Friday, October 25, 2013

Book Club Reminder & NEW GIVEAWAY!

Just a quick reminder then we'll get to the good stuff.

Our last discussion on "Wicked As They Come" is this Sunday 27th


Get your copy of "Born Wicked" by Jessica Spotswood (The Cahill Witch Chronicles #1) so that you can join us in November to read and discuss this book in the book club. Here are some buy Links:

Barnes & Noble
Kobo Books
Book Depository

Now to the good stuff!
I have come up with a incentive to draw more participants in the book club. You will get one entry into the drawing for every comment you leave on the book club posts including nominations and voting. So you can get a total of 6 entries a month. At the end of the month I will be using to pick a winner.

As always, check out our book club page at the top of the blog with home and contact etc.. There you will find books we are reading, schedules and monthly prizes .Here is the link:


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