I am so happy and thankful for all my great followers. Which I can't believe is almost 500. I have made some really great friends since I started and I wanted to show a little appreciation to my followers by hosting a special giveaway.

I wanted to do something special and I saw something similar to this one on another blog and I thought it was a great idea so I made a few changes and this is what I came up with.
Mystery Prize Giveaway
When you enter you will give me a list of books that are on top of your wish list with however many books you choose but at least 2 books. If you win I will pick one book from your list and send it to you. You will not know which book your getting until you receive it in the mail. How fun is that? =) For every 100 followers I get over my goal of 500 I will add another winner.
1. You must be a follower to enter since this is a followers giveaway.
2 You must fill out the form to enter. Comments won't count but are appreciated. :)
3. This contest is open to anyone living within Book Depository's shipping area. Check here.
4. The winners will be chosen using random.org on Jan. 1st
5. If I do not reach 500 followers before Jan. 1st the giveaway will be extended until I reach 500 followers.
What a great giveaway! Thank you for making it international, Danielle!!
Congratulations on being so close, and soon to have 500 followers! So nice of you to have a giveaway as well!
I'm sorry if I entered twice. The first time I didn't see the section where to put my wishlist.
@ Chriz, You know I wouldn't leave you out of this one. Your one of my best followers. :)
@ Sarah, I know I'm so excited to have so many followers.
@ The Book Vixen, that's fine I'll figure it all out. No worries =)
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I like the voting thing on left bar.
Thanks, Danielle! Congrats on your 500 followers!
awesome contest hon! Congratulations on the followers, you totally deserve it! =D
Congrats, Danielle! I love your blog and you deserve every follower you´ve got!
Also, great giveaway! I love surprises!
Good luck. You will get to 500 no problem. x
thanks for the contest and for making it international!!
Great Giveaway! Congrats on approaching 500 followers=)
Thanks so much for making this international! :)
Thanks so much for the contest!
Congrats! I added your button to my sidebar and I will twitter.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Love it Danielle!!! Awesome!
My Bloody Fairy Tale
Oh, so many books I could list.... Thanks for the great giveaway!
Hey hey!! I totally did this giveaway a while back! :)
Really cool way to celebrate your followers :-)
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
Hi Danielle,
Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!
Great giveaway thank you so much!
Hello, thanks for the great contest & goodluck to you making your numbers ;) I just entered your contest form & I think I did follow facebook network blogs thingy write but I have questions I'm hoping you can help me with? What is the purpose behind network blogs? I went to read up on it & don't really understand how this is different then the GFC follow. I also don't see how much this costs. Do you pay for this? The site just says they can change fees? Your contest form has me asking questions, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask.
@Stephmartin71, Networked Blogs is used to share with your friends on Facebook your posts on your blog. Maybe you have friends on your Facebook that aren't following you on GFC. Also people on Facebook can search for blogs that they may be interested in through Networked Blogs. And, It doesn't cost anything.
Thank you for the great contest! I love the Mystery Prize idea!!
What a great giveaway. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
Carol L.
Forgot to mention I was a GFC follower under Lucky47.Also an email subscriber.
Carol L.
Congrats on the followers!
Thank you so much for this giveaway! It makes me happy :D
Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! Congrats on the followers!
Thanks so much the having the giveaway!
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Each of my followers mean the world to me and I would love to hear from each and every one of you.