Friday, January 20, 2017

Claiming My Valentine

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Enter the hot sexy world of New York Times, USA Today, And Award Winning Bestselling Authors!

Tami Lund, Julia Mills, C.D. Gorri, P.T. Macias, P. Mattern, Crystal Dawn, A.R. Von, Savannah Morgan, Audra Hart, Ariel Marie, Josette Reuel, Amanda Kimberley, Heather Kirchhoff, Daniella Whitehorse

Do you like steamy tales of passion, desire, seduction, and love? Step into a steamy romance with Claiming My Valentine, a collection of 14 sexy paranormal stories guaranteed to make your heart pound and your Kindle melt this Valentine's Day . . . .

Explore your deepest desires and hidden fantasies as they come to life in these tempting tales of love! Claiming My Mate features Shifters, Dragons, Werewolves, Bears, Vampires, Fae, Ghosts, Angels, and more!

*All Proceeds go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

~ Purchase Links ~
Amazon US : AU : CA : DE : UK


Table of Contents:

Broken Light, Lightbearer Prequel Part 2 by Tami Lund
Claiming Cupid by Julia Mills
The Dragon’s Valentine by C.D. Gorri
Claiming My Angel by P.T. Macias
Sex Slave to My Vampire Billionaire Stepbrothers: An MC Valentine Romance by P. Mattern
Searching for His Mate by Ariel Marie
Blazing Desire by Crystal Dawn
Heart of Ink by A.R. Von
Hearts, Flowers, & A Dead Husband by Savannah Morgan
Darkheart’s Valentine by Audra Hart
Love Burns by Josette Reuel
Forever Cherished by Amanda Kimberley
Forever Yours by Heather Kirchhoff
A Fae’s Mate by Daniella Whitehorse

The Dragon’s Valentine by C.D. Gorri ~

…..Callius’ golden Dragon eyes landed on each of his brothers. He opened his long snout full of rows of razor sharp teeth and loosed a roar of blue and red flame against the whited-out sky.
He would miss them. They were his flesh, his blood, and his constant companions these five-hundred years. But he understood.
Agreed. Take care, my brothers. As head of our family this is my pledge to you, I will find a castle and I will find a mate! Then I will send for you.
Choose wisely, brother. The diamond rose is special.
Farewell and much luck to you on your quest!
Yes! May you be successful!
Callius and his brothers parted ways. It was a bittersweet parting, but the idea that one day they would be a Clan of their own kept Callius on a steady course. His purpose grew stronger with every passing moment.
Soon an idea of Castle Falk began taking shape in his mind’s eye. Not an old stone mausoleum like the one he came from. No, he wanted something new and modern. With a pool! Ha! That would be something!
But first things first, he reminded himself.
Find a mate and claim her.
“Dammit,” Fred struggled under the three cases of booze she lugged up the cellar stairs to The Thirsty Dog.
Being a Werewolf had its perks, but none of them helped her as she banged her elbow on the door frame while exiting the musty old cellar. If anything, she only hit it harder. Ouch!
It wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t see over the cases of long necks, was it? What could she do about her height? Not a damn thing!
So, she was kind of short for a Werewolf. She stood about five-foot five inches tall. Cool for a normal, but next to her six foot plus Packmates, she was tiny.
Her weight was good, she remained a solid buck forty, mostly muscle, and that was without working out. She got enough exercise between her two jobs and full moon runs with the Pack.
Yup. She was one busy woman. But that’s how she liked it. Keep moving, stay busy, no worries. That was something her older brother used to say…”

Claiming My Angel by P. T. Macias ~

“Hell, fucking hell!”
Jared drinks down the last of the whiskey in the glass. He sits on the bar stool watching the dance floor. He looks up and gazes into Angel’s beautiful glowing violet eyes. He frowns and turns around.
Angelique smiles, her small even white teeth gleam, and her dimples flash. She walks anxiously towards Jared; she extends her long legs in a graceful gait. Her beautiful long shiny black hair flows down her back past her waist. The coral dress drapes softly over her luscious curves.
Her smile freezes on her face as she sees him turn away from her. Her glowing violet eyes tear up, and she turns away blushing. Her translucent white shimmering skin looks like a pink pearl. She takes short quick steps, her back straight, and her head held high. She walks over to her friends blinking rapidly to clear her violet tears away.
“What the fuck! I can’t stay away from her, I see her everywhere, and this is insane. She’s a fucking Angel! How in the hell could I even think of touching her again!”
He runs his left hand through his dark locks and clenches his right hand. He narrows his eyes and looks at her through the mirror behind the bar.
I can’t allow them to see me cry because they don’t have a clue that I love Jared McKenzie. Geeze, my best friend Cindi is his sister, and I don’t have the nerve even to mention it.
The moment that I looked into his beautiful gray eyes, I fell in love. I was his, and the incredible bonding happened. Our souls are one. Mercy, he’s my mate.
I was sent by the Angel sentinel to heal him. I monitor his fragile soul; I poured some mystical love and life into him. I nurtured him back to life when he was dying in that cave alone.

