She has a book review blog called Susan Mann and I have become good friends with Susan so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. =)
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :) I'm in my early thirties, a mother of two toddlers, a wife and an operations manager for an IT company. I love all of those things, being a parent is my biggest challenge and most enjoyable however. I love to read, in fact it is my favorite thing to do in the whole world, nothing pleases me more than a good book. I also love to write and hope to have my own novel published one day. I've recently had a short story published in an Anthology. I play the clarsach harp, that's about as juicy as I'm going to get lol.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted? I have read for as long as I can remember, so forever. I think I have always been addicted. Even when my peers didn't read, there I was sitting with a good book.
3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels? I read vampire books as a young child, not horror ones but ones which ate soap and drank cola instead of blood. These got me hooked.
4. What are your favorite genres now? Paranormal romance is my favorite, but I also love Urban Fantasy, Horror and anything supernatural.
5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why? I'm not into Scifi and crime books. I find scifi which have names I find difficult to pronounce take me out of the story too much. I just can't get into them. And crime, well true life violence just frightens me. Horror, I'm fine with. Strange I know but most of it isn't anything that could happen, that's how I look at it.
6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be? I have no idea, I'm guessing over 500 but under 700.
7. How long does it usually take you to read an average book? It depends on what I have on at the time and how the children are behaving. Sometimes 2 days but I would say an average of 4 days.
8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :) I tend to start with the description of the book, then head on to my review. I write about the characters, the writing style, something I loved and something I wasn't as keen on and then an overall comment.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? I do tend to judge a book by it's cover. If a book in my reading genre is pretty I will buy it, probably without reading what it's about. I am however quite a good judge from the cover on whether or not I will like it. Maybe I'm book pyschic or something ;)
10. What are you reading now? I'm reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness just now. It's out in February 2011 in the UK and it's fantastic so far.
This or That?
Hardback or Paperback? Paperback. Hardbacks, are too difficult to read in bed :)
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks. Dog ears are just plain evil.
YA novels or Adult novels? Depends but I'd go with the majority being YA Novels.
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore. I like to keep my books.
Reading glasses or No glasses? Glasses, I'm blind as a bat.
Snack while reading or No snacks? No snacks. I like to give 100% to my book.
Beach or Mountain? Beach. Lying on a sun lounger reading. Ahhh bliss.
Vampire or Werewolf? Vampire. I'm a huge sucker for them :)
Hot or Flirty? Flirty. I like to read the chase.
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Always, always book first. It's far better to use your imagination, than the producers.
Contemporary or Historical? Historical. I enjoy history.
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Page-Turner. I'm not a big soppy heart film person either.
Susan is a busy mother so I want to thank her for taking time to participate in my interview.
Thanks Susan!!

Thank you so much Danielle for interviewing me. It was so much fun. I hope some of your readers will pop over and say hi. Happy holidays everyone x
Hi Danielle and Susan,
Thanks for the interview Susan I did enjoy it. Vamps who drank cola instead of blood ? They would have been my kind of Vamps. :)
Happy Holidays to you both.
HI Susan and Danielle, what a great interview. I didn't start reading paranormal til a couple years ago. Now I'm hopelessly hooked. Hope you both have a Wonderful Holiday.
Great interview and post on such a wonderful person! Congrats Susan on having your short story published in an Anthology!
I love your This or That questions - so much fun!
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