I did a guest post and giveaway on Reading Between the Wines Book Club and you should go over and check it out here.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Review: "The Winter Sea" by Susanna Kearsley
by: Susanna Kearsley
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 576
ISBN: 9781402241376
Published: December 2010, Sourcebooks, Inc.
Author's Website: http://www.susannakearsley.com/index.html
Source: Sourcebooks, Inc. in exchange for a honest review
Goodreads Blurb:
Carrie McClelland came to Scotland to research her next book. Renting a cottage in the same town where her story takes place, Carrie embarks not only on her novel, but on a romance with her landlord's handsome son, Graham Keith. When the boundary between past and present begins to blur, Carrie finds herself channeling memories not her own. Pulled deeper and deeper into the memories of the past, Carrie realizes these visions are more than the means to another bestselling novel, but also a way to right the wrongs of the past and create a future with the man whose love is her destiny.
"A deeply engaging romance and a compelling historical novel...Susanna Kearsley has written a marvellous book."
-Bernard Cornwell
Carrie McClelland came to Scotland to research her next book. Renting a cottage in the same town where her story takes place, Carrie embarks not only on her novel, but on a romance with her landlord's handsome son, Graham Keith. When the boundary between past and present begins to blur, Carrie finds herself channeling memories not her own. Pulled deeper and deeper into the memories of the past, Carrie realizes these visions are more than the means to another bestselling novel, but also a way to right the wrongs of the past and create a future with the man whose love is her destiny.
"A deeply engaging romance and a compelling historical novel...Susanna Kearsley has written a marvellous book."
-Bernard Cornwell
My Review:
This book has very light romance and I'm more into romance than history. Hence my rating. It started off very good and I was flying through the pages then further I got into it I became bored with the plot and sorry to say but found it hard to finish. The book was well written with vivid descriptions, I just don't think this book was for me. I would recommend this book to Historical Fiction fans but not for hard core romance fans.
All the money I receive from you purchases from Amazon or Book Depository is used to fund giveaways on this blog. I do not blog for money.
Monday, December 27, 2010
In My Mailbox (7)
The in my mailbox meme is hosted by The Story Siren. This meme is were everyone tells about what books they received during the week.
Books I Received for Review:
I received this book from Renee @ Simon & Schuster.
Books I got from Paperback Swap:
Books I got for Christmas:

Sunday, December 26, 2010
What did you get for Christmas?
I was just interested to hear what everyone got for Christmas or at least your favorite gift.
I got a new Kindle 3 to replace my Kindle first generation.
What treasures did you get?
Chance to win a Nook Color!
Win a Nook Color

As a little post-Christmas treat, Tina Folsom is raffling off one brand-new Color Nook (retail price: $249) to one reader.
Get all the details here:
Thursday, December 23, 2010
All I Want For Christmas Is...
This is a feature/meme created by Danya @ A Tapestry of Words where you choose a book each week leading up to Christmas and say why it's made it onto your wishlist – and I'd love to see what books everyone else is hoping to get! So if you want to make your own blog post about it, please link up here. :)
My pick for this week is...
"Shadow Kiss"
by Richelle Mead
Series: Vampire Academy #3
Genre: YA - Paranormal Romance
Pages: 443
Author's website: http://www.richellemead.com/
Published: November 2008 by Razorbill
Goodreads Blurb:
For Rose Hathaway, everything seems out of kilter. Ever since she made her first Strigoi kills, a dark shadow has been creeping over her. Looming in the background, too, is another realization: If she follows her forbidden love for guardian Dimitri Belikov, she might lose her best friend forever. And these sleep-shaking worries couldn't have come at a worse time. The immortal unloving are prowling everywhere, famished for vengeance against her. An adrenaline-laced episode of the teen pop favorite Vampire Academy.
Why I added this one to my Christmas wishlist:
I have read the first two book in this series and loved them so I would love to continue and read the third book.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Miss Bohemia Guest Blog Post
Hi everyone, my name's Jen also known as Miss Bohemia! I make jewellery and I have an online shop called Miss Bohemia!
