Saturday, March 31, 2012

Review: "A Breach of Promise" by Victoria Vane

"A Breach of Promise"
Author: Victoria Vane
Genre: Erotica, Historical Romance
Pages: ebook novella
Author's Website:
Source: Author in exchange for a honest review.
Published:December 23, 2011 by Ellora's Cave

Goodreads Blurb:
When charm and persuasion fail...only seduction remains...

On the night of her betrothal, Lydia Trent receives just a taste of what ecstasy will be at the hands of her fiancé…and then he leaves her wanting. After waiting six years, and tired of being neglected by her exceedingly reluctant husband-to-be, Lydia decides to break it off.

When Marcus, Lord Russell, receives Lydia’s letter requesting a release from their contract, he is stunned by her audacity. Confident he’ll have her eating out of his hand with his usual wit and charm, he’s determined to repair the damage. However, the headstrong woman she’s blossomed into is equally determined to thwart his every effort to win her back.

Marcus discovers, in spite of her conviction to end the union, Lydia is more responsive to his touch than he ever imagined. He just needs to get her alone to unleash the promised passion he sees within his wanton virgin. Marcus will use any tool in his arsenal to exploit her weakness—his kisses, his hands, his mouth…her own body. In short, he’ll just have to ruin her!

"Reckless hearts, battling wits, and plenty of steam in a wonderfully well drawn Georgian setting."- NYT Bestselling author Grace Burrowes

"Victoria Vane ignites the Georgian era with her delightful characters and deliciously wicked sensuality." ~ Allison Chase, author of Recklessly Yours

A BREACH OF PROMISE is an HOT historical romance novella of approximately 29,000 words. LINK TO EXCERPT:

My Review:
This was a book I really enjoyed. Marcus is a selfish, conceited, unthoughtful man in the beginning who has been trapped into an arranged marriage by his parents. On the opposite end we have Lydia who actually has feelings for Marcus from the beginning. She's very thoughtful and dedicates six years to learn everything she can to make him the best wife possible. She is a very strong dedicated women and is almost the complete opposite of Marcus but after six years of neglect from her him she changes her mind about their marriage agreement. She finally approaches Marcus with the desire to end their engagement. Marcus then being the conceited man that he is takes interest in poor Lydia and puts into motion a plan to win her back. Their relationship starts out rough beginning at their engagement party. Six years later Marcus gets a glimpse of the women Lydia has become and decides that he has to have her and she finds out that after all the mistreatment she still has feelings for Marcus as he begins to court her. 

The author did a good job with the originality of the story and keeps a good pace going making for an enjoyable read with no boring parts keeping my interest. This book didn't elicit any real emotions in me except sympathy for Lydia hence the 3 star rating.

I would say  I came very close to giving this book a 4 star rating but it was just average for me. Historical romance and erotica fans will enjoy reading this book and should give it a try. I would recommend it for someone looking for a short, sweet historical romance that's on the hot side.

Overall Rating:

Sex Rating:

Friday, March 30, 2012

3 Star Rating Event Hop Day 2

Today is the day we post what some of our authors think about receiving a 3 star rating on a book I've reviewed. 

Author Laura Kaye

Thanks for inviting me to offer some thoughts on receiving 3-star reviews. I think this is an interesting discussion! I’ve been published for a year in April and in that time have received hundreds of reviews on my books. At first, I was so nervous to look, and the lower-starred reviews kinda hurt because, of course, I wanted everyone to LIKE ME! PLEASE LIKE ME! LOL But as time passed, I realized four things: 1) not everyone is going to love everything I write, 2) that’s okay, 3) blog followers are not automatically turned off of a book by a lower star rating or critical review, and 4) people have very different ideas about what those star ratings mean. And that latter point is especially true of 3-star reviews.

