Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Interview & Book Promo: "Witch Way Bends" by Olivia Hardin

1.  I know you get asked this question over and over but can you tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something juicy. ;)  Well I’m 35 years old and my husband and I live in the Lone Star State with our puppy Bonnie – I’m a very proud Texan!  Something juicy?  Hmmm… I was always a little boy crazy, but I can honestly recall the first time I was physically turned on by a guy.  I was a sophomore and had to go into the athletics training room to get my ankle wrapped after a drill team injury – well, there he was in one of the whirlpools!  He was a senior and I’d always thought he was cute, but that day seeing him in that steaming, bubbling tub– Whew!  My whole body turned hot and I got all tingly in places I’d never even realized existed. *sigh*

2. When did you first start writing? Are you a full time author or do you do it on the side?
I was probably thirteen or so when I first started putting dreams onto paper, but then I sort of “forgot” about how much I wanted to be a writer until earlier this year.  Thank goodness I found some great mentors to give me the confidence to pursue this!

I wish I could do this full-time, but for now I work as a legal secretary and write in the evenings and on the weekends.

3. How long does it normally take you to write an average book?
I started Witch Way Bends in April and probably finished in September, so I guess about 6 months.  If I can keep that pace for future books I’d be happy – at least until I quit my day job and start writing full-time!

4. What do you think makes a story great?
If at the end of a story I can say, “I understand that character,” then that’s what I was looking to find.  Now, if I get to the end of a story and say, “I was that character,” if I was so enmeshed that I experienced even the smallest nuances of what the character did, then that was an all-time fabulous story.

5. Can you describe your book "Witch Way Bends" in one sentence?
Devan Stowe wants to stop her father’s child trafficking business but she has no idea that magic even exist until Kent Crosby sweeps her off her feet and helps her to discover her own very special powers.

6. Have you done lots of research for your books or do the stories just come to you?
Well, I did do some basic research to get some of the specifics in Witch Way Bends just right, but mostly this was entirely a story in my head.  I’ve started a story that involves an urban legend and I’ve done quite a bit of research to try to weave accuracy into the tale, especially as it relates to the Civil War.  I’m pretty lucky in that area though, because I happen to be married to an antebellum historian. 

7. What are you currently working on?
Well my main focus right now is Book 2 in the Bend-Bite-Shift Trilogy.  In book 1 readers are introduced to Devan’s college friend, Jill Prescott.  Bitten Shame let’s us delve into the secret darkness in Jill’s life – and as the quest to save the children continues, Jill discovers new hope and the possibility that she might find a way to live again.

8. Can you tell us about some of your prior achievements?
Achievements?  This question stymies me – if I try to think about how to answer it, all I can think is that there are people out there that I’ve touched and who’ve touched me in return.  The privilege to impact someone, even on a small scale is something I carry in my soul and that feels like an achievement to me.  That’s probably a weird answer, but it was the most honest one I could come up with.

9. Is there anything that I didn't cover that you would like to talk about or say to your potential readers?
To my potential readers:  Let me hear from you!  If you read my books and you like them, tell me about it.  If I need to work on something, let me know.  Join my blog, find me on facebook, follow me on twitter and let’s keep in touch.  I like the idea of my readers being a part of the experience.   

Just for fun:
Hardback or Paperback?  Paperback.
Dog ears or Bookmarks?
Dog ears – I think every great book should have lots of well-worn creases in the corners
YA novels or Adult novels?  Adult
Library or Bookstore?
Bookstore – I’d go into hock paying late fees at libraries
Reading glasses or No glasses? Gl
Snack while reading or No snacks?
Snacks – current personal favourite, Lucky Aussie Strawberry Licorice
or Mountain? Mountain

Vampire or Werewolf?
Hot or Flirty?
Movie 1st or Book 1st? 
Either one – just depends on the timing
Contemporary or Historical?
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker?

Book Blurb
Devan Stowe is a woman on a quest.  She has only one thing on her mind when she teams up with Kent Crosby and his associates—putting an end to her father’s child trafficking business. Her determination takes her on a journey to discover her true strength and… the one man she was destined to love. In his arms, she’ll learn the meaning of trust, honor, and courage. Old friends and new will come together to help Devan unlock an amazing gift that will free her from her past and open up a future full of magic, faeries and more things than she ever imagined possible.

My Blog:

You can find Witch Way Bends at these locations:



C.G. Powell said...

Great interview!!! I can't wait to read this book!

Unknown said...

Great Interview and i loved the book!

Lisa Rayns said...

Nice interview. I loved your answer for prior achievements.

Olivia Hardin (Writer) said...

Thanks everyone. Lisa, I stared at that question for the longest time. Finally I just let go and wrote from the heart!

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