First of all I'd like to say a big thank you to Danielle for inviting me to do a guest post her lovely blog. As I am obsessed with reading books and making jewellery, I wanted to blog about how I found a great way to fulfil both of these passions at the same time! I am a collector of bookmarks and I used to make my own from my favourite postcards or recycle birthday and Christmas cards. Once I started making jewellery, I began looking for a way to add a touch of glamour/make them sparkle and come alive!
As I was probably reading a paranormal book at the time, it's no surprise that one of the first bookmarks I made was this 'Under A Vampire's Spell' bookmark. I then went on to make many more for friends and family and eventually added them to my shop.
I'm going to share some of my other favourite designs with you, most of which are available at www.missbohemia.com.
First up is my White Winter Flowers Silver Leaf Bookmark! This is one of my newer designs and I think it has a ethereal, magical look. It reminds me of a beautiful but cold winter’s day and I drew inspiration from 'The Snow Queen' (film) and the novel ‘Wicked Lovely’ by Melissa Marr.
My Alice in Wonderland bookmark is slightly more understated then the others, but just as lovely! It has a pink velvet cuff with an 'Alice In Wonderland' tag and a 'magic' inscribed charm at on the other end. I do plan to create further Alice based bookmarks with cupcakes, teacups and the like!
Another fantasy based bookmark, is my diving mermaid with a red faux gem for added sparkle and magic! These fascinating mythical creatures are often depicted as Sirens of the Sea, tempting sailors with their beauty and charm, making for great story telling. This is one of my favourites as I love the outline and form that takes shape in this bookmark!
You will find lots of vintage and Victorian styled jewellery in my shop, but these bookmarks are the newest additions to my line. Inspired by romantic fancies, I also wanted them to have a sophisticated and elegant feel.
Thank you for allowing me to share my bookmark collection with you. I hope you have enjoyed my choices and the inspirations behind these designs!
I would also like to say a big thank you to Danielle J
Jen ~ Miss Bohemia
Miss Bohemia links
Monday, December 20, 2010
Winners of "The Winter Sea" by Susanna Kearsley
I have used random.org to pick my 3 winners of a copy of "The Winter Sea" by Susanna Kearsley. I will be sending the address the winners submitted on the form to the publisher so that they could send them their book. And now for the good part.
The winners are.......................................
Carol L
Laura H.
Victoria Z.
Didn't win? You can order this book here:
I have a guest today! Susan @ Susan Mann
Today I have Susan here to do a fun interview about herself and her reading habits/preferences.
She has a book review blog called Susan Mann and I have become good friends with Susan so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. =)
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :) I'm in my early thirties, a mother of two toddlers, a wife and an operations manager for an IT company. I love all of those things, being a parent is my biggest challenge and most enjoyable however. I love to read, in fact it is my favorite thing to do in the whole world, nothing pleases me more than a good book. I also love to write and hope to have my own novel published one day. I've recently had a short story published in an Anthology. I play the clarsach harp, that's about as juicy as I'm going to get lol.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted? I have read for as long as I can remember, so forever. I think I have always been addicted. Even when my peers didn't read, there I was sitting with a good book.
3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels? I read vampire books as a young child, not horror ones but ones which ate soap and drank cola instead of blood. These got me hooked.
4. What are your favorite genres now? Paranormal romance is my favorite, but I also love Urban Fantasy, Horror and anything supernatural.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why? I'm not into Scifi and crime books. I find scifi which have names I find difficult to pronounce take me out of the story too much. I just can't get into them. And crime, well true life violence just frightens me. Horror, I'm fine with. Strange I know but most of it isn't anything that could happen, that's how I look at it.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be? I have no idea, I'm guessing over 500 but under 700.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? It depends on what I have on at the time and how the children are behaving. Sometimes 2 days but I would say an average of 4 days.
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :) I tend to start with the description of the book, then head on to my review. I write about the characters, the writing style, something I loved and something I wasn't as keen on and then an overall comment.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? I do tend to judge a book by it's cover. If a book in my reading genre is pretty I will buy it, probably without reading what it's about. I am however quite a good judge from the cover on whether or not I will like it. Maybe I'm book pyschic or something ;)
10. What are you reading now? I'm reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness just now. It's out in February 2011 in the UK and it's fantastic so far.
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback. Hardbacks, are too difficult to read in bed :)
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks. Dog ears are just plain evil.
