Friday, January 20, 2012

Shameless Giveaway Hop!!

I'm really excited about this giveaway hop hosted by Jen at Red Hot Books, Brie at Romance Around the Corner & Michelle at Michelle's Book Blog. Thank you ladies for hosting such a great hop for all of us shameless readers. :) So lets get to the good stuff, the giveaways. In honor of my top 2 favorite romance genres I am going to offer 2 prizes one paranormal romance prize and one historical romance prize. So there will be 2 winners. Yaaaay! Unfortunately both giveaways are going to be US only due to shipping costs. All that is required is that you be a follower.

Prize #1:
The first prize is a lightly used ARC copy of "A Demon Does It Better" by Linda Wisdom. This is a great book you must read if you are a paranormal romance fan. I loved it and gave it 5 hearts. You can read my review here

Prize #2:
No you don't need your eyes checked I am giving away a box of 14 used historical novels. The following is a list of all the books included:
1. ARC of The Highlander's Heart by Amanda Forester
2. Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult
3. ARC of Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan
4. The Wild Swans by Kate Holmes
5. Wild Roses by Hannah Howell
6. Promise me Forever by Lorraine Heath
7. Highland Honor by Hannah Howell
8. One Night is Never Enough by Anne Mallory
9. The Chaperon Bride by Nicola Cornick
10. Claiming the Highlander by Kinley MacGregor
11. The de Burgh Bride by Deborah Simmons
12. Mastered by Love by Stephanie Laurens
13. ARC of The Virtuoso by Grace Burrowes

14. ARC of Lady Sophie's Christmas Wish by Grace Burrowes

a Rafflecopter giveaway  
Don't forget to check out all the other blogs in the hop to see what fabulous prizes they are giving away.


lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

thanks for such a awesome giveaway! good luck everyone. both giveaways look awesome

GFC: Lindsey Hutchison


Renee G said...

I would love to have either, but prefer the historicals.

Carol L. said...

Love the Historical package. Many nights of great reading with this prize. :) Thanks so much for participating and the chance to win. GFC name is lucky47.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at aol (dot) com

mamabunny13 said...

I'm most interested in the Historical Romance Prize.

Anita Yancey said...

I am interested in Prize 2, the Historical Romance Books. Thanks for having this giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the very generous giveway. I am interested in Prize 2. But I also like Prize 1. Please enter me in contest.

Andrea said...

The historical bundle for me.

Anne said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I am a Linda Wisdom fan, so I'd like prize 1 if I win.

In Julie's Opinion said...

Awesome giveaway!!! Thanks so much! I already have a copy of prize #1, so I would love to be entered to win prize #2 :)

erin said...

Fantastic giveaway! I'm open to whatever you want to give me ;)

Thanks again and Happy Friday!

Arianne said...

I'm very interested in that box... I've been told I'm a historical romance junkie!

Erinberry said...

I'm most interested in prize #2, but I'd be happy to win either one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Erin K.

Unknown said...

I would be interested in either! Thanks so much

*yadkny* said...

Every book in prize #2 is one I haven't read and would really like to... thanks for the giveaway!

Sharon Stogner said...

I already have a copy of A Demon Does It Better so I would love the used books! thanks :)
sstogner1 at gmail dot com

cheryl c said...

I am interested in the historical romance pack. Thanks for the chance to win!
castings at mindspring dot com

Mariee said...

Prize #2 looks awesome! Please count me in.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Martha Lawson said...

The box of historicals as I've already the Linda Wisdom book and loved it!

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

JeanMP said...

Count me in for prize #2. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

skpetal at hotmail dot com

Alexa said...

Wow you are giving away some great books, I would be interested in the second prize pack because I need to start reading more historical romance.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Gena Robertson said...

Thank you so much for participating in this hop and for the super generous giveaways!!

I would be most interested in prize package #2 - I love used books, and they are perfect for taking with me into a soak in a hot bubble bath. Besides, there are some really awesome authors in that batch!!

Gena Robertson

Di said...

I'd love the Historical Romance pack - since I have a couple of the books, if I get lucky, I'd love to share with another commenter.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Sebrina said...

Thank you so much for the chance at your giveaway, both prize packs are pretty rad! I think I'd choose #2, mostly b/c I haven't read any of them, and I think I've only read 1 or 2 historical romances period. I know, I know, what's wrong with me right? :)
Thanks again sweetie.
Sebrina_Cassity at yahoo dot com

jfort357 said...

What a fabulous giveaway!!! I'm most interested in the Prize #1!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :-)


Nay Nay said...

I love these hops. I'm easy, just not cheap so I would love either prize.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize! <^_^>

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Ricki said...

There are 2 books in #2 that I am very interested in.

Linda Henderson said...

