Monday, January 31, 2011
It's Time to Vote!
It's time to vote for February's Monthly Book Giveaway. The poll is on the left sidebar and bellow are your book choices. Click on the picture to learn more about each book.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog - Diana @ Book Of Secrets
Lets welcome Diana @ Book of Secrets for this weeks "Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog."
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :)
Thanks for having me here, Danielle! A little about me: I'm a married mother of two, and I just turned the big 4-0!! My kids are 5 (girl) and 3 (boy). They go to school half-days, so morning is when I have a few extra minutes for blogging! I have two book blogs: Book of Secrets (mainly romance), and The Forbidden Bookshelf (erotica) that I share with Tanya from Among the Muses.
The one juicy thing I have to share is not about me personally, but it's about my relatives who are actors. My sister-in-law plays the waitress Arlene on the show True Blood, and my brother-in-law played Ben Linus on Lost. (They're married.) Pretty cool, huh? I think my daughter got their acting gene. She loves to perform!
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted?
As a young child I wasn't a big fan of reading. I read books when required at school. I started reading for pleasure as a teenager. My grandmother and I would share Jackie Collins' books!! (My mom didn't know. LOL!) My grandmother was the one who got me addicted to reading. She always had a book close by.
3. What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?
Romances were my first love. I went through a mystery phase, then fantasy. I always come back to romances. With so many subgenres of romance to choose from, I never get bored.
4. What are your favorite genres now?
Within the romance genre, my favorites are paranormal, historical, suspense, and contemporary erotic.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
I'm not a fan of sci-fi, though I did just read a book called Demon's Captive that fell into this genre, and it was very good. However, it was more about the relationship between the characters and not about the technical mumbo jumbo. Also, the Young Adult genre does not appeal to me. I read the Twilight series, and well, that was enough for me.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
I don't think I could guess the number. I'm not a fast reader, so I'm sure it's much less than most book addicts. Last year I read 69 books, and I'm hoping to reach 100 this year.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
I'd say 2 - 3 days, though it just depends on the craziness going on in my life at the time!
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :)
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :)
I've tried using formulas, but I can't find one that works for every book. I usually do a brief summary (unless the book blurb is really good). Then I go into what I liked or didn't like, the strengths and weaknesses. I don't care for overly gushy or snarky reviews, so I try to keep it honest and informative to my readers and respectful to the author.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?
Sometimes. Let's just say if a cover looks cheap and cheesy, I probably won't buy it, unless someone I trust tells me it's really good.
10. What are you reading now?
10. What are you reading now?
I'm reading the anthology Playing Easy to Get. Kresley Cole's story, "The Warlord Wants Forever," is on one of my reading challenges this year.
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback or eBook
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks! Never damage a book!
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult only.
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore
Reading glasses or No glasses? No glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks
Beach or Mountain? Mountain to live, beach to visit
Vampire or Werewolf? Werewolf
Hot or Flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book
Contemporary or Historical? Both equally
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback or eBook
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks! Never damage a book!
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult only.
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore
Reading glasses or No glasses? No glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks
Beach or Mountain? Mountain to live, beach to visit
Vampire or Werewolf? Werewolf
Hot or Flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book
Contemporary or Historical? Both equally
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Author Spotlight & Giveaway featuring Elle Jasper
Let's Welcome,
Elle Jasper! I am so happy and excited to have her on my blog for a author spotlight today. She has also generously offered a sign copy of Afterlight for one lucky winner.
I have to tell you that Elle's book Afterlight is the best book I read in 2010 and continues to be number one this year. So, if you haven't read this book yet its a must for paranormal romance and urban fantasy fans.
1. I know you get asked this question over and over but can you tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something juicy. ;) Lol, I think I'm the most unjuciest person alive! I love to travel (Scotland, England, Wales my fave so far), I love to read (YA, anything Stephen King, horror), and I love photography (see my website--I have a photoshow of Riley's Savannah that I shot). I really want to go to Eastern Europe, especially Romania! I LOVE to bake and alter recipes. I write totally romantic ghost romance/mysteries under the pen name Cindy Miles! I'm a registered nurse. Ummm...see? No juice! Lol!
