Thursday, November 18, 2010

2011 Historical Romance Challenge


This challenge is to read 12 historical romance books from January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011. 

This challenge is to read historical romance novels. I will allow historical fiction as well, as long as it has some romance elements in the book. Since I have a adult romance blog. I am not counting any YA novels for this challenge. If you are unsure if your book qualifies just send me a email. (There is a "contact me" page in the right sidebar that goes directly to my email.)
Read and review your book on your blog. At the first of each month I will make a post for this challenge. In that post will be a Mister Linky were you can add your review for all of us to read. If you don't have a blog just email me your review. 

There will be a monthly giveaway for all the participants. At the end of the month everyone who has posted their review in the Mister Linky or emailed it to me will get a entry into the drawing for a monthly prize. Only one entry per month so don't read all your books in the same month or you miss out on the other monthly prizes.The prizes will vary from month to month they will mostly be lightly used historical romance novels with some extra goodies. It was brought to my attention that only US residents would be able to win the monthly prize because of shipping cost. I do not want to leave anyone out so what I'm going to do is every other month I will have a international prize either a ebook or a book from the Book Depository.International participants will still receive a entry every month that they post a review they will be able to save this entry for the next month for the international prize.

Remember that this challenge is all for fun. Don't worry about time frames and how your reviews are written. Your not being judged or punished here. =) I hope everyone has a good time and discovers some great new historical novels and authors.

To sign up please put your name and your blogs name in the first box and then put your blog URL in the second box. If you don't have a blog just email me with your name/alias and I'll sign you up.


Unknown said...

Sounds like fun :0)

Megan Mack said...

O!! This sounds like FUN!! I'm very excited :D

Jeremy said...

I think its all going to be a lot of fun and I'm pretty excited too. Its my first time hosting a reading challenge.

Unknown said...

Great idea Danielle! I have a ton of historical romances in my TBR pile right now. This will be a great way for me to get them all read. :-)

Selena said...

Hi Danielle!

This sounds like fun! Thanks for hosting it!


Sissa said...

Sounds great!

Unknown said...

so excited! My first challenge! I didn't join others because it was so late in the year!

bittenbyromance said...

I glad you decided to do this. I am going to have fun!

Unknown said...

Excited! I love historical romance novels. Thank you for hosting this challenge :)

Unknown said...

What are some examples of historical romance?

Jeremy said...

@ Clarissa Draper, Any book that takes place before World War II is usually the definition of historical when pertaining to romance novels. Just remember to make sure its a romance or has some romantic elements. If you need suggestions on books I can help you out just let me know what time period your interested in such as regency, medieval, civil war etc..

Joann said...

I LOVE historical romances, I cant wait to start this one-Thank YOU!!

Jeremy said...

I'm so happy and excited that we have so many excited participants that love historical romance. The more the merrier. =)

shaunesay said...

Okay, ya talked me into it! Actually I saw it on Kelsey's Book Corner and said hmmm, that sounds like a good one!

Carrie E Rundhaug said...

Great challenge!! I am super excited!! I cant wait!!


Unknown said...

Fantastic idea, thank you Danielle! Count me in, this year I revisisted my love for historical romances and I count on continuing it in the next year too ;-)

Janna said...

How wonderful that you're hosting this challenge, Danielle.
I'm on the fence about joining challenges in 2011. I did a few this year, but I think my only challenge for 2011 will be reading the pile of books on my tbr shelves. :)
Have fun!

SusanKMann said...

I would love to but I don't think I could keep up with that. I'll have a think. I would love to do your challenge though. x

Alexa said...

I was just thinking the other day that I was hoping to find a challenge with historical romance in it because I seem to have so many of those. Thanks for making my wish come true lol. :)

BLHmistress said...

This sounds like fun , gives me a chance to work on reviews, I am new to blogging so I'm nervous about writing up reviews.

Unknown said...

I am in too, Danielle :)


Izzy said...

Sounds like fun! I LOVE historical romance novels :D

Lover Of Romance said...

Sounds like a fun challenge! I love reading historical romances, they sure are my favorite to read!!!

Alisha (MyNeedToRead) said...

I'm quite excited about this challenge! I just posted about it here. I'm a relative newcomer to the HR genre, so I'm looking forward to expanding my horizons!

Tanya said...

Whoo - Hoo!! I'm so on board with a historical romance challenge!! Sounds like lots of fun, Danielle! Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! I usually read more than that but I guess I'll have to pick one special HistRom every month! count me in!

Joanne said...

Thanks for hosting this challenge -- sounds like fun and historical romances are my favorite!

Shahoodeh said...

Omg! This is so much fun! I can't wait!

Barb said...

Hi Danielle! I am looking forward to this challenge! Thanks for hosting it!

Anonymous said...

Just signed up! Its a good excuse to buy some more books!!!!

Grilsgood said...

I finally can read romance again so I will

Jeremy said...

I'm so happy with the great response we got for this challenge. I will be posting the first monthly post on Jan. 1st that will include the Mister Linky for your first review, the prize for the giveaway for Jan and some great updates to the challenge rules. Keep and eye out! =)

Yvonne said...

I hoping I'd find a historical romance challenge and yours was recommended. I'm new to the genre, but loving it.

Jeremy said...

@ Yvonne, I'm glad you found us and I'm hoping to have lots of fun with this challenge.

Unknown said...

This sounds like a really fun challenge. I'm looking forward to it.


Aleksandra said...

I just signed up :) Thanks for hosting!

Frantic Romantic said...

I'm in! I think I read twelve books a month! Thanks for hosting!

MANDY said...

I am in! I am so excited...I love historical romance! Thanks for hosting! I live in Canada so thanks for thinking of those of us not in the U.S.A

MANDY said...

Please get rid of #52 in the linky. The next one, #53 is the one that links back to my blog. Thanks!

CHRISTIE said...

I read a ton of Historical Romance last year & I’m up for reading even more this year. Thanks for hosting!

Anonymous said...


Im just starting my blog and Ill be focusing it on Historical Romance so I thought this was the perfect challenge to start off with to keep me going.

Stop by any time
Nise T.

Sheery said...

I just found this challenge at The Enchanted Book. I love historical romance so I am all for this challenge. Thanks for hosting it! :)

Lulu Sara said...

I have just began my own romance reading blog and joining a challenge is a great way to make sure I write atleast something every month.Thanks for hosting!

Aislynn said...

SO much fun! Can't wait!

Neena said...

Hi Danielle! This is one challenge I'm looking forward to working on..*eyes new stack of historicals* Thanks for hosting it!! *waves*

Terra57 said...

This looks like fun and I want to join. Thanks for hosting.

Julia said...

I hope I am not too late! This sounds like a grand way to find new historicals to read!

Alejandra De la Fuente said...

I totally forgot to submit my entry in the Mr Link!! (Though i wrote it last month :S) ... hope its not too late xD.
I Love this challenge

nihal said...

I am challengin myself to read 52 books this year so this challenge is great to keep me going.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Your linky expired but I'm hoping I can still jump in.

Andrea A Chick Who Reads

Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter said...

Also missed the linky tool.

Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter

Anonymous said...

Great challenge! I love historical romance!
I'm IN!

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