Blazing Desire by Crystal Dawn ~

Fancher breathed in the sweet scent of the bubble bath mixing in with the aroma of Skye’s arousal and their combined scent from their recent joining. Everything was perfect right now if he didn’t think about what the future might bring.
He stepped into the tub first because he knew it would be a little slippery and he intended to help her in. He held out his hand and she took it so he could hold her steady.
She shivered in his arms as he helped her to slide down into the tub before he slid down behind her. It felt wonderful to be in the hot relaxing water with Skye’s back presses up against him. If she would just move up and sit on his lap it would feel even better.
He poured some soap in his hands and lathered up. His hands massaged her shoulders and she moaned and relaxed. He continued down her back and then worked on the other side.
“That feels amazing.” She admitted.
“I like the feeling of your silky skin under my fingers too. Do you want to sit on my lap?”
“Why? Do you have a surprise for me?” She teased.
“I do and it’s a big one.” He chuckled.

Forever Cherished by Amanda Kimberly ~

Through physical and emotional struggles Keme and Chepi will unite two opposing tribes with love.

“My name is Wisakachek, and I have lost my way from my tribe. It is now too dark for me to travel. Would you mind if I camp with you for the evening?”
“No not at all. Please join us.” Keme said.
“Thank you. I was going to try to press on, but I smelled your dinner and the delicious aroma compelled me to stop. You see, I have been traveling for a couple of days and I have not had luck finding anything to eat.”
“There is a bear claiming the deer meat around here, I am afraid.” Keme stated flatly. “You can have some of ours.”
“Do you have a little to spare for my tribe? I was the one hunting, and like I said, it’s been awfully hard to hunt.”
Keme did not want to give up the little meat they had for the tribe, but he was confident that the gods would provide them with meat by dawn. “Yes. We can share some of the hunt with you.”
“But Keme—”
Keme raised his hand to Matchitehew before he finished his sentence.
“You are both too kind. In exchange for your kindness, I would like to offer you a gift in return.” Wisakachek said.
“A gift?”
“Yes. I’d like to offer you the power to hunt for your tribe without the fear of being hunted yourself.”
“And how do you propose that? Are you a magical medicine man or something?” Matchitehew chuckled.
“Something like that, yes.” Wisakachek said with a smile as he continued, “I am the spirit god who is the guardian over an ancient and magical art known as shape-shifting.”
“Shape-shifting? You mean like being able to change yourself into anything at will?” Keme persisted.
“Not exactly. The art of shape-shifting is the animal form of a wolf.”
Keme’s eyes widened.
“A wolf is a powerful creature! It can bring almost any creature to its knees! Maybe not the grizzly that has been giving us trouble, but a wolf is powerful. I could harness its power to feed my entire village! They would never go hungry again. That would be wonderful!”

Love Burns by Josette Reuel ~

Can a dragon claim Hyacinth's heart this Valentine's Day or will love burn her, yet again?

Just over a year ago, Hyacinth’s life had imploded. Her then fiancé and now ex, Tom, was found in flagrante delicto with the next door neighbor. There was a time that Hy would’ve said that she and Tom had a future, but when she ended the relationship she was more embarrassed than sad. Since the breakup, Tom seemed to find every possible reason to bother her – unnecessary meetings with her boss and eating lunch at her favorite restaurants – and reminded her that she would never find anyone to love her overly ample frame.
Even though she was better without him, it had been difficult when she packed up and moved from where she had lived with Tom. She had been comfortable in her life with him.
Since the breakup, she simply went to work, went to the bookstore, the grocery store, and home. As a foster child, she had grown up in many different homes, so even today she had few friends. It was a learned mechanism for her, distancing herself from others kept her from getting hurt. Somehow Tom had forced himself past her barriers and she had broken rule one in her survival guide. Hyacinth was determined not to let it happen again.
Then it did. Lightning struck. That day six months ago when her gaze lifted from her computer screen and fell into the deep blue eyes of a god.
The sizzle that sped up and down her body was everything Hy had ever read about love at first sight. Her heart raced so fast that it felt like it would burst from her chest. Her mouth went dry and she became a blathering fool.