2. When did you first start writing? Are you a full time author or do you do it on the side? I started writing after I graduated college and started reading for pleasure again. I read, read, and read, until one day, THE VOICES BEGAN (lol!). I started thinking up plots/characters of my own. I searched
online for a writers group and discovered Romance Writers of America, and joined. I searched the Net a little more and found an online writer's critique group that I joined and found my best friend, author Kim Lenox! 7 years later I obtained an agent, and a year after that I sold my first book in 2006 to NAL under the pen name Cindy Miles. I write full time now, but still work part time as a cardiac nurse.
3. How long does it normally take you to write a average book? A good first draft usually takes me about 3 months. I write well under pressure though and I've written one in 17 days before. EEK!
4. Do you have any writing habits such as chocolate, wine, nights vs, days? I definitely am an early morning writer! Usually up at least by 5am, and try to wrap up for the day by 3 or 4, with breaks and stuff in between. :)
5. What do you think makes a story great? Fully fleshed out, 3-dimentional, believable characters you can connect with.
6. Can you describe your book "Afterlight" in one sentence? A hard-knock, rehabilitated tattoo artist delves into Savannah, Georgia's dark side into a world of vampires to save her baby brother from becoming one of the undead. Lol!
7. I don't love Urban Fantasy because of the lack of romance sometimes, but I loved your book and I thought you did a great job of keeping it hot. How are you planning to keep it hot in the future? Thank you so much! I prefer to have romance mixed in to almost everything I read, or watch on a movie, so as I was creating the Afterlight series I held on to a certain theme that I used with my Cindy Miles books--"soul mate". Riley and Eli are meant to be together!
8. There are so many questions about book #2 I want to ask but I know you can't answer so I'll try to keep it easy. When will book #2 be released? June 7, 2011! :) Just shy of 4 months away!
8. Will Riley and Eli remain the main characters? Yes--Riley and Eli will remain the main characters throughout the series as it is a continuation series, all told in Riley's voice.
9. Will Riley become a vampire? And what does the future hold for Riley's brother? Lol, now that can't give away! But I will say that Riley's brother will continue to play an intricate part in the series as well. I love Seth! (I used the adorable Logan Lerman as my "model" for Seth)
10. What else can you tell us? I love getting reader mail, so stop by my website, join my newsletter and get ready for some up-coming contests for the release of Everdark! Also, join me on Twitter and Facebook! And thanks so much for having me here!
In order to learn more about Elle and her series please check out her website and you can find links to twitter, her blog, facebook and you can sign up for her newsletter. Just Click Here .
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Challenge Giveaway Reminder! - Please Read
This is a reminder to all the participants in my 2011 Historical Romance Challenge that you only have 4 days to post your review using the Mister Linky here. Also, anyone who has not signed up for the challenge yet you also have only 4 days to get signed up. To sign up click here.
I currently have 67 people signed up for the challenge and only 17 people have posted their review for this month. If you do not post a review this month you will not be entered into the monthly giveaway and you need all 12 entries to enter the grand prize at the end of the challenge. So lets get reading!! All sign ups are over on January 31st so that the monthly prize will be for only for the people who signed up and are participating to make it fair to those that are actually participating.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Guest Post - Susan Mann
I was honoured to be asked to do a Guest Post for Danielle at Romance Book Junkies on her amazing blog. I normally blog over at SusanKMann which is my own blog, where I blog about my life as a mother of two gorgeous boys, being a wife, working, book reviews and my writing when I can. It’s a little varied to say the least. Come by for a visit sometime.
I thought I would write my guest post on one of my favourite book series, Of Witches and Warlocks by Lacey Weatherford.
Of Witches and Warlocks, is a series of books written by my favourite author Lacey Weatherford. She is an amazing and talented writer, not to mention a wonderful wife and fantastic mother to six, yes six children. How she finds the time to write as well I will never know, but I’m grateful she does.
Lacey has created a strong, role model worth, protagonist called Portia Mullins. Portia is an ordinary teenager, living an ordinary life until she reaches her sweet sixteen birthday. Instead of being given a dress or some frivolous gift, she is told she is a witch. A very powerful witch at that. She is a descendant form a long line of witches and warlocks on her father’s side.
Her Grandmother is the high priestess of a coven, in which she meets Vance Magnum. A leather clad, motorbike riding, bad boy. Who turns out to be her soul mate, they are destined to be together. But fate, throws a few spanners in the works.
The chemistry and romance is breathtakingly deep, as Portia struggles to balance love, life, magic, family and being a teenager.
There are currently three books in the series, with a fourth and potentially fifth still to come.