I personally tend to think 3 stars means average, but I’ve received 3-star reviews that were absolutely glowing, leaving me saying to myself: that’s not a 3-star review! LOL But I know some people view 3 stars as “I liked it,” and I’ve definitely received some 3-stars that read that way, like this one: “I really enjoyed this original tale. It's HOT and engaging. I recommend this short story for people who are looking for a light, racy novel.” That’s a great review and totally made my day. It was also the last line of a 3-star review that offered no criticism of the book in question. So, what this has taught me is to read first, react second. Because 3-star reviews aren’t automatically good, or automatically bad. Would I prefer 4- or 5-star reviews? Sure. But my stomach no longer sinks to see a 3-star because often they offer lots of positive feedback. Plus, there seems to be some suspicion about books with “too many” 5-star reviews (whatever that means), so having some lower ratings that are still largely positive helps in that regard, too.

~Laura Kaye
 Author Anita Clenney
As a reader, if I give a book 3 stars, it probably means it’s okay, but not great. However, I’ve found that reviewers view the stars differently. One girl raved about Awaken the Highland Warrior, and gave it three stars. Another wasn’t very positive at all, and gave it three stars. That tells me stars are in the eyes of the beholder, or the reviewer in this case. When I see a 3 star, it’s disappointing. I like those 5’s, but I can usually learn something from the 3, and as mentioned before, sometimes the review that goes along with it would have been at least a 4 in my mind. I think most blog followers won’t rush out to buy a 3 star book unless something about it really appeals to them. I think the star rating system is good, but we’re all human and we each view things differently.
 Author Carly Fall

What does a 3 star review mean to me?

I supposed that some authors might cringe at a three star review.  I, however, don’t.  I supposed this is because I have actually received a one star review, and let me tell you, that one hurt!  I was in a corner nursing my bruised ego for a few hours when I saw that.

I am a firm believer that as an author, there are going to be people out there who don’t like my books.  It could be my writing style, the story, the genre, or maybe the characters I’ve created.  Whatever their reason for not liking my books, so be it.

Authors need to remember that they can’t please everyone all the time, and if they try, they will lose some of themselves, as well as some of the story.  A three star review to me simply means that the reader thought the book was okay.  They didn’t love, love, love it, they didn’t despise it, and maybe if they are desperate for something to read in the future, they will pick up another one of my books.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

3 Star Rating Event Hop Day 1

The ladies at Bitten by Paranormal Romance came up with this great idea of doing a educational blog hop about what a 3 star rating means to us then on March 30th we are going to have some authors on our blogs talking about what they think about receiving a 3 star rating. I thought this could be a lot of fun and clear up a lot of concerns people have about the 3 star rating so I decided to participate and I hope you will participate as well. I currently have the flu so my post won't be all that I really wanted it to be but I'm going to give it my best shot.

What do I think about when giving a 3 star rating?

1. On my blog I have my 3 star rating described as a enjoyable read, an average book.
2. I consider a 3 star rating to be a good rating.
3. This is a book that I enjoyed to read and I think the author did a good job with the plot and character development with no large flaws.
4. This is a book that I didn't find to be boring or slow at any parts at all but it wasn't necessarily a page turner either.
5. A average book is a good read worth your time but nothing really amazing.
6. A book I give a 3 star rating is one that I would recommend to fans of that genre but not something I would go around advertising to everyone.
7. If I give a 3 star rating to a book I would hope that my readers would seriously consider reading it sometime if it's subject matter is something their interested in from reading the blurb.

And on that note I would like you to tell me in the comments whether or not you consider reading a book I've rated a 3.

Don't forget to hop around to the other blogs participating in the hop to see what they think about when giving a 3 star rating and come back tomorrow and see what our authors think about receiving a 3 star rating. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In My Mailbox

Weekly meme from The Story Siren. The idea is to post the books you got this week,whether you bought them, got them as a gift, from the library, or received them to review.

I recently took a trip to St. Augustine, FL and found Lions and Mermaids Book Store in Old Town. While I was there I found these great titles by a local author. 

and this one as well but not by a local author but a very interesting book

 Then I bought on Amazon:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Great ebook Deals at Sourcebooks

Sourcebooks eBook Deals and Discounts!

