Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog - Debbie @ Debs Book Bbag

Meet the Blogger Behind the Blog
Debbie is one of my favorite blogger so I am soooo excited to have her here on my blog so that I could pick her brain a little bit.
1.) Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy?:)

Oh there is sooo much to tell (grin... kidding)! Let's see, I'm a freelance writer. I work with print and internet media and I'm dabbling with that all- American novel we all have on the shelf. I have two daughters, a service dog, named Sundae and a house in the country. I'm from rural Kentucky, I'm a diabetic, an avid hiking fan and I love all things romance. I'm so hopeless! As far as juicy goes.... my writing is probably a lot more luscious and titillating than I am LOL!

2.) How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted?

Gosh I think I've been reading for pleasure since about the second grade. I could read long before that. It was just something I picked up on naturally. I had this huge imagination when I was growing up and reading just sort of fed that passion of mine. I loved to sit in our school library and try to choose which adventure I wanted to take next. I guess I would consider it a life long addiction. I can't really remember a time when I didn't read very much. 

3.) What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?

I started out with the Little House on the Prairie series by Laura Ingalls Wilder in second grade. As I got older I prided myself on the fact that I didn't read your typical romance novels. I thought it was cheesy at some point if you read Harlequins. I read a lot of Christian Fiction growing up and as well as mysteries. 

4.) What are your favorite genre's now?

When I became an adult I started reading romance by accident really and found that it was a genre that really spoke to me. It filled a place in my soul for all things romantic. Historical romance is probably my favorite.  I love the happy ever afters and the ones that end not so happily. Contemporary romances appeal to me as well. Paranormal romance and Urban Fantasy are recent additions to my bag.

5.) Is there any genres you don't like? Why?

I cannot honestly say there are any genres I don't like, however there are some that I tend to read less than others. As far as the supernatural goes, I love a good paranormal romance. Vampires, werewolves, shifter's of any kind I like, but when it comes to zombies I have to admit they are not my favorite characters. I don't read many thrillers and I don't read a lot of horror though I can't say I don't like it. I have very eclectic tastes. I enjoy memoirs if they really catch my attention. They are few and far between. 

6.) If you had guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?

Good grief that's a hard one! I read a couple hundred books a year and I turned 40 last July... soooo at a low end estimate that makes it about 8000 or so LOL!

7.) How long does it take you to read an average book?

If you consider an average book to be about 350 to 400 pages, I can read one in a day. Sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on what life throws at me. I have one daughter in middle school and the other about to start middle school and they are busy little bee's! But, I carry a bag of books or my e-reader every where I go. 

8.) What is your review style? Any formula's?

I actually do use a sort of formula. I like to offer the reader as much information about the book as possible. From the publishing info to excerpts to purchasing options as well as book trailers and access to the author through website, blog and social media outlets. I generally tell what I liked about it, what worked for me and what didn't. I don't give too many "bad" reviews because I honestly never met a book there wasn't something in it that I liked. There are some that are better fits than others and I tend to say so when one is not my cup of tea.

9.) Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?

Yes and no. I think there are many books out there with sub-par covers. I don't know what some of these publishers were thinking. But it's hard to say that anyone doesn't judge a book by it's cover. That cover is initially what draws you to a book. It's what makes you pick it up and read the blurb on the back. Those books we read with crappy covers us come as recommendations from other people or from bloggers in my experience. So yeah, I guess I do judge a book by it's cover. But I've read some great books, that cover was hideous LOL!

10.) What are  you reading now?

I have several books in the works right now. Legacy by Jeanette Baker is a great historical romance set in Scotland. I'm of Scottish heritage and I love those. But I am also listening to I am Number Four, I want to finish it before I see the movie. And I have Hunted by Others by Jess Haines on my e-reader. Plus, I always have a Christian fiction title close by, right now it is Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs. I dabble in a lot of different stuff at one time... that way I don't get bored LOL!

This or That?

Hardback or Paperback? Paperback
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks (For shame on the dog ears!)
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult
Library or Bookstore? Both
Reading glasses or no glasses? Ugh! Reading Glasses
Snacks while reading no snacks? Snacks 
Beach or Mountain? Mountain
Vampire or Werewolf? Werewolf
Hot or flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Book 1st
Contemporary or Historical? Historical
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner

Thanks for asking me!

Debbie Lester


Lindsay Cummings author said...

new GFC follower! love the blog and i'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff!

follow me?!

justpeachy36 said...

Thanks for inviting me, Danielle!

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