Book 1:- The Trouble with Spells – Is about Portia finding out she is a witch. Her struggles fitting in at school, becoming a witch and a new hot boyfriends, who’s past comes back to haunt him. Can love conquer all?
Book 2:- Demon Kiss - There was a lot more action in this book, which kept me gripped. I didn't want this book to end but the build-up, kept me reading on. There is laughter, friendship, love and tragedy in the book, there is something for everyone. And a gorgeous big diamond ring.
Book 3:- Blood of a White Witch – The majority of this book is set in Scotland, which is my homeland so I love it even more. Portia grows as a person in the book, her love for Vance grows and she realises, nothing or no-one will stop her from spending the rest of her life with him. Vance finds out more about his past, where he comes from and what he may become. No matter what life throws at him, his loyalty, strength and passion for Portia never falters.
I cannot recommend this series enough, if you love the paranormal like me and love romances then these books are for you.
My favourite quote from Vance to Portia; "You will never be my servant. We are partners, equal to one another in this relationship. I will never do anything to dominate you.” Now who wouldn't want this sensitive, motorbike riding, leather clad, and smoking hot demon.
Check out the Of Witches and Warlocks website for more details on the books. Or my blog has reviews of each of the published books.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Review: "Wild Heart" by Lori Brighton
by: Lori Brighton
Genre: Historical Romance with a touch of paranormalPages: ebook,320 pages
Author's Website:
Source: Author in exchange for an honest review
Published: November 2009 by Zebra
Goodreads Blurb:
Wanton. . .Leo Roberts is next in line for an earldom and the power and fortune that come with it, but he is uncultured, unrefined--and completely untamed. . .until governess Ella Finch arrives upon the scene. Can so young and inexperienced a woman tutor him in the manners and mores of his class? Leo's mysterious past has rendered him an outsider, too wild for polite society. But he finds her innocence most intriguing. . .
What manner of man he may be, Ella does not know. Yet he fascinates her and she must know more. Capturing Leo's reckless heart is about to free her in ways she never dreamed of. . .and his sensual touch releases the deepest yearnings of her body and soul. . .
"A first-class debut. Lori Brighton is a bright new voice to watch closely." --Hannah Howell
My Review:
Another enjoyable read from author Lori Brighton. This exciting tale is based on a man that has survived as a child in the Indian jungle after his parents were killed and now his grandfather wants to groom him into a gentleman. Through the whole story your constantly wondering what kind of trouble he is going to get into. He is anything but a gentleman. His grandfather hires a governess named Ella to try and teach him what he needs to know in order to be a gentleman. From history to the proper use of your utensils. She was assuming her students would be children and she is very shocked to learn that its a full grown man. Much less a very handsome man.
Lori did a great job of making the story flow naturally. The plot developed at a steady pace. I never felt bored and I was constantly wanting to see what Leo was going to do next. Although it did seem like it was rather easy for him to get Ella naked. The characters were cute and the story had a good plot but I didn't really connect with the characters so they didn't elicit any emotions in me which I love about a great book. For this I gave the book 3 hearts instead of 4 or 5.
I would definitely recommend this book to historical romance fans. It was a really cute story with some of sexually explicit scenes but not many. I enjoyed this book but I have to say it doesn't compare to her fabulous paranormal book I read previously.
Overall rating:
Sex rating:
This is a added rating system to grade the sexual content in the book. The system goes from 1 - 5 lighting bolts.
Teaser Tuesdays
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
My Teaser:
"What the hell was I doing checking out an angel's package when I'm about to die."
"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten, I was already dead."
Monday, January 24, 2011
Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog - Alexa @ Pages of Forbidden Love
Lets welcome Alexa @ Pages of Forbidden Love for this weeks "Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog."
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :)
I'm Alexa, I'm a 20 year old college student studying Nuclear Medicine. Right now most of you are looking at me funny because most people don't know that nuclear medicine is just a fancy title for the techs who run the MRI, CT, and PET scans. Hmm somthing juicy, this isn't too juicy but the first adult romance book I read was Wicked Pleasure by Lora Leigh and well sometimes I just have to read adult romances because the teen novels aren't steamy enough.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted?
I would say on and off since high school and I became officially addicted about 3-4 years ago when I started my now huge book collection.
3. What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?
I started off reading YA because well I was a young teen so I wasn't ready for the heavy adult romances yet. I have always loved romance though and probably always will.