No Proper Lady by Isabel Cooper
Promotional Price: $1.99 (2/27/2012 – 4/7/2012)

The Terminator meets My Fair Lady in this fascinating debut of black magic and brilliant ball gowns, named A Best Book of 2011 by both Publishers Weekly and Library Journal
Joan is from a time where demons run rampant and humanity is fighting for its existence. To prevent this terrible future, she is sent back to Victorian England to kill the magician responsible for unleashing the dark forces. To get close to her target, she’ll need Simon Grenville to teach her how to fit into polite society. Joan doesn’t mind practicing proper flirtation on Simon, but she can’t allow herself to be distracted by his gentle hands or devilish smile—the very future depends on it.
Isabel Cooper’s new book, Lessons After Dark, releases on 4/3/2012

Red’s Hot Cowboy by Carolyn Brown
Promotional Price: $1.99 (3/20/2012 – 4/2/2012)

Smokin’-hot cowboy trilogy from a bestselling author, with feisty heroines who are trading in their spike heels for cowboy boots
When Pearl Richland inherits her aunt’s 1950s motel she returns to her roots. Tired of the big city, she’s ready for small town life, especially when sexy cowboy Will Marshall comes in to escape an ice storm. Pearl never thought she’d turn in her high heels and start dating a cowboy, but Wil’s got an awful lot to offer if a girl’s available for a whole lot of fun, sizzle, and unexpected trouble…
Carolyn Brown’s new book One Hot Cowboy Wedding releases on 4/3/2012
Never Been Bit by Lydia Dare
Promotional Price: $1.99 (3/20/2012 – 4/2/2012)
A brilliant and original finale to the hot gentleman vampire Regency romance trilogy…
 Vampire Alec McQuarrie’s heart was broken long before it stopped beating. Now Alec’s after-life is an endless search for pleasure… Young witch Sorcha Ferguson has come to London in search of a man, beast—or even a blood sucker—of her very own...
Lydia Dare’s new book The Wolf Who Loved Me releases on 4/3/2012

If your interested just go here:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

18 & Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop

It's that time again time for the 18 & Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop. I have a very special excerpt to share with you from the queen of naughty erotica, Eve Langlais, just to spice things up a bit. You MUST be 18 & over to read the following and enter the giveaway. Here is Eve's sexy excerpt from her book Last Minion Standing:

