Darcy is a friend that I met on Goodreads back in April. Some of you may have noticed that I post some of Darcy's reviews on my blog. Darcy is kind enough to let me use her reviews. And, I feel extremely comfortable in her opinions in regards to books that I am 100% comfortable in posting her reviews on my blog. Darcy has recently agreed to take a larger role in my blog so I thought it would be great to post a little something to help all my readers to get to know Darcy better. Especially her reading style and habits. So lets welcome Darcy and get to the good stuff.

1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :) I would like to say that I lead an interesting and exciting life, sadly that isn't true. My life, like a lot of you is pretty boring. I have a job, not one a love, but it pays the bills. I live in MN so as winter comes near we come into the big reading season, because come on who wants to go outside when it is freezing and snowing, the only good thing about it is grabbing a book and spending your day with that.
2. How long have you been reading? I have always been a big reader, even when I was a kid. When did you start? I remember reading the Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden series as a kid. When did you officially become addicted? I officially became addicted when there was the writer's strike a couple of years ago on tv and we were left with crap on it. I started to read all the time then. When the shows came back on I never did go back to watching like I did. I even finally gave up my Dish Network this summer. So now I have 3 tvs at my house and none of them are watched for anything other than DVD's.
3.What genre did you start reading first? As I said before I liked the YA mysteries, but remember reading Danielle Steele as a teen, boy how those seemed steamy. I haven't picked one up in years now, but they are tame comapred to some of what I read. Or have you always read romance novels? Since I read a lot, I can't stick with any one genre or I get burnt out. I read a lot of PNR/UF, mysteries, erotica, some straight romance, but prefer romantic suspense, and some chick lit.
4. What are your favorite genres now? I don't really have a favorite, but it does tend to be heavily PNR/UF.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why? I will usually try any book, but am not a big fan of historicals or non-fiction. Historicals can't really say why as there are some I like but overall they just aren't my cup of tea. Non-fiction because I read for fun and escape and non-fiction usually isn't that.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be? I have no idea here, but a lot. I just finished my 600 book of the year today. I don't think that I will every get this many again as I was unemployed for the first 5 months of the year. But if I could have a full time job just reading books I would be in heaven!! :)
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? I read pretty fast, any where from 75-100 pages an hour, so it depends on the length of the book. I do hit some books where you just can't read as fast, but that is ok.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? I read pretty fast, any where from 75-100 pages an hour, so it depends on the length of the book. I do hit some books where you just can't read as fast, but that is ok.
8. What is your review style? My review style is not to have any spoilers about the book. I like to talk about what I liked about the characters and story, really just giving a general feel. Any formulas? :) I do find that as soon as I am done reading a book I go to the computer and write down what I think of it. If I wait there are just too many things that get in the way and then you forget the fun little obscure details.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? I have to say that yes, a pretty cover will suck me in, but it won't keep me reading. I can usually tell within 50 pages if I will like a book or not. If not I give it up and know that while others may like this book it just isn't for me. I don't encourage anyone to not try a book, just let them know my thoughts and tell them to give it a try.
10. What are you reading now? I am reading A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire and Seduced by the Wolf by Terry Spear, and listening to Cry No More by Linda Howard. I usually always have one audio book going. I love reading this way, it lets me get things done around the house and still read. I also find that there are books that I wouldn't have been able to read, but can listen to. The narrator of the book can make or break it for sure!!
Thanks Darcy for doing the interview and helping me out with reviews and Im looking forward to working more with you on my blog. You are very generous. :)
Thanks Darcy for doing the interview and helping me out with reviews and Im looking forward to working more with you on my blog. You are very generous. :)
Aww she sounds lovely. What a great interview. xx
Welcome, Darcy!
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