4. What are your favorite genres now?
I still read a lot of YA but I have also added paranormal and historical adult romance to my list. Once in a while I read some sci-fi or urban fantasy novels.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
I would have to say women's fiction, it is just too much like real life for me to get into the stories of 40 year old women just complaining about everyday life. I get enough complaints in real life so women's fiction just sort of annoies me.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
Oh goodness probably around 500.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
Well I do have a job and I'm going to college so I don't have huge amounts of spare time but I usually can finish a book in 3-7 days depending on what is going on.
8. What is your review style?
I don't have a big style I just try to post a summary of the book, then I like to talk about the book's plot. I add some of my personal touches on what I liked and what I didn't and then give it an overall star rating.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?
I like beautiful covers, who doesn't but they don't hold tons of power over me. I pick books up that I have heard great things about or if an author lives in my area and I know I can meet them.
10. What are you reading now?
I'm reading a YA novel called Will Work for Prom Dress by Aimee Ferris
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Either
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore
Reading glasses or No glasses? No glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks
Beach or Mountain? Mountain
Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire
Hot or Flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book 1st
Contemporary or Historical? Historical
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Tear Jerker
Hottie of the Week
Its Monday and that means its time for our Hottie of the Week. If you have any special request for Hottie of the Week be sure to leave me a comment with your suggestion.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday!!
Calling all 18 and over book bloggers, are you looking for more bloggers like yourself? Well please join in so we can tag along with each other. This is for a specific group and your blog needs to primarily have book reviews and post adult book content. In other words, if you read books like erotic and adult romance and have adult pic., then you can play tag along. Sorry YA readers, but if you read both (I know some of you do) you can tag along also. Just make sure you have both YA and adult romance on your blog.
I wanted to do this not only for myself, but for others out there that are looking for more adult book blogs.
It doesn't matter what you read if its paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then your in.
You don't have to have blog to join in on the fun. If you like adult content books, please click on a link and if you like the blog then follow that blog. You can comment on there post that you found them from the tag along.
1.Make a post for your blog to direct people to this post, you will find a code for the pic on my left sidebar. That way we get more bloggers involved.
2. Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky
3. Then add your post that you made place that ULR in the second box.
4. When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment on the post the blogger made, so they can tag along to your blog.
This meme is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance. To join in and get the details go to Laurie's blog.
I wanted to do this not only for myself, but for others out there that are looking for more adult book blogs.
It doesn't matter what you read if its paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then your in.
You don't have to have blog to join in on the fun. If you like adult content books, please click on a link and if you like the blog then follow that blog. You can comment on there post that you found them from the tag along.
1.Make a post for your blog to direct people to this post, you will find a code for the pic on my left sidebar. That way we get more bloggers involved.
2. Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky
3. Then add your post that you made place that ULR in the second box.
4. When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment on the post the blogger made, so they can tag along to your blog.
This meme is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance. To join in and get the details go to Laurie's blog.
Happy Friday!! January 21st
Welcome to my blog!
It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday.
Please look around and join in the fun..
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter.
Have a great weekend!
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.

Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.
Happy Follow Friday!!
Do you judge a book by the cover?
This week I picked "Wither" by Lauren DeStefano.
I chose this one because I think its beautiful and vintage looking yet it has the computer technology added in with the layout circles and connections. I have this book already and hope I get to read it soon.You have to keep in mind that all the covers look better in real life. :)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Winner of "Crazy" by Eve Langlais
Its time to annouce the winner of "Crazy" by Eve Langlais in PDF format.
And the winner is.................................

Congratulations!! Yadkny will be sent the ebook from the author. She will be sending it to the email address provided in your comment.
And the winner is.................................
Didn't Win??
You can purchases a copy here:
Voting is Over! January Monthly Book Giveaway - Enter Now!
Its time for me to announce the book with the most votes in the poll.
It is............................
Shadowfever won with 39.71% of the vote. So it will be up for grabs this month in the Monthly Book Giveaway. Enter Below.
It is............................
Shadowfever won with 39.71% of the vote. So it will be up for grabs this month in the Monthly Book Giveaway. Enter Below.
1. This giveaway is international as long as Book Depositry ships to your country. If your not sure go to their website and check before entering.
2. You have until Jan. 31st to enter.
3.If I don't hear back from you within 48 hours I will be drawing a new winner.
To enter:
It is going to be easy this month. All I am requiring is two things
1.You be a follower and old followers get an extra entry.
2. Fill out the form below.
That's it!