YA novels or Adult novels? Depends but I'd go with the majority being YA Novels.
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore. I like to keep my books.
Reading glasses or No glasses? Glasses, I'm blind as a bat.
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks. I like to give 100% to my book.
Beach or Mountain? Beach. Lying on a sun lounger reading. Ahhh bliss.
Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire. I'm a huge sucker for them :)
Hot or Flirty? Flirty. I like to read the chase.
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Always, always book first. It's far better to use your imagination, than the producers.
Contemporary or Historical? Historical. I enjoy history.
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner. I'm not a big soppy heart film person either.
Susan is a busy mother so I want to thank her for taking time to participate in my interview.
She has a book review blog called Susan Mann and I have become good friends with Susan so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. =)
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :) I'm in my early thirties, a mother of two toddlers, a wife and an operations manager for an IT company. I love all of those things, being a parent is my biggest challenge and most enjoyable however. I love to read, in fact it is my favorite thing to do in the whole world, nothing pleases me more than a good book. I also love to write and hope to have my own novel published one day. I've recently had a short story published in an Anthology. I play the clarsach harp, that's about as juicy as I'm going to get lol.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted? I have read for as long as I can remember, so forever. I think I have always been addicted. Even when my peers didn't read, there I was sitting with a good book.
3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels? I read vampire books as a young child, not horror ones but ones which ate soap and drank cola instead of blood. These got me hooked.
4. What are your favorite genres now? Paranormal romance is my favorite, but I also love Urban Fantasy, Horror and anything supernatural.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why? I'm not into Scifi and crime books. I find scifi which have names I find difficult to pronounce take me out of the story too much. I just can't get into them. And crime, well true life violence just frightens me. Horror, I'm fine with. Strange I know but most of it isn't anything that could happen, that's how I look at it.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be? I have no idea, I'm guessing over 500 but under 700.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? It depends on what I have on at the time and how the children are behaving. Sometimes 2 days but I would say an average of 4 days.
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :) I tend to start with the description of the book, then head on to my review. I write about the characters, the writing style, something I loved and something I wasn't as keen on and then an overall comment.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? I do tend to judge a book by it's cover. If a book in my reading genre is pretty I will buy it, probably without reading what it's about. I am however quite a good judge from the cover on whether or not I will like it. Maybe I'm book pyschic or something ;)
10. What are you reading now? I'm reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness just now. It's out in February 2011 in the UK and it's fantastic so far.
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback. Hardbacks, are too difficult to read in bed :)
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks. Dog ears are just plain evil.
YA novels or Adult novels? Depends but I'd go with the majority being YA Novels.
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore. I like to keep my books.
Reading glasses or No glasses? Glasses, I'm blind as a bat.
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks. I like to give 100% to my book.
Beach or Mountain? Beach. Lying on a sun lounger reading. Ahhh bliss.
Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire. I'm a huge sucker for them :)
Hot or Flirty? Flirty. I like to read the chase.
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Always, always book first. It's far better to use your imagination, than the producers.
Contemporary or Historical? Historical. I enjoy history.
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner. I'm not a big soppy heart film person either.
Susan is a busy mother so I want to thank her for taking time to participate in my interview.
Thanks Susan!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
In My Mailbox (6)
The in my mailbox meme is hosted by The Story Siren. This meme is were everyone tells about what books they received during the week.
I received one book from a giveaway this week.
Books I won:

Friday, December 17, 2010
Happy Friday!! December 17th
Welcome to my blog!
It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday.
Please look around and join in the fun..
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter.
Have a great weekend!
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.
"What do you consider the most important in a story: the plot or the characters?"
I think both the plot and the characters are extremely important in a great novel. Being a romance lover I would say that the characters are the most important. You have to love the characters and be able to experience all their emotions.

Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.
Carmel is studying web design... What did you study in college, or are currently studying and did it lead to your current 9 to 5 or are you doing something totally different?
I am currently going to college for Business Administration. I don't have a 9 to 5 but I would love to own my own business. Maybe a gallery because I paint too.
Happy Follow Friday!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
All I Want For Christmas Is...