Hyacinth Seirres had just typed the salutation of Mr. Trollmann’s letter when the chime alerted her to someone entering the office. She quickly saved the file and placed her hands on her desktop, ready to help their visitor.
Her gaze slid over her desk and landed on tailored black dress pants, which were not unusual for her boss’ clients, but when her eyes roamed up the dark wool covered legs the journey lasted longer than average, which was unusual when compared to the average men she normally spoke with. The man standing in front of her could not be described as average in any way. He was extremely tall, well built, and dressed immaculately. Continuing her visual journey, she encountered a trim waist and a silky cotton green shirt before finally landing on a masculine face. Hy’s perusal of the man only took a few seconds, but when she gazed into the deep ocean depths of the man’s eyes, time lost all meaning.
Desire raged through Hyacinth’s body and her mouth went dry as flames caressed over her skin.
“I’m here to see Mr. Trollmann.”
The hum of the deep vibrato soothed her.
“Miss?” She watched in stunned silence as a hand reached forward and a single finger caressed under her chin. “Are you alright?” He asked as his finger applied pressure and pushed her mouth closed.
“Brann Drahgue!” Mr. Trollmann rushed from his office and clasped the man in one of those classic man hugs. “It’s been ages since I’ve spoken to you, what brings you to my humble corner of the world?”
Laughter rang out through the room.
“I wish it was for a visit, but I need your services.”
“Come this way.” Hy’s boss now wore a grim expression as he waved his friend to precede him. “Hyacinth, please hold my calls.”
It wasn’t until the office door clicked shut that Hy felt her brain reboot. That was when several intense emotions surfaced in rapid fire succession.
Mortification. Desire. Lust. Embarrassment. Curiosity. And, a feeling of rightness that she had never felt before took hold and wrapped her tightly in its comforting embrace. All for someone she just met.

Forever Yours by Heather Kirchhoff ~

I spin around, stalking away from them. I’m not paying attention to where I’m going, and I accidentally run into someone. I step backwards, almost losing my balance, but the person grabs a hold of me. His touch feels very warm. It almost felt like there was something more…but it’s more likely just my imagination.
“I’m sorry,” I mutter as embarrassment rushes into me. I look up at who I ran into, and my face suddenly feels hot.
He has shaggy black hair, with dark green eyes. His skin is a light tan. His cheekbones are sharp, while his jaw is square. His lips are thin. He must be about six feet tall compared to my five eight. His arms are well defined, but they aren’t overly muscular. I can only imagine what his body is like underneath his turquoise T-shirt and black jeans.
Whoa, slow down there, I think to myself, shaking my head as I try to clear my thoughts. No need to go that far.
“Are you okay there, princess?”
It takes me a minute to realize I’m staring at him with wide eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if my mouth was dropped opened wide, with drool pooling out of it.
He looks irresistible.
Like, the kind of guy I never thought I’d see in person.
My heart stops beating as soon as his eyes meets mine. My mouth feels dry all of a sudden, and I can’t find any words.
He smirks at me, and throws me a wink. Oh man. My stomach flips upside down when he does that.

Stalk the Authors Here:

~ Christine Gorri ~

~ Amanda Kimberley ~

~ AR Von ~

~ Tami Jarecki Lund ~

~ Heather Kirchhoff ~

~ P.T. Macias ~

~ Ariel Marie ~

~ Josette Reuel ~

~ Crystal Dawn ~

~ Savannah Morgan ~

~ Daniella Whitehorse ~

~ Audra Hart ~

~ Julia Mills ~

~ P. Mattern~

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Always Love Me Some Books: #Excerpt & #Teasers: Claiming My Valentine Antholo...

Always Love Me Some Books: #Excerpt & #Teasers: Claiming My Valentine Antholo...: Enter the hot sexy world of New York Times, USA Today, And Award Winning Bestselling Authors! Tami Lund, Julia Mills, C.D. Gorri, P....
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