Sunday, December 25, 2011

In My Mailbox

Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week,whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review.

Books I received for review:

Book I received from Michelle @ Michelle's Book Blog for RAK which was very sweet. Thanks Michelle!

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

To all of you that celebrate Christmas I hope yours is blessed and to those who don't I hope your having a great holiday. I haven't been posting much this past week because of all the commotion from the holidays but I hope to get back on track this coming week so look forward to some good stuff coming up including all the winners of this month's giveaways. If you haven't enter them all yet you have till the end of this week to get all your entries in.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

In My Mailbox

Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week,whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review.

Books I won:
I won three books in Felicity Heaton's Prophecy Series this week from Ronda at Queentutt's World of Escapism.

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Update to 2012 Historical Romance Challenge


I have some updates to my details for the challenge.
1. I will be giving away some historical romance novels monthly if I happen to have one available at that time.
2. I will be leaving the sign ups open all year long just remember the goal of 12 books in a year. You can post more than one review a month to catch up on your goal of 12 books a year but you only get one entry into the giveaway per month.
3. Please try to spread the word about the challenge I currently only have 9 participants signed up for the challenge. Hopefully the above updates help encourage more to sign up.

Thanks for all your help and thank you for those who have already signed up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Guest Post and Giveaway with Laura Kaye

To Santa, from an Author
By Laura Kaye

A few days ago, I helped my daughters, who are seven and five, write letters to Santa. In them, they detailed all their hopes and dreams for the holidays, the gifts they most wished for, and the things that, for them, would make this Christmas the best. And, I got to thinking, why can’t grown-ups do that? Why can’t we put our hopes and wishes to paper and believe that maybe, just maybe, something will make them come true. So, in the spirit of the magic and belief that is a part of my recently released contemporary fantasy romance, North of Need, I’m picking up a long-lost correspondence with an old friend:

December 14, 2011

Dear Santa ~

I’m thinking you remember me, because you’ve got your lists and all. I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while, but I was thinking of you after my girls wrote you letters, so I thought I’d drop you a line.

I know you probably don’t get letters like this very often from people my age, but I figured it’s the season of belief, right? So what could it hurt?

If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, these are the things I’d like this Christmas:

~ I’d love a new laptop. Mine sometimes makes a weird noise inside like a helicopter rotor, and that can’t be good, can it? Plus, sometimes it’s really slow. My laptop is pretty much my entire office – have laptop, will travel! So I think I better not push it until the one I have conks out and just dies.

~ A visit from my mom. I know this one is asking a lot, since my mom is gone and all. But I figure the North Pole is probably closer to where she is than I am, so if you see her and she’s not too busy, please ask her to pop in sometime. I miss her, and I’d love for her to see my girls.

~ The ability to write full-time. Okay, maybe this is one only I can really give myself, by continuing to write more and better books, but if there’s anything you can do to bring this dream to life, I’d really appreciate it.

Well, maybe I should stop there. That already seems like a lot to want all at once. Though, if the elves find any spare time and want to take on my laundry room, I’d be ever so grateful. It turns out that trying to write books and keep up with doing laundry doesn’t really work, at least not in my house, and I’m a bit worried that I might ultimately lose my dog or five-year-old if one of them wanders in there. So, okay, that’s it then.

Thanks so much for considering my list, Santa, and I hope this message finds you well!

Laura Kaye

Now, you’ve read mine—what would be on your letter to Santa? Comment with your email address and be entered to win a signed 11x17” North of Need poster! Open to U.S. and Canada. Giveaway ends 12/31.

Thanks for reading!
Laura Kaye

About North of Need:

Her tears called a powerful snow god to life, but only her love can grant the humanity he craves...

Desperate to escape agonizing memories of Christmas past, twenty-nine-year-old widow Megan Snow builds a snow family outside the mountain cabin she once shared with her husband, realizing too late that she's recreated the very thing she'll never have.

Called to life by Megan's tears, snow god Owen Winters appears unconscious on her doorstep in the midst of a raging blizzard. As she nurses him to health, Owen finds unexpected solace in her company and unimagined pleasure in the warmth of her body, and vows to win her heart for a chance at humanity.

Megan is drawn to Owen's mismatched eyes, otherworldly masculinity, and enthusiasm for the littlest things. But this Christmas miracle comes with an expiration--before the snow melts and the temperature rises, Megan must let go of her widow's grief and learn to trust love again, or she'll lose Owen forever.