This is a feature/meme created by Danya @ A Tapestry of Words where you choose a book each week leading up to Christmas and say why it's made it onto your wishlist – and I'd love to see what books everyone else is hoping to get! So if you want to make your own blog post about it, please link up here. :)
My pick for this week is...
"The Secret"
by Julie Garwood
Series: Highlanders' Lairds #1
Genre: Historical Romance
Pages: 379
Author's website: http://www.juliegarwood.com/
Published: June 1995 by Pocket Books
Goodreads Blurb:
Judith Hampton was as beautiful as she was proud, as purposeful as she was loyal. The dear Scottish friend of her childhood was about to give birth, and Judith had promised to be at her side. But there was another, private reason for the journey from her bleak English home to the Highlands: to meet the father she had never known, the Laird Maclean...Nothing prepared her for the sight of the Scottish barbarian who was to escort her into his land...Iain Maitland, Laird of his clan, a man more powerfully compelling than any she had ever encountered.
In a clash of spirited wills and customs, Judith reveled in the melting bliss of Iain's searching kisses, his passionate caresses. Perplexed by her sprightly defiance, bemused by her tender nature, Iain felt his soul growing into the light and warmth of her love. Surely nothing would wrench her from the affection and trust of Iain and his clan...not even the truth about her father, a devastating secret that could shatter the boldest alliance, and the most glorious of loves!
Why I added this one to my Christmas wishlist:
I have wanted to read this book for a long time. In January 2010 RT Book Reviews did a feature on Medieval romance books and this series was listed as #1 have to read.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December Monthly Book Giveaway!
I am so excited to announce the book voted to be this month's December Book Giveaway, "A Werewolf in Manhattan: A Wild About You Novel" by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Enter now and spread the word as much as possible. I would really appreciate it if you follow but its not required.
I'm going to keep it as easy as possible to enter this month:
1. This give away is open internationally to anyone living where the book depository ships. Please check here.
2. It is required that you leave a comment with your email or you can email me your information on my contact me page.
Extra Entries:
+1 New follower
+2 Old follower
+2 each for spreading the word just leave the links so I can verify.
That's it! Good Luck!
Monday, December 13, 2010
I have a special guest today! The Book Vixen
Today I have The Book Vixen here to do a fun interview about herself and her reading habits/preferences.
She has a blog called The Book Vixen and it is one of my favorites so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. (after the interview of course) =)
3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :)
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?
10. What are you reading now?
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback?
She has a blog called The Book Vixen and it is one of my favorites so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. (after the interview of course) =)
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy?
I'm an only child, a chocoholic, lover of all things frog and I recently quit my job of 13 years to be a stay at home mom. Interesting facts:
I do not drink alcohol (never have, never will and no, it's not a religious thing), I don't like coffee (I can't even stand the smell) and I've never had the chicken pox. Sorry, nothing 'juicy' to report :)
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted?
Reading for fun? Since I was about 22 years old (I'm 31 now). It started with the Harry Potter series. I officially became addicted when I read the Twilight Saga last year. I was in the biggest slump ever after I finished reading Breaking Dawn. All I could think about was Bella and Edward. Then I discovered Sookie Stackhouse and was finally able to move on.
3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?
I started off reading mystery and suspense.
I didn't always read romance novels. When I used to hear 'romance' I thought I'd never read the stuff. Fabio always came to mind. I thought romance novels were cheesy. And now? Well now you can call me Ms. Velveeta ;)
4. What are your favorite genres now?
Contemporary romance, paranormal romance, romantic suspense and YA (with coming of age and/or romance elements).
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
Horror and non-fiction are a couple. I don't like watching horror flicks and I don't like reading it either. Non-fiction is an escape for me (we read to escape, right?). Rarely will I read non-fiction; I might read a memoir if it's about a person I like. But other than that I stay away from it.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
I'm not sure but less than 500. That seems so little, doesn't it? I read only 46 books in 2009 and I'm currently at 75 for 2010. My goal was to read 100 books this year but I'm not going to make it. I hope to read 100 books in 2011.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
Average, about 2-3 days. It can take me anywhere from less than 24 hours to a week to read a book. It just depends on the book and life.
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :)
I explain (1) why I read the book, (2) what I liked about the book, (3) what I didn't like about the book and (4) give my overall impression of the book. I don't summarize the book because I'm afraid of giving too much away but I do include a blurb (usually from Goodreads).
