripples on my skin from his touch; the most intimate touch I’ve ever experienced, the only touch from a male I’ve had in such a manner. The goose bumps are just starting to go away. His caress is always so sensual and arousing. My mouth is still dry from all of the panting I’ve done, my panties are drenched and my heart is still pounding.No words could ever describe my desire to meet this man of my dreams. That is—if he truly does exist. I’m going to be 25 years old and have zero sexual experience. I’d give anything to feel even a portion of what I’ve felt during these amazingly satisfying yet torturous dreams. Anything!When I finally do get out of bed and stroll towards the bathroom, the floors feel extra cold on my overheated feet. “Definitely starting off with a cold shower.” I turn on the water full blast cold, toss my sleep shirt and panties in the hamper and brace for the shock of cold water against my flesh. “ACK!” Holy crap does it sting. But hey, it works. My body no longer feels the intense heat of arousal, just the residual tingles left after the orgasm, still lingering along my body. I fully submerge after adding some hot water to the mix, when I hear banging on the bathroom door. I jump slightly and slip a bit, almost landing flat on my ass. Luckily, I have fast reflexes and right myself quickly.
He sighs, moving his mouth towards my ear, flicking his tongue out softly and caressing my lobe. I shudder in response feeling flutters low in my belly. “I don’t know if I can wait any longer to have you. I need to taste you—feel you.” Oh my, did my panties just get wet? “Yes!” I say with a heavenly sigh. “Please,” I answer as if he’s offering food while I’ve been starving for days. He uses his tongue superbly to lick all the way down along the column of my throat.Sensuously, he places precise kisses all the way back up, until he hovers over my lips, looking hungrily into my eyes. “I’m going to kiss you now, Wunder. Then, I’m going to take you and make you mine. If you don’t want that? Now, would be the time to tell me.” I’m swaying on my feet, gazing into his eyes—at a loss for words.Finally, I find my voice. “Please.” He takes my mouth with such fervor, my heart pounds harder than after I’ve just run for miles. My legs now feel like over cooked noodles. He holds me tighter, exploring every nook and cranny of my mouth and I answer with the same exploration. He’s making silent promises, grinding his hard length, against my body. I bravely slide my hand from around his neck, down between us, past his chest to cup him through his tight jeans. He groans into my mouth and slowly pulls back to gaze at me questionably. My eyes are still at half-mast, drooping as if they would close on their own accord. I give his jean encased cock a firm squeeze, ‘Yes’ in answer to his question. He takes my hand, tugging it as he moves toward the back of the club. I go willingly. Oh—how I go willingly!
I fall into a slow jog beside Pete, heading the opposite way we came in. I have no idea where we are or where we’re going, so I figure it’s best to find out…“Where are we going?”“Right now, we’re going to try and intercept whatever is coming this way. The vibe is growing stronger in this direction. Do you think you can handle it?”“Of course I can. You should know better than to ask me that. But won’t I be seen in here. Won’t you and dad get—hold on a sec. We don’t even know what it is!”“Trust me Wunder, I know this place like the back of my hand even after only a few months and I also have the cameras handled. No one will see us as long as we stay away from the research sector right now. That’s where they keep most of the infected and do all the tests for cures and such. I didn’t dare touch those cameras. I don’t need to. I only blocked out the ones closest to us. There’s a lot more cameras where we’re headed though. Give me a sec.” He points a finger to his temple, gives me a small smile, then he takes a deep breath and seems to briefly lose focus. His eyes give a quick flash of a green eerie glow.Just like mine do when my emotions are out of whack. I’m fucking confused! What the hell is going on? More damn questions and no time to ask them. Figures, I have the best of luck with everything, don’t I?
(Coming Soon) - Goodreads Link
Their first time as a trio. The team of Tank, Wunder and Pete will face their greatest challenge when they come up against RIP subject number 776, the deadliest Zombie yet. He's unpredictable , smart, full of cunning and has yet to be found.
While they fight for their lives, the heat between Pete and Wunder will blaze out of control.
They will discover powers within themselves brought on by being part zombie. Powers beyond even their wildest imagination.
I had my eyes squeezed closed as I screamed bloody murder. My father ran straight over to me telling me to continue to keep my eyes closed. Of course I didn’t listen. I stood there and watch as he grabbed the infected’s hair, carefully removed the bastard’s teeth from my arm and stuck the dagger straight through his head via the fucker’s ear. The sounds were sickly. I dreamt of that night for years. I was a bit haunted by it, but also fascinated. It was then I decided I did not want a mellow life or job. I wanted to be just like my Dad. A kick ass soldier of good. Well that’s what I thought of him then, so it’s what I went with. I don’t think I was ever far off. These infected are not good news in any way, shape or form and my father, as well as the others he worked with. Fought the bad guys, killed them and helped to slow down the spread of the infection in the area. He, and the others, are heroes in my eyes. Always were and always will be. Once the infected proved truly dead on the spot, my dad freaked out. He thought he was going to lose me. But he was wrong…

