by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 519
Published: October 2010 by Pocket
Author's Website:
Source: From Dianna Love in exchange for a honest review.
Goodreads Blurb:
Atlanta has become the battlefield between human and demon. All her life, Evalle has walked the line between the two. Her origins unknown, she’s on a quest to learn more about her past and her future.
But when a demon claims a human and there’s no one else to blame, Evalle comes under fire. It’s no longer a question of learning about herself, it’s a question of survival. Through the underground of an alternate Atlanta where nothing is as it seems to the battleground of where her VIPER allies have become the force that is now hunting her, Evalle must prove her innocence or pay the ultimate price.
But proving her innocence is the least of her problems if she doesn’t stop the coming apocalypse. The clock is ticking and it’s about to become a lot hotter in Atlanta.
Atlanta has become the battlefield between human and demon. All her life, Evalle has walked the line between the two. Her origins unknown, she’s on a quest to learn more about her past and her future.
But when a demon claims a human and there’s no one else to blame, Evalle comes under fire. It’s no longer a question of learning about herself, it’s a question of survival. Through the underground of an alternate Atlanta where nothing is as it seems to the battleground of where her VIPER allies have become the force that is now hunting her, Evalle must prove her innocence or pay the ultimate price.
But proving her innocence is the least of her problems if she doesn’t stop the coming apocalypse. The clock is ticking and it’s about to become a lot hotter in Atlanta.
My Review:
Evalle, the main character, is a mix of two powerful species which makes her very strong and dangerous with special powers of her own. Unfortunately, most of her tribe treat her as an outsider and look for every opportunity to put her back in a cage. Evalle trusts noone in the beginning but as the story progresses she finds that she can trust a few and needs their trust in order to find out the truths about what's really going on. Someone is in Atlanta trying to set her up so that she's given the ultimate punishment, worst than death.
Evalle is partnered up with a man named Storm that has special powers of his own such as the ability to tell if your lieing. Evalle of course takes offense and thinks that he is sent to spy on her and get proof that shes a danger to society. She is also attracted to this mysterious man and wants so badly to trust him but knows that she can't, even after he has helped her keep her secrets several times. You are going to feel touched by Evalle's character because she is innocent but being blamed or suspected for everything.
This book was exciting, suspenseful, well written, full of action and a great typical urban fantasy. The worldbuilding was done in a way that I never felt overwhelmed with all the different species and such.
I would reccommend this book to fans of urban fantasy. This book contains no sexual interations except a few kisses so if you like a clean story this book is for you. Having said that I liked this book but I didn't love it. I love romance and I always have trouble with urban fantasies because of this. Urban Fantasies rarely have strong romance elements. But, I still know a great story when I read one so don't forget to check out this book.
This Review is also available on The Romance Reviews website.

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