Dressed to kill, literally, with knives strapped to my thighs under my miniskirt and needles in my upswept hair, I went dancing. I would have taken Jezzie along, because I never could stay mad at my best friend for long, but she claimed she needed to work on the next day’s competition. I briefly thought of helping her, but honestly, if I didn’t blow off some steam I’d probably snap, and not in a good way.
I ended up returning to the club of the previous night where I’d met Drake for the first time. I’d never gotten to check the inside out what with all the distractions going on, so I found myself curious.
The lineup outside didn’t daunt me, my super wet lip gloss and the twenty I slipped the bouncer ensured my prompt entry into the thumping building. The DJ apparently enjoyed a deep beat, because I could feel the bass, like a heartbeat, vibrating throughout my body.
I gyrated my way onto the dance floor. I closed my eyes and let myself go to the wild rhythm. As usual when I became one with the music, I attracted attention. Bodies, both male and female, brushed against me. I didn’t bother looking, it was the same everywhere I went. Even with my power turned off, as soon as my hips got going, humans just couldn’t resist me.
I don’t know how long I swayed and gyrated, but I suddenly noticed the mortals brushing against me moving away and I could have sworn I heard a thump and a grunt as the guy dirty dancing against my ass abruptly disappeared. A new body took his place and moved in time with me, one which sent a familiar tingle through my body.
Instant heat flooded me. Drake. I’d subconsciously hoped to run into him. His hands came to rest on my waist, big hands which burned my bared skin. His groin, flush with my ass, thrust and rubbed against me in a decadent dance. I leaned back into him, lifting my arms to drape around his neck. This gave him access to my neck and he took advantage, his lips blazing a trail which sent an electric jolt right to my pussy.
I didn’t want the song to end, my desire flaming higher and higher as we moved in time. My sex moistened and quivered in anticipation.
His lips slid from my neck to the shell of my ear. “Baby, do you know how good you smell? I want to taste you. Lap your juicy little pussy until you cum in my mouth.”
Oh, fuck. I almost melted into a puddle on the floor. I turned around and plastered myself to his front. Ignoring the tempo of the music and the crowd around us, he slowed our dance even as my pulse raced faster.
I threaded my fingers into his silky hair and tugged him down to trace the lobe of his ear. I whispered. “After you lick me, I want you to fuck me, hard.”
I didn’t so much hear his groan as felt it, his whole body shuddering in reaction to my words. His firm hands slid from my waist to my full bottom and he cupped my cheeks, molding me firmly against him. And I mean firmly. His erection pressed, molten and hard, against me even through the fabric which restrained it. My pussy answered its call by soaking even further. If this kept up, I’d have a puddle under my feet.
Deciding we needed a little more privacy, because cops frowned on public fucking--the prudes--I slipped out of his grasp. I gave him a come hither glance, one he quickly understood, and tugged him by the hand. Instead of following, he took the lead, his broad presence ahead of me making the club patrons scatter. I enjoyed the novelty of not having to push and shove my way out, just another reason a minion would be useful, especially a hot one like Drake who I could think of so many uses for.
We emerged into the cooler night air and instead of being pulled along, I found myself tucked into Drake’s side, his warm, heavy arm draped around me pressing me tight against his side.
“Where are you taking me?” I queried.
“Close by,” he growled.
He wasn’t kidding, we’d only gone a block, when he pulled me into a dark alleyway and pressed me up against the brick siding of a building. Scorching lips found mine in a passionate kiss which shot tingles from the top of my head right down to my toes. I opened my mouth and his hot tongue teased mine, the wet, sensual touch making my pussy tremble pleasurably.
His hands caressed the bare skin of my waist, and I silently willed them to move lower. Like a mind reader, he skimmed lower, and tugged up the loose fabric of my mini skirt. Having worn a G-string, his hands immediately made contact with the skin on my full ass and he groaned against my mouth.
“You are so fucking hot.”
I loved it when a guy talked dirty to me, but right now I wanted action. “Shut up and touch me.”
With a chuckle against my mouth, his hands got busy. One slid between my thighs and rubbed against the wet crotch of my panties. I dug my fingers into his shoulders. I needed to because my legs had turned to mush.
Drake continued to stroke me through the fabric of my undies and I mewled and squirmed, so hot and horny I knew it wouldn’t take much to send me over the edge.
“Tell me what you want?” he growled in my ear before biting the lobe.
I didn’t reply, just slid a hand between our bodies and squeezed his hard package. His rumbling groan accompanied his hips thrusting into my cupping hand.
“Fuck me,” I whispered.
At my words, I felt his hands on either side of my hips and a tearing sound followed by fresh night air on my lower lips which signaled the demise of my panties. Offending material disposed of, his hands came back to cup my bottom and he lifted me, pressing my soaking core against his still hidden cock. The rough material of his jeans as he rubbed me against him made me throw my head back and moan loudly.
Even lost in the throes of passion, I couldn’t miss the distinctive smell of brimstone.
“Demon!” I hissed. Drake immediately set me down, my skirt fluttering down to cover my bare crotch. I opened my eyes to scan the alley. I would have seen a lot more if Drake hadn’t placed himself protectively in front of me. Totally macho, so totally hot. But I was a modern girl who didn’t need saving from a man, and besides I really wanted to kill whomever had interrupted what was shaping up to be my greatest orgasm ever.