Owen’s POV:

Chair Lift 3 took them where they needed to the top of the mountain, and Owen loved how Megan snuggled into the side of his body, their thighs pressed tight together. He gazed down at her. “Beautiful up here,” he murmured as the unnoticed resort glided by beneath them.

“Yeah.” She turned away from his chest and took in the view, then glanced up to see him staring at her. A blush bloomed over her cheeks, discernible even under her ski goggles and beanie. She leaned back against him. He squeezed her in with his arm around her shoulders. At the end of the lift ride, they jumped off together and she guided them to the trail she wanted to try.

“Okay, promise me you won’t cheat.”

“Cheat? What do you mean?”

“None of that snow god voodoo,” she said.

Owen’s whole body shook with amusement.

“I mean it,” Megan said, humor coloring her voice.

He steadied himself using his poles. “No voodoo. Got it.”

“Good. Okay, then. Wait here a second, I want to show you something.”

He nodded. “All right.”

Megan slowly skied away from him. “Stay right there, now,” she called over her shoulder. Just as he started to frown at how far she’d gone, she threw him a mischievous look, dug her poles in, and shoved off. “Catch me if you can!”

Owen gaped. “That little…And she told me not to cheat.” He didn’t think on it long, though, because he was after her in a flash. He knew why she made him promise not to use his powers. She was good. Surefooted and centered. Handled the turns with ease and zigzagged on the straightaways to pick up speed. Gods, her competence on the snow had him hardening in his pants.

He whooped out a cheer of pure exhilaration. The cold air whipped at his hair—he wore neither hat nor goggles, not needing them. He filled his lungs with the wind, fed off it. Tightening his stance, he gained on her, but never caught up. Man, was he going to make her pay.

At the bottom, they twisted to a stop, their downhill skis carving into the snow and sending up sprays of powder. Owen glided toward her.

“Sorry, sorry,” she giggled out with a hand over her mouth.

Owen grabbed it and pulled it away, wrapped it around his back.

“I told you, never hide your smiles from me.” He kissed her cold lips. “Naughty, naughty girl.”

She nodded. “Yep. Ready to go again?”

He smacked her bottom, though her insulated snow pants kept his bare hand from having the effect he really wanted. “You better believe it.”
About Laura Kaye:

A multi-published author of paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance, Laura Kaye’s hot, heartfelt stories are all about the universal desire for a place to belong. Laura is the author of the bestselling contemporary romance and award-nominated HEARTS IN DARKNESS and the bestselling and award-winning paranormal romance FOREVER FREED (NJRW Golden Leaf Award for Best Paranormal of 2011), as well as an erotic romance novella, JUST GOTTA SAY. Her fourth book, contemporary fantasy romance NORTH OF NEED, is the first in the 4-book Hearts of the Anemoi series. Laura lives in Maryland with her husband, two daughters, and cute-but-bad dog, and appreciates her view of the Chesapeake Bay every day.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

In My Mailbox

Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week,whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review.

This week I got a huge box of books in the mail from Michelle @ Michelle's Blog she sent them to me out of the kindness of her heart and she totally made my week. Here's what I got:

The Pleasure Palace by Kate Emerson
Between Two Queens by Kate Emerson
By Royal Decree by Kate Emerson
Come to me by Lisa Cach
Ancient Whispers by Marie Bourque
The Grail King by Joy Nash
Untouchable by Linda Winstead Jones
Prince of Swords by Linda Winstead Jones
Sugar and Spice by Leda Swann
Under your Spell by Lisa Greiman
Sex, Lies and Midnight by Tawny Weber
Bride of the Wolf by Jennifer St. Giles
In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster by Stephanie Laurens
The Vampire Queen's Servant by Joey Hill
The Mark of the Vampire Queen by Joey Hill
Beloved Vampire by Joey Hill

Sorry no pictures this week there were just too many.

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

1,000 Followers Mystery Giveaway

I'm so excited! I currently have 967 followers and I'm so close to reaching 1,000 so I'm going to be hosting a mystery giveaway for all my fabulous followers, without you my blog wouldn't be what it is today. I will be drawing the winner when I reach 1,000 followers so help spread the word. The giveaway will be international.

