Thursday, September 12, 2013

Review Revealing Us (Inside Out #3) By Lisa Renee Jones

"Revealing Us"
15839322Author: Lisa Renee Jones
Genre: Erotic Romance
Pages: 320
Source: Netgalley
Published: September 10, 2013
Author's Website

Buy Links: Amazon

Goodreads Blurb:
The third installment in the sexy Inside Out erotic romance series—in the seductive tradition of Fifty Shades of Grey.

You've discovered Rebecca's secrets. You've discovered Sara's secrets. Now Sara will discover "his" deepest, darkest secrets...but will those secrets bind them together--or tear them apart?

My Review:
Another mysterious, surprising and erotic addition to the Inside Out series. A definite must read for any fans of the genre and for those that have been following the series from its start.

Chris and Sara have come a long way since the start of the series. It’s been a very long and bumpy road for them both. Sara is still trying to solve two mystery disappearances (with the help of Chris and his resources) and Chris is working hard to break down some of his walls and let Sara in like he has no other, ever! But will a piece of each other’s pasts prevent them from really moving forward? Can love truly conquer all?

I hope this is not the end of the series. I’m not ready for it to end yet (yea, I whined, so what!) While it was (as always) a great ending. It left so much open for interpretation. To anyone reading this. Please be sure to start from the beginning of the series. There’s so much growth, revelations and back ground story you’ll end up missing if you don’t go back and start from book 1!

Overall Rating 

 Sex Rating


PaulineAH said...

I really love this series (even the Novellas about Mark and Rebecca). I am just about done with Revealing Us (25 more pages to go) and it has been good, although if I'm honest, it isn't my favorite book in the series thus far. One of my gripes is Chris' "big secret". We've waited all these books (with an especially big build up in this book) and when Chris finally tells Sara what it is I was like "Really?" It was very anticlimactic. Unless there is more that he will be revealing in the last 25 pages, or in the next book, I will say that disappointed me. I also wish the constant theme of the books wasn't Sara looking for some woman. First it was Rebecca, now it is Ella. I would have liked to see Chris' "secret" have more substance (like I said, perhaps there is more to be divulged than just the first one he just told her (that I found a little over-dramatic in the way he has built it up and made her come to France to tell her)) and see them really work through those things to have a solid relationship, rather than her playing private investigator to yet another woman. And as far as the dynamic of Chris and Sara in this book...I just find that they both need to take a chill pill. They make mountains out of mole hills with each other. They make every look, every breath, every slump of the shoulders into a gigantic relationship catastrophe in their own heads. It's a little bit melodramatic. I feel like situations are written way out of proportion in this book in order to create a sense of drama where there really has no reason to be any. So I feel like the author should either create something that really merits the drama, or just allow them (Sara in particular since the book is from her POV) to think and act like a normal person would under the circumstances that are presented, and not think in her head that the relationship is doomed or over because they have a disagreement or argument.
Oh, and on a side note...there is no way in hell my boyfriend would be having some woman he had a sexual relationship with (Amber), who was outright hostile towards me, hanging around simply because she doesn't have family and also b/c of his "secret". I'm sure Chris would be totally fine if the tables were turned and he was having sex with Sara and her old lover "who is just a friend now and has no family" let himself into her apartment with a key and continued to show up unannounced. That is just plain ridiculous.
All in all I do recommend this series but I was a little disappointed by a lot of elements in this book. I'm hoping the next book will get back on track to the love I felt for the first two books.

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