Teaser Tuesdays
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
Monday, January 17, 2011
I have a guest today! BLHmistress @ Book Lover's Hideaway
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Were are you from? How old are you? Any kids? etc.
Well , its amazing how hard this question is when you have to answer it lol. I am a 42 year old divorced mother of one 13 year old boy. Besides reading my other love is music -been a Bon Jovi fan for 27 years . One regret I have is not finishing college- my major was Music and Video Business. I always wondered where I would have been if I had actually graduated.
2. Tell us about your blog. What can we expect?
To be truthful when I started Book Lover's Hideaway, I thought I would just be posting reviews , upcoming releases of my favorite books, I never dreamed I would be a part of a book tour as well doing reviews for authors that are new to me. I am having a blast doing it as well as meeting new people and becoming friends. As for what can you expect , well I hope to have some giveaways as well as more reviews, interviews as I hope to have some guest posts as well.
3. When did you start reading? And when did you become addicted?
I started reading when I was in elementary school- with my dad being in the army and we moved all the time books became my friends. I would say I have been addicted since then.
I started reading when I was in elementary school- with my dad being in the army and we moved all the time books became my friends. I would say I have been addicted since then.
4. What genre did you start reading first or have you always read romance novels?
I would say children's books, Black Beauty was my favorite when I was younger, once I became a teenager is when I started to read romance novels.
I would say children's books, Black Beauty was my favorite when I was younger, once I became a teenager is when I started to read romance novels.
5. What is your favorite genre now?
This is hard because its a toss up between Paranormal and Historical Romance.
6. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
Not really though I don't really care for Nonfiction -it has to really grab me or be a topic I enjoy for me to read.
Not really though I don't really care for Nonfiction -it has to really grab me or be a topic I enjoy for me to read.
7. If you had to guess how many books do you think you have read in your lifetime?
I honestly don't know if I had to guess 500 probably more though.
I honestly don't know if I had to guess 500 probably more though.
8.How long does it take for you to read a normal sized book?
Depends, if I am totally engrossed one day if Real life interferes a couple days to week.
Depends, if I am totally engrossed one day if Real life interferes a couple days to week.
9. What is your favortie books and authors? (I know this could be a tough one)
This is tough and could be long but I will try and keep it as short as I can.
Sherrilyn Kenyon-Dark Hunter Series
J.R. Ward- Black Dagger Brotherhood Series
Larissa Ione- Demonica Series
Cassie Edwards- Savage series
Madeline Baker/Amanda Ashley- all her books
Alyssa Day- Warriors of Poseidon series
Gena Showalter- Lords of the Underworld and Altantis series
Kresley Cole- Immortals After Dark series
Lara Adrian - Midnight Breed Series
Alexandra Ivy-Guardians of Eternity Series
Recent authors I found:
Tina Folsom- A Touch of Greek
Stacey Kennedy- The Magical Sword Series
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult Novels
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore
Reading glasses or No glasses? No glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? Snacks- popcorn
Beach or Mountain? Beach
Vampire or Werewolf? Can I say both okay, Vampire
Hot or Flirty? Hot and Flirty sorry can't choose here.
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book 1st
Contemporary or Historical? Historical
Thank you Danielle for having me.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog - Me
I have been doing this interview with a few of my fellow bloggers and I was thinking you might be interested in hearing a little something about me. So, here is my "Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog". If anyone would like to be featured on my blog for this interview just leave a comment saying so.
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :) You can read my “About me “ in my sidebar to read a little about me. Something juicy? Hmmmm. My brother-n-law is 47 and in a wheel chair with Down’s Syndrome that we took into our home last year. So I am his main care giver and its not easy.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted? I have been reading nonstop since I was about 7 years old. I remember when I finished my first book from beginning to the end and how excited I was. I haven’t stopped yet. I love to read and buy books and the only thing that could keep me from that escape is if I went blind.
3. What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels? In the beginning I read a lot of R.L. Stine, Goosebumps type books. When I got older I read mostly horror and suspense. Then about 8 years ago I started reading romance starting with a lot of Danielle Steel books until I stumbled across paranormal romance and I was hooked.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted? I have been reading nonstop since I was about 7 years old. I remember when I finished my first book from beginning to the end and how excited I was. I haven’t stopped yet. I love to read and buy books and the only thing that could keep me from that escape is if I went blind.
3. What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels? In the beginning I read a lot of R.L. Stine, Goosebumps type books. When I got older I read mostly horror and suspense. Then about 8 years ago I started reading romance starting with a lot of Danielle Steel books until I stumbled across paranormal romance and I was hooked.