This is the way the mystery giveaway works. Fill out the rafflecopter and leave a comment with a list of at least three books on your wish list and your email address. If you win I will pick one of your books to send to you without telling you which one until you receive it in the mail. Sounds like fun doesn't it? Enter now and help spread the word so I can reach 1,000 followers and draw a winner.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Interview & Book Promo: "Witch Way Bends" by Olivia Hardin

1.  I know you get asked this question over and over but can you tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something juicy. ;)  Well I’m 35 years old and my husband and I live in the Lone Star State with our puppy Bonnie – I’m a very proud Texan!  Something juicy?  Hmmm… I was always a little boy crazy, but I can honestly recall the first time I was physically turned on by a guy.  I was a sophomore and had to go into the athletics training room to get my ankle wrapped after a drill team injury – well, there he was in one of the whirlpools!  He was a senior and I’d always thought he was cute, but that day seeing him in that steaming, bubbling tub– Whew!  My whole body turned hot and I got all tingly in places I’d never even realized existed. *sigh*

2. When did you first start writing? Are you a full time author or do you do it on the side?
I was probably thirteen or so when I first started putting dreams onto paper, but then I sort of “forgot” about how much I wanted to be a writer until earlier this year.  Thank goodness I found some great mentors to give me the confidence to pursue this!

I wish I could do this full-time, but for now I work as a legal secretary and write in the evenings and on the weekends.

3. How long does it normally take you to write an average book?
I started Witch Way Bends in April and probably finished in September, so I guess about 6 months.  If I can keep that pace for future books I’d be happy – at least until I quit my day job and start writing full-time!

4. What do you think makes a story great?
If at the end of a story I can say, “I understand that character,” then that’s what I was looking to find.  Now, if I get to the end of a story and say, “I was that character,” if I was so enmeshed that I experienced even the smallest nuances of what the character did, then that was an all-time fabulous story.

5. Can you describe your book "Witch Way Bends" in one sentence?
Devan Stowe wants to stop her father’s child trafficking business but she has no idea that magic even exist until Kent Crosby sweeps her off her feet and helps her to discover her own very special powers.

6. Have you done lots of research for your books or do the stories just come to you?
Well, I did do some basic research to get some of the specifics in Witch Way Bends just right, but mostly this was entirely a story in my head.  I’ve started a story that involves an urban legend and I’ve done quite a bit of research to try to weave accuracy into the tale, especially as it relates to the Civil War.  I’m pretty lucky in that area though, because I happen to be married to an antebellum historian. 

7. What are you currently working on?
Well my main focus right now is Book 2 in the Bend-Bite-Shift Trilogy.  In book 1 readers are introduced to Devan’s college friend, Jill Prescott.  Bitten Shame let’s us delve into the secret darkness in Jill’s life – and as the quest to save the children continues, Jill discovers new hope and the possibility that she might find a way to live again.

8. Can you tell us about some of your prior achievements?
Achievements?  This question stymies me – if I try to think about how to answer it, all I can think is that there are people out there that I’ve touched and who’ve touched me in return.  The privilege to impact someone, even on a small scale is something I carry in my soul and that feels like an achievement to me.  That’s probably a weird answer, but it was the most honest one I could come up with.

9. Is there anything that I didn't cover that you would like to talk about or say to your potential readers?
To my potential readers:  Let me hear from you!  If you read my books and you like them, tell me about it.  If I need to work on something, let me know.  Join my blog, find me on facebook, follow me on twitter and let’s keep in touch.  I like the idea of my readers being a part of the experience.   

Just for fun:
Hardback or Paperback?  Paperback.
Dog ears or Bookmarks?
Dog ears – I think every great book should have lots of well-worn creases in the corners
YA novels or Adult novels?  Adult
Library or Bookstore?
Bookstore – I’d go into hock paying late fees at libraries
Reading glasses or No glasses? Gl
Snack while reading or No snacks?
Snacks – current personal favourite, Lucky Aussie Strawberry Licorice
or Mountain? Mountain

Vampire or Werewolf?
Hot or Flirty?
Movie 1st or Book 1st? 
Either one – just depends on the timing
Contemporary or Historical?
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker?

Book Blurb
Devan Stowe is a woman on a quest.  She has only one thing on her mind when she teams up with Kent Crosby and his associates—putting an end to her father’s child trafficking business. Her determination takes her on a journey to discover her true strength and… the one man she was destined to love. In his arms, she’ll learn the meaning of trust, honor, and courage. Old friends and new will come together to help Devan unlock an amazing gift that will free her from her past and open up a future full of magic, faeries and more things than she ever imagined possible.