For this giveaway hop I'm going to be giving away a brand new paperback copy of "Lair of the Lion" by Christine Feehan.
Goodreads Blurb:
Impoverished aristocrat Isabella Vernaducci will defy death itself to rescue her imprisoned brother. She'll even brave the haunted, accursed lair of the lion--the menacing palazzo of legendary, lethal Don Nicolai DeMarco. Rumor says the powerful don can command the heavens, that the beasts below do his bidding...and that he is doomed to destroy the woman he takes as his wife. But Isabella meets a man whose growl is velvet, purring heat, whose eyes hold dark, all-consuming desire. And when the don commands her to become his bride, she goes willingly into his muscled arms, praying she'll save his tortured soul...not sacrifice her life. Historical Romance Book Club Selection.

Giveaway Rules:
1. This giveaway is US only due to shipping costs.
2. Giveaway is open from March 22nd at midnight until March 25th at 11:59.
3. All you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter below. Its not required that you follow my blog but it is appreciated. You do not have to do all the entries on the Rafflecopter none of them are mandatory. You just need to do one to be entered.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interview & Giveaway: "Shifting Hearts" by Dominique Eastwick

Today I have Dominique Eastwick on my blog for a interview and giveaway. If you didn't get a chance go down one post and read my review of her book "Shifting Hearts". I'm really excited to have her here today so lets give her a very warm welcome.

I know you get asked this question over and over but can you tell us a little about yourself? Maybe something juicy. ;) Oh Juicy, yikes my husband says I lack a filter so almost everything about me is as they say an open book. But let’s see what I can tell you. I have been married for over 16 years to a man who is a true alpha male, so as you can imagine there is a lot of head butting my house as I am no wilting flower.  I love to write spicy romance Heavy on the romance. And if you can believe it I am considered the prude of my family.
When did you first start writing? Are you a full time author or do you do it on the side? I first started writing in high school, just for fun and in round robins with friends. That’s where I would write a paragraph and then my friend would take the next. We would have like 4 notebooks going at any time. I remember we would carry those books everywhere we went. We would pull them out at dinner or waiting for a movie to begin. We were a bit obsessed. I write when I can, but at the moment I have a day job and I am also co-owner of Musa Publishing.

Do you have a author that has really inspired you or one you would like to collaborate with? I think Stephanie Laurens, or Julia Quinn are the two I am most inspired by. Sherilynn Kenyon I would love to work with

How long did it take you to write Shifting Hearts? From concept to publishing It took four months. But the idea came to me on a trip from North Carolina to Boston. I was driving in what I really would call CARMAGEDON (The drive should have taken me 11 hours took me over 18 between accidents, road work and traffic jams)  While I sat there pounding my head against the steer wheel, I started thinking I needed a day at the spa and there was the idea. Okay so maybe there was some dreaming about some hot alphas too J

What elements do you think makes a story great? Great Characters, if the reader can’t relate to are not sympathetic to the characters it’s hard to get them to want to read more.

Can you describe your book "Shifting Hearts" in one sentence? It’s Fantasy Island meets Erotic Romance.

Tell us a little about the new series The Wiccan Haus? The Wiccan Haus is a shared world series meaning that many authors will contribute to the series. It takes place off the coast of Maine (or so the humans think) It’s a place where Humans and Para go together to rest and relax and the staff do there best to keep them apart. But they haven’t succeeded so far.

Have you done lots of research for your books or do the stories just come to you? I usually get the story in my head then do the research as I write. For instance I did a lot of research on gems for Shifting Heart. And watched a lot of videos on Tiger behavior as well as doing research on them.

What are you currently working on? I am currently working on two books, my second installment into the Wiccan Haus series, Siren Serenade. As well as the third in the Sherman Family series Killing Lucas.

Can you tell us about some of your prior achievements? I was a costume designer for the theatre in my previous life before children.

So, what would you like to ask? What are you looking for in your Hero?

Just for fun:
Hardback or Paperback?  E books
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks
YA novels or Adult novels?  Adult Novels
Library or Bookstore?  Both
Reading glasses or No glasses?  No glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks?  Both
Beach or Mountain?  Mountain
Vampire or Werewolf?  Werewolf
Hot or Flirty?  Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st?  Movie 1st then I am not disappointed
Contemporary or Historical? Depends on my mood.
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Mix it up.

