Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Friday!! November 5th

Welcome to my blog!
It's that time again.
It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday. 
 Please look around and join in the fun.. 
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter.

Have a great weekend!

Book Blogger Hop  
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word!  This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books!  It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read!  To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.

"What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"
Of course, I don't want to lose any followers but I also believe that if you do not like a blogs content or review style then you shouldn't follow. The dream is to have followers that read and comment on posts and that's what matters most. I have stopped following a blog before because I wasn't interested any anything they were writing about or someone that never posts anything.

Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.  

What are your favorite authors?
I dread when I am asked this question because mine usually change as I read. I forget about past books that I have loved. Right now, my favorite adult author is J.R. Ward & Nora Robert's paranormal stuff. As for YA authors I would  have to say Richelle Mead and Stephenie Meyer.

Happy Follow Friday!!



Maidenveil said...

Hi, Danielle! Good points on losing followers. The purpose of following sometimes get lost or misunderstood.

I haven't read any of J.R. Ward's books but meaning to pick up one soon!

Have a nice weekend!

-Len of Musings of a Reader Happy

Magic Faerie said...

Hi Danielle! Hopping through, I agree about only following blogs you like, but my problem is I like so many!! Have a great weekend!

Magic Faerie's Paranormal Review

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

The hard part though is if someone does follow you and when you check out their blog you see a difference in reading habits. That they might read some of the same books, but not a lot and they're a follower of you. I have a few of those instances and I follow their blog, I check it out maybe once a week and comment sometimes, but I'm not a frequent visitor, nor are they on my blog.

Here's my hop:

Sally Bibrary said...

Found you through the blog hop! You definitely have yourself a new follower. Love your taste in books . . . pure guilty pleasure. :)

Sally @ LGBT Bookslut

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Already a follower, but thought I'd stop by to say "Hi!" :)

Howard Sherman said...

I'm always a little bummed when I lose followers but make every effort to
turn every lost follower into a learning experience so I can improve my

On the flip side, I only stop following people when they give me a reason to
such as being totally off message or being too controversial in an negative,
over-the-top way.

Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!

Howard Sherman

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Hey Danielle, just following the 18+ tag along around. Old follower. =)
JR Ward was on my list too, love her.
Have a lovely book filled weekend!

Kathy Habel said...

You are most definitely a faithful follower. I'm always seeing your name pop up on my comment alerts!

Natalie said...

I love Richelle Mead and I can't wait for Last Sacrifice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Back...:D I love your blog and although I dont comment often, I think your reviews are great!! Have a good weekend

Kelly F. said...

Hi Danielle,

Thanks for visiting my blog, I always love meeting new people! You asked if I could suggest a great historical book to read, and I see your blog is a romance novel blog so you have to read Sex with the Queen: 900 Years of Vile Kings, Virile Lovers, and Passionate Politics by Eleanor Herman!! It's all about the different romances queens have had through out the years! I've reviewed it on my blog too, you should deffinitely check it out!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower and wanted to thank you so much for stopping by my blog! :) Made my day!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by. I'm returning the hop! I know what you mean, it's hard to keep up with all the blogs I follow but I try my best! I forgot to mention the blogs who rarely post anything as I reason for losing followers. You're so right! Have a great weekend! I'm an old follower.

Kim said...

Hi, Danielle! Thank you for hopping by my blog! I am a new follower now, too! I am a pretty faithful follower, too, and I love to blog hop. Kind of an obsession, maybe?!

Jeremy said...

@ Kelly F., Thanks so much for stopping by and the recommendation. I look forward to reading it and I will definitely come over and read your review. =)

Carissa said...

Hey Danielle, thanks for taking the time to stop by! I love J.R. Ward as well. I just started reading "Lover Mine" last night so I'm really excited. Have you read any of her fallen angel novels?

I'm also a huge Richelle Mead fan as well. I'm totally addicted to VA. I did see that she also writes an adult series too, so I'm looking forward to getting my hands on that.

Anyways, love the blog. Keep up the good work!

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I love Richelle Mead and Stephenie Meyer!

Wenj said...

Thanks for stopping by! And thank you for the compliment. Yes, it is a lot of work! I run a website and thought I knew what I was getting into with a blog, but there's a lot more to it then I thought, though I must say I am really enjoying it.

Have a great weekend :)


Lisa Jo said...

Happy Blog Hop Friday!

I'm an old follower!

I have too many fav authors to name...which is a good thing, I guess. :-D

Have a great weekend!

Lisajo85 @ Once Upon A Chapter

Kristin @ Beneath Shining Stars said...

Hi there Danielle! :D
I completely agree with your view on followers un-following. It's why I think blog content is so important and why people should browse the blog before just auto-following and whatnot. And Richelle Mead! I love all three of her series--although admittedly I do prefer her Dark Swan series the most right now. And ack! I forget about old favorites too--at least until someone else mentions them. xD

Have an amazing weekend!

- Kristin from Beneath Shining Stars, I Read

Unknown said...

Hi! Returning your visit from the Hop. Nora Roberts is one of my fav authors too and right now I'm re-reading the BDG series.

Christin said...

You're very right - the goal is to have active followers with whom you can interact, not just numbers.

JR Ward is one of my favorites too - can't wait for Lover Unleashed!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm the newest follower here :-)

Sheery said...

I love visiting your blog. I always see books that I've read and enjoyed and then new ones that make their way on to my TBR list.

Selena said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, The Enchanted Book! Love your blog--I'm a sucker for purple.

I'm a new follower, so I'll be checking back regularly.

Have a great night!


AngelGoneMad said...


Thanks for stopping by by blog via the hop - I am now returning the favour =)

I feel the same way as you do. I would rather have a follower that enjoyed coming to my blog and I hope that I give them some good books to add to their TBR pile.

Naomi aka Supernatural Bookworm

SusanKMann said...

Hey, I'm hopping over to say hope you had a great weekend. x

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