My Blog:

You can find Witch Way Bends at these locations:


Monday, December 5, 2011

Book Promo & Giveaway: "The Calling" by Ashley Willis

The Calling Blurb:
Mandy Hardy lost more than a breast to cancer; she lost her fiancé when he dumped her a week before her mastectomy. Her ego bruised and her self-esteem battered, Mandy’s sure she’ll never fall in love again. 
Justin Seward is a headstrong Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer with a heart of gold and the supernatural ability to command the seas. He had to hide his feelings while Mandy was engaged to his best friend. Now that she’s free, he’s vowed to make her his.
Together, they may hold the key to each other’s salvation. But when Justin’s past catches up with him, and Mandy’s ex-fiancé wants vengeance, they realize they might not live long enough for happily ever after. The Calling is a 360 page contemporary romance with a paranormal twist.


Author Bio:
Ashley lives in the Midwest with her husband of nine years. For eight years, she worked as an engineer in general aviation but quit her job to be a stay at home mom to two precious preschoolers. She wrote her first two books, Killing Abel and Saving Jessica, in September of 2009 and has been penning her imagination ever since.

Fill out the rafflecopter below to have a chance of winning either a ebook copy or a signed bound copy of "The Calling". Thats two winners that will win a copy of her book.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

In My Mailbox

Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week,whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review.

I Won @ Ya-aholic:

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

Friday, December 2, 2011

Historical Romance Challenge - December Giveaway


Hello Everyone,
It's time for the last month of our Historical Romance Reading Challenge for 2011. This month I will post what the giveaway prize will be for this month and also attach a Linky Tool so you can post your reviews for everyone to see. I do check them all (btw). If you don't attach a review post of a book that you read in December, you will not be entered into the giveaway. Also, you need 12 reviews to be entered into the Grand Prize at the end. If you are unsure how many books you have entered just email me and I'll let you know. ( You can post more than one review for the month but you only get one entry into the giveaway. So, yes, you can catch up.

Prizes: (International)

"When Beauty Tamed the Beast" by Eloisa James

Goodreads Blurb:

Miss Linnet Berry Thrynne is a Beauty . . . Naturally, she's betrothed to a Beast.

Piers Yelverton, Earl of Marchant, lives in a castle in Wales where, it is rumored, his bad temper flays everyone he crosses. And rumor also has it that a wound has left the earl immune to the charms of any woman.

Linnet is not just any woman.

She is more than merely lovely: her wit and charm brought a prince to his knees. She estimates the earl will fall madly in love—in just two weeks.

Yet Linnet has no idea of the danger posed to her own heart by a man who may never love her in return.

If she decides to be very wicked indeed . . . what price will she pay for taming his wild heart?

 You will also win a beautiful bookmark from Miss Bohemia. If you haven't visited her shop you need to because she is very talented and makes beautiful items.

December Monthly Book Giveaway

Monthly Giveaways at Romance Book Junkies

This month for my monthly book giveaway I'm going to be giving away a ARC copy of "How to Worship a Goddess" by Stephanie Julian.
Goodreads Blurb:
4 1/2 Stars Romantic Times:
"...stellar entry by Julian, who blends terrific sex with tender romance. Liberally laced with humor and filled with intriguing characters, her story is full of twists, turns and surprising conclusions."
He's exactly what she's always wanted. And she unleases him like a force of nature...
Lucy was once the beloved Goddess of the Moon, and she could have any man she wanted. But these days, the goddesses of the Etruscan pantheon are all but forgotten. The only rituals she enjoys now are the local hockey games, whereone ferociously handsome player still inflames her divine blood...
Brandon Stevenson is one hundred percent focused on the game, until he looks up and sees a celestial beauty sitting in the third row. A man could surely fall hard for a distraction like that...

1. This Giveaway is US only due to shipping cost.
2. You must be a follower to enter.
3. Fill out the Rafflecopter below.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winners: The winners of two giveaways.

I have two winners to announce today that I picked using First, I am going to announce the winner of my November Monthly Book Giveaway which is...
Helen B.

Second, I am going to announce the winner of my Historical Romance Challenge Giveaway which is...
Regina @ Hott Books

Congratulations ladies! I will be emailing you and I need to hear back from you within 48 hours or I will have to pick a new winner. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Christmas Giveaway

Its here again already. The holiday season is upon us. I hope you all like my new Christmas blog design. If not, its only temporary for the holidays then I'll be going back to the old design. I wish I could give all my followers something for the holidays but of course I can't afford to do that so I'm hosting a giveaway.

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs all images from the Estranged kit by Studio Flergs