 Dominique has been nice enough to donate a copy of her book "Shifting Hearts" to giveaway to one lucky commenter answering her question. Just fill out the rafflecopter at the end. First lets hear a little about the book.

 Sometimes it takes losing everything to find the one thing you need.

The last of his kind…

Rekkus is the last of the great Black Tiger weres and he is happy to stay that way. Working as security for the Wiccan Haus, a magical spa for inner healing, he has enough danger – and women – to keep him busy. Unfortunately, the Fates are not content with him being comfortable.

Alone and discouraged…

Dana has walked away from all she has known, her fiancé, family, apartment, and job. Now, having a ticket to the Wiccan Haus may be the only way she can move on. But what she finds isn’t what she expects, nor is it what she thought she was looking for.

Meet the unusual residents of the Wiccan Haus. The staff can get a little hairy and not all of the guests eat what’s served in the dining hall. But the proprietors always do what they can to make the resort into a place of healing and peace, using all of their years of practice. At the Haus, where humans and Paras reside side-by-side, everyone in need of the Rowan siblings’ services are welcome.

Rekkus paced in the shallow water. He ran his hand through his hair in a show of frustration. Just as her nerves didn’t think they could take anymore, he said, “Why are you here?”

“Myron told me to come here.”

He stopped pacing glared in the direction of where Myron would be then began to pace again. “Damn her. I spent all day avoiding you and she sends you right to me. You need to leave now.”


“It’s not safe for you here with me. I left you alone last night; if you stay I am not sure I can honor that request a second time.”

“I felt it too,” she blurted out, unable to keep it to herself any longer.

He moved so fast she never saw him actually take a step. All of a sudden she was wrapped in his wet arms, her breast pressed against his chest, making her now damp shirt cling to her body. His eyes searched hers. He must have seen what he was looking for, the desire she felt. Before she could form another thought, his lips were on hers in a feverous need. Demanding she open for him, and no part of her thought for a second to deny him anything. Butterflies churned in her stomach making her shake. She had never felt this; this fire that threatened to engulf her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, running her fingers through his wet hair and deepened the kiss. His moan was all she needed to gather the nerve and strength to push him forward. She knew what he wanted. Knew what he most desired, because she wanted it to. She wanted him, all of him, every naked inch, right here, next to this lake not a ten minute walk from the Haus. Anyone could stumble across them and she didn’t care. It almost added to the allure of everything. What she needed it to be.

Something more than she ever knew she needed. He was pushing her past her comfort zone forcing her to accept there was a sexy seductress screaming to be let out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Review: "Shifting Hearts" by Dominique Eastwick

"Shifting Hearts"
Author: Dominique Eastwick
Series: Wiccan Haus #1
Genre: Erotica, Paranormal Romance
Pages: ebook novella
ISBN: 9781619370142
Author's Website:
Source: Author in exchange for a honest review.
Published:November 11, 2011 by Musa Publishing

Goodreads Blurb:

The last of his kind…

Rekkus is the last of the great Black Tiger weres and he is happy to stay that way. Working as security for the Wiccan Haus, a magical spa for inner healing, he has enough danger – and women – to keep him busy. Unfortunately, the Fates are not content with him being comfortable.

Alone and discouraged…

Dana has walked away from all she has known, her fiancé, family, apartment, and job. Now, having a ticket to the Wiccan Haus may be the only way she can move on. But what she finds isn’t what she expects, nor is it what she thought she was looking for.

Meet the unusual residents of the Wiccan Haus. The staff can get a little hairy and not all of the guests eat what’s served in the dining hall. But the proprietors always do what they can to make the resort into a place of healing and peace, using all of their years of practice. At the Haus, where humans and Paras reside side-by-side, everyone in need of the Rowan siblings’ services are welcome.


