Friday, June 6, 2014

Covergasm Blog Hop!

Covergasm Hop

Yep. This one is ALL about the covers. The ones that just make you gasp and go..oh my, I NEED this book. Now! Those that are truly...covergasm-worthy. Stop by each blog to check out their favorites! There will be a giveaway at each stop plus a grand prize giveaway of an Amazon Gift Card!
 Happy Hopping!

Here are ONLY A FEW of the many covers that bring forth a powerful COVERGASM ;)

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And there are so many more!!! I could keep going and going and going...
But I had to end it somewhere. Hopefully the covers here are different to your eyes and you're all drooling and hot and... lol

Thanks for stopping by!


1.herding cats & burning soup (INT)2.Wickedly Delicious Book Blog
3.HEAs Are Us (US)4.Booklover Sue (US)
5.Beth Caudill - Author6.Angel's Guilty Pleasures
7.Book Lovin' Mamas8.Tory Richards
9.Natasha Blackthorne10.Cerian @ Rookie Romance (INT)
11.Christine Murphy - Romance Priestess12.Chasing Steampunk (INT)
13.Joanne Jaytanie~This is not your mother's romance14.Andrea R Cooper Author Blog
15.Trust is overrated - H. A. Somerled16.BIBLIOPHILE MYSTERY (INT)
17.MYTHICAL BOOKS (INT)18.Lucy Felthouse
19.Only for You...A Romance From Male Perspective (INT)20.Passionate Encounters
21.Bookswagger22.Carol Burnside / Annie Rayburn
23.Holley Trent (INT)24.Eargasms Audiobook Reviews
25.Daryl Devore26.Kiru Taye (INT)
27.Love Bites and Silk Ties (INT)28.Nana Prah
29.Lyn Brittan - Author (Int'l)30.HEA Romances With A Little Kick
31.Bitches Be Writin'32.Dahlia Donovan (INT)
33.Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews34.Victoria Pinder
35.Lisa Beth Darling (INT)36.Romance Book Junkies (INT)
37.More Books Than Livros (INT)38.Serena Zane - Passion to die for!
39.Ambrielle Kirk (US)40.Susan Griscom
41.Romancing Rakes For The Love of Romance (INT)42.Sharon Kleve Romantic Ramblings
43.Sedona Venez, Author (INT)44.Iyana Jenna
45.Margo Bond Collins ~ Words, Words, Words46.Houston Havens - Author (INT)
47.Sahara Roberts48.Susan Arden ~ Bad Boys (INT)
49.Jess Buffett50.Anita's Den
51.Te Russ(INT)52.Michelle Fox (US)
53.Selena Kitt54.Shelley Munro (INT)
55.Kimber Vale56.Tara Quan
57.Rage, Sex and Teddy Bears58.Novel Broads
59.Crystal's Many Reviewers60.Sasha Hibbs (YA Author) INT
61.cupcake's book cupboard62.Robyn Neeley
63.Tabitha Conall64.Danielle Duncan
65.For the Love of Bookends66.Daphne J. Riordan
67.Yolanda Speaks68.Dianne Duvall, PNR Author (INT)
69.Misa Buckley70.Cat Johnson (Int)
71.Not Necessarily in That Order72.Bridget Blackwood Author (US)
73.KayAnna Kirby74.Reading Reality
75.Suzanna Scarlett76.The Book Tart
77.Sarah M?kel? (Int)


Susan W. said...

Currently, Lady's Destiny. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Of those, THE SUMMONING is pretty!


Elaine G said...

I like the covers from Jaci Burton's Play by Play Series

erin said...

Pack Princess!!! Gotta get something cold to drink :) Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Pack Princess is H-O-T!

Irene Jackson said...

Jaci Burton's sport series and Laurann Dohner's new species covers.

jmcgaugh said...

There are so many covers I like, that I can't say that I have one favorite cover. Of the one's you have above, Lady's Destiny is pretty amazing.

Jolanda said...

I love the covers from Suzanne Wright the Phoenix Pack series. “Drooling over the covers from Laurann Dohners New Species and Cyborg series and the cover from Madeline Pryce – Crimson Sins is awesome.

Dovile said...

The Wild Road by Marjorie M. Liu

Nana Prah said...

That Dirty as Sin cover had me pausing a little too long.

Maidenveil said...

lady's destiny! waaaahhh!

bn100 said...

any of the BDB covers

Unknown said...

Well, A.R., the Lady's Destiny cover is amazing!!

Thanks for the giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Unknown said...

Lady's Destiny by A.R. Von!! Love this cover!!!

Nay Nay said...

Of the ones posted here - Hell's Kitty :D
Thanks for being part of this fun hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

JanD said...

The cover for Lady's Desitny is now a favorite.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Stacey Smith said...

A Harvest of Bones by Yasmine Galenorn is one of my favorite covers
sasluvbooks at yahoo dot com

BookLady said...

Gena Showalter's book covers are amazing.

Anne said...

I'd like a poster of the Lady's Destiny cover, WOW!

Not hot but distinctive are the covers for the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.

MsAwesome said...

I have a few but but the ones that catch my eye have to be vibrant in color. Except for Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward, the original cover. It was all orange but the couple on the cover reminded very much of the actual characters.

karin said...

I don't really have one that I liked more than others but I love vibrant ones with beautiful effects !

Daniel M said...

so many nice one's can't really pick a fav - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Mins72 said...

I love any of the covers from Karen Marie Moning's Highlander series ! Thanks for the giveaway :) sethmo1999(at)icloud(dot)com

Unknown said...

I love the Wunder cover, it's very unique. Another of my favorites is The London Steampunk series covers.

Unknown said...

I really like the cover for Pack Princess. However, they are all nice. wcraig5432 @

Unknown said...

Pack Princess!! :)


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