My pick for the week:

by Eve Langlais
Being Lucifer’s daughter can be hell.
Hi, I’m Muriel, the only white sheep in a sea of black ones, and a virgin to boot. I am determined to wait for love, but my dad, more commonly known as Lucifer, just wants me to stop being an embarrassment. I’m hoping the hunk that I met in my bar will turn out to be the one–just looking at him makes my insides melt like marshmallows over the coals of hell, but trusting is hard when it seems everyone I get close to ends up trying to kill me.
Not only am I dealing with an extreme case of lust, there’s a new threat in hell, one my dad says to ignore. Something easier said than done since it seems everywhere I turn demons are trying to kill me. But I’m okay with that, because one thing I’ve learned being a princess of hell is that sometimes I have to grab a demon by the horns and slap it around a bit.
A rebellion in hell, demon assassins and scorching kisses, could my life get any more interesting?
That one sounds really hot. I'll have to keep it in mind. Demon by the horns...hee hee. Really want to read this one.
I already have a copy so I'll let you know how it is when I'm done. Thanks for the eBites idea too.:)
Hmm, love the term ebite. Could be kinky...
Thanks ParaJunkee and Danielle.
Your welcome. I can't wait to read it as soon as I get a minute:)
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