Welcome to my blog!
It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday.
Please look around and join in the fun..
I haven't participated in the last 2 weeks but I'm back. We had a death in the family so everything got a little crazy.
I haven't participated in the last 2 weeks but I'm back. We had a death in the family so everything got a little crazy.
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter.
Have a great weekend!
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.
"Why do you read the genre that you do? What draws you to it?"I read mostly paranormal and history romance to escape the current times. That is also why I don't read contemporaries.

Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.
What makes up your non-human family??
My pets of course. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. But my favorite is my Chihuahua. But don't tell the others. *shhhh* lol
Happy Follow Friday!!
I like to read what ever peaks my interest at the time. I go from The Last Song to The Anita Blake Series, nonfiction to erotica. Yes, everything.
Today I posted a review of a grand Steampunkery Book! Please do check it out, I highly recommend Vampire Empire: The Greyfriar if you want Steampunkery and a mix of many genres. A new favorite... indeed a huggable book!
Mad Scientist
Steampunkery & Book Reviews
Forbidden Steam
Where the Mad Scientist can be found behind the bed chamber doors!
Danielle! So sorry to hear of your loss. *Big hugs* My thoughts are with you. Good to see you back on the Friday activities!
HI! It's been a while! I have not been putting my link up because life has been crazy and I haven't had time to hop! blah.. anyhow HI!!! Hope your doing great!
I still love the new look!
Hopping over to say hi. Hope you have a great weekend. x
Heh, I like UF because I like to escape from our reality to one that could be real somewhere! Although, I did enjoy Colleen Gleason's Gardella Vampire Chronicles and that had a past setting. Much like Gail Carriger's series. So I go both ways if the story sounds interesting enough!
Book Hop/Friday Follow
Have a GREAT weekend!
Hey Danielle. Love the new layout! :) As an eclectic reader, I favor a lot of genres. :) You can read my answer at Clandestine Sanctuary. Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday Danielle! You've changed your header since I was here last, I love it! What font did you use for that and your buttons? I adore it! Hope you have a great weekend:)
Hey Danielle, just stopping by on the hop and follow. I just love paranormal, too. Great blog, I love the font u use. I can't wait until Tuesday=Shadowfever!!!
Have a great weekend curled up with a book. Happy Reading!!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous
@ Jenny, I think it was called Evernight but I paid someone to do a all new design so I don't know much.
Thanks for stopping by everyone. =)
Happy Follow Friday! I am a follower!
Emma Michaels
The Thirteenth Chime
You so lucky! I would love a dog!
Old Follower!
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf
I avoid contemps for the most part for that reason as well! I read to escape life not re-live it. :P
Thanks for stopping by! New follower.
just hopping by to return the follow! Be sure to enter my giveaway if you haven't already! :)
Danielle, LOVE your blog! Thanks so much for visiting mine and have a wonderful weekend!
I love chihuahuas- they are so adorable. Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
Thanks for stopping by!
That is why I read paranormal too and not much else. :)
Have a good weekend!
you've got a new follower in me =)
Happy Reading!
Gotta love our pets! I think your header is redesigned since I've visited (or else I'm not very observant.) Anyway, I love it. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Are your other pets jealous of your favorite? Lol. Sometimes mine is.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
I think a good escape is the reason we all read. We like to think of books as extensions of our selves which makes them really enjoyable to read.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Hop!
I'm following you can you follow me?http://klearsreviews.blogspot.com/
Hey just stopping by to say hello, and have a good weekend. :)
Just returning the well wishes. Hope you have a lovely weekend. By the way, this layout is beautiful.
Thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower and look forward to reading your posts! Have a good weekend!
Thank you so much for stopping by on mu blog!
You have a lovely blog!
Love the layout!
You've got a new follower in me ;)
Thank you soo much for stopping by!:D
LOVE your blog layout! (except i had a little trouble reading your posts because the font color was too light!:P)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!:D
Happy HOP! Love your new look :) I'm an old follower.
You can find my HOP answer and FEVERfest recap at The Bookish Snob
Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the hop. Hope you have a great weekend!
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
My Wolfish Giveaway Part 2 is now live!
Stoppin by to say hi!
Thanks for visiting my blog
I'm an old follower just hopping through. I love the new blog redesign. It's killer! I dabble in a lot of genres, but mostly in fantasy. My current addiction is dark fantasy. I think it's its twisted nature that makes it so lovely...that and disturbing. I read contemp every now and again, but like you say, I don't need to dabble in what I get every day. I do like it sometimes though, but only if its a happy love story.
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
Hopping through. I love both my dog and my cat, but my doggy is definitely my favorite :-)
My Hop
Thanks for stopping by my blog Danielle! I used to only stick with paranormal or fantasy novel when I was younger, but I've been reading a lot more contemporary these days too!
I hope you've been enjoying your weekend!
Liz (Midnight Bloom)
Midnight Bloom Reads
Happy Blog Hop! Thanks for stopping by my blog. New layout looks awesome...love it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Once Upon A Chapter
Hi Danielle! Just stopping by! A am always so stunned by your blog's amazing design! It really does look stunning! You must share your secret! Anyway have a great week!
Sonette @ Bookworm Blog
Thanks for stopping by! I now it's not a very original comment, but i feel the need to comment on how impressive your design is. Great job!
Have a great week.
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