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover?
As much as I shouldn't, I do. It goes both ways though. There have been many a book that have a fabulous cover but the blurb doesn't grab me. It's a shame to let those books go.
10. What are you reading now?
Unraveled by Gena Showalter
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback?
Paperback. Trade paperback.
Dog ears or Bookmarks?
YA novels or Adult novels?
Library or Bookstore?
Reading glasses or No glasses?
Snack while reading or No snacks?
Beach or Mountain?
Vampire or Werewolf?
Hot or Flirty?
Movie 1st or Book 1st?
Contemporary or Historical?
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker?
YA novels or Adult novels?
Library or Bookstore?
Reading glasses or No glasses?
No glasses.
Snack while reading or No snacks?
Snacks (chocolate).
Beach or Mountain?
Vampire or Werewolf?
Hot or Flirty?
Movie 1st or Book 1st?
Book 1st.
Contemporary or Historical?
Contemporary. Definitely contemporary.
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker?
I'd like to take the time to thank The Book Vixen for taking time out of her busy schedule to participate in my interview. She has some great challenges planned for 2011 so head over to her blog and sign up. =)

Sunday, December 12, 2010
In My Mailbox (5)
The in my mailbox meme is hosted by The Story Siren. This meme is were everyone tells about what books they received during the week.
I received four books from a giveaway this week.
Books I won:
"A Certain Wolfish Charm"
"Tall Dark and Wolfish"
"The Wolf Next Door"
"The Taming of the Wolf"
All by Lydia Dare.
I was lucky enough to win all four of these books from Debbie @ Debbie's Book Bag!!!. Thanks Debbie!

Winner of my Christmas Giveaway!
Crystal @ Reading Between the Wines
Friday, December 10, 2010
2011 Highlander Reading Challenge
I know, I know, I said I wouldn't be signing up for any more challenges because of my busy schedule and slow reading habits but I just couldn't pass this one up. Hosted by Lori @ Escape Between The Pages is the 2011 Highlander Reading Challenge. My all time favorite historical time period is the Medieval Times so you see I had to join. Lori is allowing us to cross read and review between challenges. I didn't address this when posting about my 2011 Historical Romance Challenge but I will also allow everyone to cross read and review so if your apart of my challenge you can also join Lori's if you will be reading Highlander novels. If you are a part of Lori's challenge you can sign up for my challenge and use the same books. You can sign up for mine here.
For all the participants in my challenge on Jan. 1st I will be posting my first monthly challenge post about the challenge with all the updates for international participants, the cross reading and reviewing etc. The Jan. 1st post will also have the Mister Linky for your first review and the prize for that months giveaway. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments or email.
All I Want For Christmas Is...
This is a feature/meme created by Danya @ A Tapestry of Words where you choose a book each week leading up to Christmas and say why it's made it onto your wishlist – and I'd love to see what books everyone else is hoping to get! So if you want to make your own blog post about it, please link up here. :)
My pick for this week is...
"Devil Of The Highlands"
by Lynsay Sands
Series: Devil og the Highlands #1
Genre: Historical Romance
Pages: 384
Author's website: http://www.lynsaysands.net
Published: February 2008 by Avon
Goodreads Blurb:
They call him the Devil . . .
He is the most notorious laird of Scotland: fierce, cold, deadly . . . and maybe even worse. Yet Evelinde has just agreed to wed him. Anything, she thinks, is better than her cruel stepmother. Though Evelinde should be wary of the rumors, she can't help but be drawn to this warrior . . . for the Devil of the Highlands inspires a heat within her that is unlike anything she has ever known.
They may call him whatever they wish, but Cullen, Laird of Donnachaidh, cares only for the future of his clan. He must find a wife, a woman to bear him sons and heed his commands. He has no need for beauty or grace, but one taste of his lovely bride's sweet lips and the sultry feel of her skin arouse an untamed passion. Perhaps there's more to marriage than he thought . . .
Why I added this one to my Christmas wishlist:
I have wanted to read this book for a long time. I have a love for historical romance novels set in Medieval Times and this book would be perfect for my 2011 Historical Reading Challenge.
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