4. What are your favorite genres now? My favorite genre is paranormal romance and historical romance because I can escape to these other worlds and pasts.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why? I don’t care for Contemporary Romance because I have enough problems in my life I don’t want read about someone else’s. I find it hard to escape. I am also on the fence when it comes to YA books. There are some I love such as the Twilight series, Hunger Games and Vampire Academy. But most YA are too prudish and immature. I like my books hot. J
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be? This is a hard question. Hmmm. I’m probably getting close to a thousand. I fluctuate my reading habits so sometimes I can only read one per month and sometimes I can read 5 books in a month.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? I can sometimes read a book in a couple of days and sometimes it can take me weeks to finish one depending on the book.
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :) I actually have a form I fill out after I read a book and I include as much info as possible about the book. I also have some basic questions I have on the form about the books characters, plot etc.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? I am soooo drawn to a books cover its bad. I am a sucker for a beautiful or amazing cover.
10. What are you reading now? “Wild Heart” by Lori Brighton
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Both it is not a big deal to me. I also like ebooks
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks all the way.
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult
Library or Bookstore? Library
Reading glasses or No glasses? Reading glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? Snack usually chocolate.
Beach or Mountain? Beach
Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire
Hot or Flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book first always =)
Contemporary or Historical? Historical
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Both
Saturday, January 15, 2011
2011 Historical Romance Challenge - IMPORTANT REMINDER
It is very important that all participants let me know if they live in the USA, or another country. Especially international participants because I won't know whether to save your entries for international giveaways during the year and you could miss out on having that extra edge. If you do not let me know I will be using your monthly entry into the giveaway for that month and you will not receive a prize (if that month is a US only giveaway).Sorry :( If this is confusing please leave a comment with whatever questions you may have and I will help you.
Everyone please leave a comment here stating whether you live in the US or another country.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday!!
Calling all 18 and over book bloggers, are you looking for more bloggers like yourself? Well please join in so we can tag along with each other. This is for a specific group and your blog needs to primarily have book reviews and post adult book content. In other words, if you read books like erotic and adult romance and have adult pic., then you can play tag along. Sorry YA readers, but if you read both (I know some of you do) you can tag along also. Just make sure you have both YA and adult romance on your blog.
I wanted to do this not only for myself, but for others out there that are looking for more adult book blogs.
It doesn't matter what you read if its paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then your in.
You don't have to have blog to join in on the fun. If you like adult content books, please click on a link and if you like the blog then follow that blog. You can comment on there post that you found them from the tag along.
1.Make a post for your blog to direct people to this post, you will find a code for the pic on my left sidebar. That way we get more bloggers involved.
2. Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky
3. Then add your post that you made place that ULR in the second box.
4. When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment on the post the blogger made, so they can tag along to your blog.
This meme is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance. To join in and get the details go to Laurie's blog.
I wanted to do this not only for myself, but for others out there that are looking for more adult book blogs.
It doesn't matter what you read if its paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then your in.
You don't have to have blog to join in on the fun. If you like adult content books, please click on a link and if you like the blog then follow that blog. You can comment on there post that you found them from the tag along.
1.Make a post for your blog to direct people to this post, you will find a code for the pic on my left sidebar. That way we get more bloggers involved.
2. Place your blogs name in the first box of the Linky
3. Then add your post that you made place that ULR in the second box.
4. When you find a blog that you like to follow please leave comment on the post the blogger made, so they can tag along to your blog.
This meme is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance. To join in and get the details go to Laurie's blog.
Happy Friday!! January 14th
Welcome to my blog!
It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday.
Please look around and join in the fun..
I haven't participated in the last 2 weeks but I'm back. We had a death in the family so everything got a little crazy.
I haven't participated in the last 2 weeks but I'm back. We had a death in the family so everything got a little crazy.
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter.
Have a great weekend!
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.
"Why do you read the genre that you do? What draws you to it?"I read mostly paranormal and history romance to escape the current times. That is also why I don't read contemporaries.

Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.
What makes up your non-human family??
My pets of course. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. But my favorite is my Chihuahua. But don't tell the others. *shhhh* lol
Happy Follow Friday!!
Do you judge a book by the cover?
Here is my pick for this weeks beautiful cover.
Why I picked this book cover?
I absolutely love this cover! I don't really read many YA books but this one has my attention. =) What do you think?
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