Wunder (0.5 DreamZ) - Wunder (#1 The Approach) - Wunder (#2 Reunion)
Wunder (#3 Teamwork) - Wunder Volume One (paperback only)

A.R. was born and raised in Bronx, NY and is the oldest daughter of two girls. She holds an Associate's Degree in Computer Science and Information Technology, which was only briefly used. She's a mother of two entertaining teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry daughter.) She's also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny man-beast. She loves anything dragon and fantasy related. In her free time she enjoys exercising, listening to music, hiking, cooking, dancing and writing. She also loves a great adventure in and out of a book!
She writes to free her mind of its constant wondering and clutter. She thrives on the fact she can share some of it with readers that have the same passion for a great story.
She also loves to hear from her reader's and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.

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What are they? Well, they’re the walking dead, duh! Seriously though, the zombies (aka the infected) in Wunder have been terrorizing the planet for over 30 years. They are gruesome, strong, and much faster than the average zombie you see on television. They are also a lot smarter. They know how to trap their prey and the best way to get them down for the kill. They crave protein due to its ability to strengthen their muscles and improve their physical condition. So, when they attack their prey (humans), they start off with consuming whatever blood they can get and work their way deep, to get to the marrow of their prey’s bones.
The origin of the contagion is not yet known, but it is under constant investigation. Some say it is alien based, something that was brought to the planet by other worldly beings with hopes all humans would die and the aliens would take over, live and flourish as if we were never here. That’s not yet been proven.
Others say, that it was created as a biochemical weapon from one of Russia’s or Korea’s mad scientists that are out for destruction of anywhere but their country, so they can have all control. But those theories are… Just theories, nuff said.
One thing we do know for sure is Wunder is a rarity. How many people do you know that can actually say they are part zombie? Exactly! NONE.
She now fights alongside some others, to help all that are terrorized by the infected to stay alive and uninfected. She doesn’t see them as kin or anything of the like. She sees them as enemies, targets, needing to just be…gone. And that’s what she’s trained to do for a majority of her life. Taught by her 100% human father and his comrades. Kill or be killed!
Tour organized & hosted by:
Friday, October 3, 2014
Perilous Risk by Natasha Blackthorne Tour
Heartbroken and disillusioned, Rebecca Howland is done with all men. Especially noblemen. Past a certain age, she knows her previous life of carnal indulgence and grand adventure is over. Or so she thinks. Back at home, whilst working in her family’s shop, a moment of compassion entangles her in an old battle between two powerful, bitter enemies. A commoner, Rebecca finds herself falsely accused of a heinous act by a vicious member of the aristocracy. In grave peril, she turns to the one man she thinks can help her.
Stephen Drake, now inexplicably Baron Drake, has always desired Rebecca. When she turns to him, he vows to protect her at all costs, especially from the dangerous life he lives. The stakes are high and time is running out for her … and for him as well. Stephen finds himself driven to ruthless actions that threaten to kill the fragile bond between them.
Years ago, Rebecca forbade herself to love Stephen Drake. Now he’s back, no longer the young man she remembers but a dark and dangerous stranger. When he demands a fortnight of her complete submission in return for his protection, his sexual dominance ignites carnal passion that makes her feel alive like never before. But … dare she trust a man with too many secrets?
Natasha Blackthorne 2014
For Adults
18 years of age or older only.
Excerpt from
Perilous Risk
Risks, Book Three
By Natasha
His stare pinned her and she remained rooted to the spot like a cornered
He lowered his head. She felt her eyes widening. Her heart beat harder
and harder, deafening thunder in her ears.
He put his mouth to hers.
She couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t make a move.
Oh, God. Oh, God save me…
His full lips pressed hers, warm, soft, intense. She’d never known a
man’s mouth to be so lushly sensual and yet so deliciously firm. From that
touch, pleasure surged through her, tightening her nipples, and sending sparks
of fire tingling into her belly and outward, all the way down to her toes. She
couldn’t suppress the shudder that wracked her head to foot.
He lifted his head. Then he watched her, closely.
Edginess built inside her, combining with and intensifying the arousal
pulsing in her blood. She licked her lips then let her breath out in a ragged sigh.
“Open to me, Rebecca.”
He’d spoken softly, oh so softly—but the steel beneath the gentleness
sent shivers all over her. And not a little tingling excitement. Unable to bear
the determined heat of his gaze, she stared at the bridge of his elegant straight
nose. Dazed, afraid of him, yes, holy heavens yes, but far more frightened of
the feelings that were rapidly leaping to life within her.
No, this couldn’t be happening. She had kept herself safe all these
years since Jon. No emotionally dangerous entanglements. She was past all of
this. He should be out chasing some young opera dancer tonight. She should be
home, fast asleep in her chaste bed.
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