What kind of Halloween person are you? Dress up and party
every year, give out candy maybe dressed up, or hide inside your house with the
porch light off?
I LOVE Halloween! It’s been my favorite holiday (behind
Christmas) since I was a kid! I love to dress up and see all of the other
creative costumes.
Do you decorate outside for Halloween?
Unfortunately, Halloween isn’t a big deal in the small town
we live in and we don’t get many trick-or-treaters because we live in the
country or I would decorate the house and yard, but I still love it, and to see
all of the kids in their costumes.
Are you a master pumpkin carver?
I wish! We’re running a little behind in the pumpkin carving
this year or I would send a picture of my horrific carving skills, or lack
there of!
Name 3 costumes you’ve worn and at what age.
I’ve been a 1920’s flapper (Can’t quite remember how old I
was, but I was just a kid), my grandma hand made the costume and it was really
neat. I’ve been a ghost when I was just
a small child, of course who hasn’t poked some eyeholes in a sheet and wandered
around the neighborhood, J and a skeleton. The skeleton was my favorite. I was
about six years old. It was a black bodysuit with plastic glow-in-the-dark
bones covering the outside. At the time I thought it was crazy awesome, and I
still do!
Find a picture of a costume you love.
Tell us the scariest thing that has ever happened to you and
it doesn’t have to be Halloween related.
There are actually a couple of scary things that happened to
me. The scariest/serious one was when my daughter was six years old and had to
have emergency surgery to have her appendix removed. This happened in the same
month that my mom and dad divorced and the day after my grandmother’s funeral.
It was just too much for me and I was terrified.
As for a funny scary moment, that one’s easy. I’m in bed
asleep one night when I wake up with a weird feeling, like someone’s watching
me. I open my eyes and see this shadow-person standing over me. Of course, I
start screaming.
My husband jumps out of bed yelling, “What? What’s going
on?” and flips on the light.
As it turns out, out daughter was sleep walking and came to
a stop beside our bed.
She woke up with all of the screaming and looked at us like
we were crazy and asked what was going on?
I told her, “Honey, you were sleepwalking and you scared
She says, “Yeah, well, you scared me, too!”
Do you like haunted houses or mazes?
I love haunted houses! I’d go to one everyday if I could.
I’ve never been in a maze, but would like to try one out.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Absolutely. There have been too many unexplained bumps,
thumps, voices, and shadows moving in the houses I’ve lived in to pass it off
as anything but ghosts.
What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
Dressing up to go trick-or-treating. I haven’t dressed up in
the past few years, but my kids really get into it. Especially my eight year
old. She LOVES Halloween. Her sister on the other hand just hit thirteen and
thinks she’s too old to dress up now.
What is your favorite Halloween movie to watch or are you a
Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown sort?
OMG! I used to hate scary/horror flicks, but since my hubby
and I have been together, I’ve come around and love them now. Come Halloween we
have a little list we watch, and they’re not all really horror flicks, but
still fit the holiday.
Our list:
The Underworld Series
Resident Evil Series
Shawn of the Dead
The Woman In Black (My Favorite!)
The Scream Series (my kids love!)
The Wolfman
Friday the 13th, (I like the remake)
Have you ever tricked instead of treated like toilet
papering someone’s house or egging a person or house?
No, but honestly I wish I had! I feel like a prude. J
Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees?
Jason scared the stuffing out of me when I was a kid and he
still does!
What’s your favorite Urban Legend?
Oh, geeze! There’s a ton of old stories I love, but my
favorite is about the hitchhiking girl. I’m sure everyone’s heard it.
A young man sees a beautiful young woman hitchhiking in the
dead of night and gives her a ride.
The next day he realizes she left her sweater in his car and
takes it back to the house where he dropped her off. Only when he knocks and
explains to the old woman who answers door how he got the sweater, she tells
him, her daughter had one just like it but she died many, many years before on
that same highway.
It’s one of the first “Scary” stories I ever read, and I
think it will always be my favorite.
Thank you so very much for having me here today. The
interview was a blast! I hope everyone has a wonderfully haunted Halloween!

The man straddling the Harley was, in one word…juicy.
novelty store owner Tina James loves a good adventure, and the man
peering at her through onyx black eyes is the closest thing to adventure
she’s ever come across. Unless of course, you count the mugging at
gunpoint she experienced only hours earlier.
Leather clad Alex
Monroe and his big bike just moved to number one on Tina’s sexiest man
alive list, and with every searing kiss, every white hot caress, Tina
finds herself living out her wildest fantasies with the man of her
But is it all too good to be true?
something about Alex, from his unusual habit of only leaving the house
at night, to his amazing speed and strength that has Tina wondering what
exactly the man she’s falling head over heels for is hiding?
Tina James is the best thing that’s happened to Alex in the last five
hundred years. She’s spunky, sassy, and beyond sexy.
But there’s a problem…or three.
is a vampire, Tina’s a mortal, and he’s searching for a rogue vampire
who just so happens to have his sights set on her as his next victim.
not only does Alex have to find a way to tell the woman he loves what
he is, he has to catch the killer before he loses her forever.

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