My Review:
What a great start to a new series. The series is about a beautiful island owned by paranormals were humans and other paranormals can go to heal kind of like a spa of sorts yet they use their powers to help them along. The first book Shifting Hearts is about Rekkus a shape shifter that works security on the island. Rekkus is all sexy alpha male that has been scarred by his past. Dana is a human visitor to the island looking for some relief after leaving her fiance at the alter unable to marry him and embarrassing her whole family that has always put to much pressures on her to be someone she's not in the first place. Dana will find peace and love on this magical island. Dana and Rekkus can't help but be pushed together by fate but what a hot, intense relationship it turns out to be. Their soul mates and can't help but be together.

For such a short story the plot and pace of the story was done very well it didn't feel like it was missing anything. I only wish the book would have been longer so that I could spend more time in their world with the characters. Fortunately there will be other books in the series so that I can escape once again although the other books are being written by other authors I'm hoping their just as good as Dominique. This book is definitely for erotica fans and paranormal romance fans. I would recommend this book as a quick sexy read.

Overall Rating:

Sex Rating:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Guest Post & Giveaway: "True Highland Spirit" by Amanda Forester

Today I have author Amanda Forester on my blog doing a guest post and giveaway. If you missed my review of her book you can click here to read it. I enjoyed it very much so I'm very excited to have Amanda on my blog today.

The Endless Inspiration of Medieval Scotland

 by Amanda Forester
Medieval Scotland combines so many interesting aspects of history, custom, and culture, it is incredibly fun to write.  Where else can you find arranged marriages, fierce warriors, clan rivalry, political intrigue, warfare, secret lovers, and yes, kilts!

True Highland Spirit, which released last week, is a great example of how the historical backdrop can play such an important role.  Set in 1355, Morrigan McNab is not your typical laird's daughter.  She learned to survive with a sword in her hand and raids neighboring clans to help feed her own.  She meets Sir Dragonet a French knight who has come with a company of French soldiers to encourage the Scots wage war against the English.  Soon she is not only caught up in a disastrous war but also in a race against Dragonet to find a secret Templar treasure before it can fall into the wrong hands. 

So True Highland Spirit combines a feisty Highland lass, a French knight, a failed war, clan rivalry, treasure hunting, religious intrigue, great medieval costumes,  sexy accents - where else but Medieval Scotland can you get all that?

 So here are my Top Ten reasons why Medieval Scotland provides endless inspiration for romance:
11.      The chivalrous knight in shining armor is not some unattainable ideal, but a reality.  And yes, I'm sure all the armor was shining and every knight was gorgeous!
22.      The political intrigue of the times - the frequent wars between Scotland and England along with the constant clan rivalry in Scotland provides the perfect backdrop for star-crossed lovers.
33.      The accent - I love to hear it in my head - so sexy!
44.      The importance of church and faith, which not only makes for areas of personal growth, abut also conflict with Church officials who do not always act as they should.
55.       Romance is idealized, but marriages are still typically arranged, providing for many a plot twist.
66.      Color and pageantry of the times, including banners, heraldry, tapestries, and the beautiful flowing gowns of velvet or silk.
77.      Even warfare was fanciful with broad swords, jousting lances, maces, crossbows, etc.
88.      Highland warriors make great heroes - fierce, independent, and honorable.
99.      Highland lasses who are equally fierce, independent, and honorable!
110.  Kilts!  Need I say more?

Do you enjoy Scottish romances?  Why do you think they are so popular?  Comment on this blog with why you enjoy Scottish romance novels for a chance to win a print copy of True Highland Spirit!