Thank you so much for the excellent giveaway. I would love to be entered for either one. If I have to choose I'd pick one.

seriousreader at live dot com

Lexi said...

Above and beyond Danielle, above and beyond! I am such a sucker for historical romances, so naturally I am crossing my fingers that I would be lucky enough to snag all those wonderful books!

Have a great weekend, hope you get lots of new followers with this hop!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!!! I would love to win the
Prize #1 Paranormal Romance Prize!!!

Unknown said...

Prize #1

vadeluna07 said...

I would love to win Prize #1 Paranormal Romance Prize - "A Demon Does It Better" by Linda Wisdom.

Kati said...

Please enter me for Prize #2. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Great Giveaway!


bn100 said...

Prize #2

Sophia Rose said...

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity. Those are both awesome prize choices, but if I won, I would like the historical books- I spied highlanders!

Joyce Cortes McGuire said...

I would take a prize #1 (Paranormal Romance)!


ReneeRearden said...

Fantastic hop! I love finding new authors and blogs to read. Thanks for participating and offering such a great giveaway. I'd love Prize #1. I'm a sucker for demons...


Steph from said...

hi Dani!hope all is well!

Pam S (pams00) said...

What a great giveaway - super prize options :)! I'd be thrilled with either option.

Diane D - Florida said...

I'm happy to have found your blog. I would love to win the "Historical Romance" package. Thanks for this opportunity.

Welzen said...

A awesome giveaway! Good luck everyone :=)

Maria Haile said...

I would love to win prize pack #2!

Julianne said...

Both prizes are nice. I'm interested in the historical prize pack. But, if Demons Do It Better is what I would win, I'd love that too.

luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Savannah said...

I would love to win "A Demon Does It Better"!! Thanks you

Unknown said...

I like both....but I love the box of books more!
In the end though Any Prize is a GOOD prize :)

June M. said...

Either prize would be great (Paranormals and historicals are my faves) but I guess my first choice would be #2 the box of books because it would keep me out of trouble longer, lol.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I recently won A Demon Does it Better and it's next on my TBR pile (right after I finish Night Reigns). I'd love to win prize # 2!

Thanks for participating and for the majorly generous giveway!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

throuthehaze said...

I am interested in prize #2

Christy said...

Wow what great prizes. christina_92 at GF Christy

Christy said...

Forgot, I'm most interested in no. 2. You have some great books!

Anonymous said...

I am most interested in Prize NO.1, but I would like to be entered for both prizes because what romance addict wouldn't want a box of 14 Historical Romance Books??? (:

kayla.s.graham at gmail dot com

Thank you for the giveaway!

Barbara said...

GREAT giveaway! Tough choice...but I think I would go with prize pkg #1. Thx! This has been a FUN hop!

SM Patel said...

I'd love prize package #1.

Shannon (Cocktails and Books)

Anne R said...

Hi! I would love prize #1, the book sounds great.

areeths at new dot rr dot com

momma8385 said...

I am interested in both prize packages - so either would be fine if I were to win. I just love to read good books. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. :) Jeanne

Hillary said...

Thanks for the chance to win. The box of books looks especially intriguing!


geschumann said...

Prize #2 would be awesome. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

Andrea I said...

Great giveaway! I would love to have either one.

Ashley Applebee said...

Great giveaway!! I follow by email and GFC: Ashley Applebee
I guess I really like the paranormal prize, but both prizes are great!!
Ashley A

Persephone said...

I would like prize pack 1. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for such a generous giveaway! I would be very interested in Prize #1 A Demon Does It Better. When I was reading reviews of this novel previously, I just thought the hero was so sensual, sexy, charming, even gallant. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like he is a true "demon"! I hope I win it!


Danielle West said...

Thank you for doing the giveaway! I would ask for prize #1, even after drooling over all of the historicals :)

April Alvey said...

i am intersted in the historicals i love them all. i love the other too but i really want the history ones. thanks for the giveaway.

Brenda Demko said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd like prize #1 if I win.

AquarianDancer said...

These prizes look amazing! I would enjoy either one, but #2 would be my top pick. I LOVE Kinley MacGregor!

Anme said...

I would love both prizes, but the box of historicals call my name harder!


Proserpine said...

Hi! Thanks for this giveaway! I'M interested in both prizes!

burbanette said...

I would love A Demon Does It Better! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would love #2.
Marlene Breakfield

Pam said...

Though I love both paranormal and historical romances I would love #2.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway.


Eva's Flowers said...

I love historical novels, so I would go for prize #2 :) Thanks so much for participating and you have some great giveaways. Finding lots of great authors and adding books to my TBR list!


Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Both look great. i'm just starting to read historical romance so would love #2. thanks!

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I didn't even know that this book was coming out. Thanks for the heads up!

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