1. Leave your email with your comment so we can contact you if you win.
2. You must be 18 years or older to enter.
3. Giveaway ends on 3/26.
4. Giveaway is only open to US and Canada. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Book Tour & Giveaway: "Dark Angel's Ward" by Nia Shay

Title:  Dark Angel's Ward (Angel Warden Series, Book 1)

Author:  Nia Shay

Publisher:  Self (Moonwild Press)

Length:  80,000 words

Sub-Genres:  Contemporary, M/F, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Urban Fantasy



Two years ago, Jandra Maxwell walked away from the secret Fairlight Society and started a new life in a quiet Texas town. When her former Ward, the dark angel Zeph, seeks her out and begs for her help, Jandra faces an impossible choice. She knows he can only offer her heartache, but she can’t turn her back on the only man she’s ever loved.
Zeph teeters on the brink of madness, pummeled by emotions his angelic blood once rendered him incapable of feeling. Driven to protect Jandra from a threat he can only glimpse in nightmares, he refuses to leave her side. As they explore the mystery of his recurring dreams, they discover the Fairlight Society has been keeping a terrible secret – one they’ll kill to protect.
Fighting for her life isn’t so easy when Jandra’s also fighting her heart. Her inexorable attraction to Zeph may save them...or may damn them both.

“Sound and fury,” I murmured aloud.
I didn’t repeat it; he probably wouldn’t have understood even if I had. Ever since I’d read that phrase in Macbeth I’d always associated it with this feeling. It was one thing to be selectively psychic – at least the only thoughts I usually heard were Zeph’s. But when he and I were truly joined, not just in body or in mind but in the very essence of our beings, I got a taste of what it was really like to be half angel. And I hated it. I couldn’t fathom how to cope with hearing the thoughts and prayers of half the damn city. Except maybe by dissociating large portions of my personality, like he had. Zeph’s mind could be a scary place.
“Jandra? Are you sure you’re all right?”
I dragged my attention back to the matter at hand. “I told you, yes.”
That seemed to satisfy him. At least he didn’t argue with me anymore. His fingertips brushed the side of my face. “Thank you.”
“Whatever.” I raised bleary eyes just in time to see his mouth descending on mine.
Our lips met before I could stop him, and once I felt his warmth I couldn’t quite bring myself to complain. I ended up moaning into his mouth instead of pulling away. Encouraged, he brushed his tongue across my lower lip, his hands stroking upward over my belly.
My body remembered this – his embrace, his touch. As I arched my back in unbidden reaction, he cupped my breasts, his long fingers splayed and caressing. I gasped, feeling his surge of fierce enjoyment as the pleasure he wrought in my body echoed through his own.
Which was just the reminder I needed. I wrenched away from him, hissing, “You are not allowed to touch me that way!”
“I can’t help it.” Zeph’s eyes were violet fire. “When you feel me and I feel you … how am I to resist?”
“Here’s a suggestion: how about going away and leaving me alone for the rest of my life? Wasn’t that the plan?”
He sighed, his gaze going distant. “I released you because you begged it of me, Jandra. Not because I desired it. Your pain was crushing us, and you couldn’t seem to heal while you were with me. But now you have healed. You are whole again, and strong.”
“So you’ve come to break me all over again?” I accused.
“I’ve no intention of hurting you.” He reached for me, but I evaded him. Instead, he pinned me with his gaze as he spoke his greatest lie. “I love you, Jandra.”
“No you don’t!” I shrieked, balling up a fist and darting forward to punch him in the chest. “You do not love anyone or anything. You are not capable of it!”
“Perhaps that’s true,” he said calmly, enfolding my fist in one large hand. “Or perhaps your love has changed me.”
The tears came as hot and fast as the resonance of his soul had, and they burned just as deeply. “I never loved you.”
He said nothing, merely released me and retreated to the doorway while I wept. As my sobs faded into racking gasps, he cast me a long look and muttered, “Yet I am the one reviled as a thief of souls.”



Nia Shay is a reclusive weirdo who lives in a tiny concrete box in the middle of the Arizona desert. (No, seriously.)  In between dealing with mild OCD and an epic caffeine addiction, she finds time to mold the voices in her head into cohesive sarcastic remarks, and sometimes even a story or two. She has been penning such tales, almost all of them with a decidedly paranormal flavor, since the second grade. Now that paranormal fiction is the "in thing," Nia has decided to overcome her extreme distaste for trends and jump on the ol' bandwagon. Join her on her harrowing journey through the twisted corridors of her own mind—that is…if you dare.

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