She has a blog called Bitten by Paranormal Romance and it is one of my favorites so if you haven't checked her blog out yet you need to head over there. (after the interview of course) =)
1. Tell us a little about yourself. Anything interesting we should know about? Maybe something juicy? :)
I am married to a wonderful husband for 20 years, homeschool my daughter that is now in the 12th and I take care of my 85 year old dad that lives with us, he is almost blind and hearing almost gone. I am a Sims 3 addict but also play a little of Sims 2. I love to bake, I have the butt to prove it LOL. I wont buy any products that is tested on animals and after that last cow abuse I quit eating beef. Last I don’t like any fruits and vegetables, I keep trying them with no avail. Something Juicy would be, I have my Sims skinny dip in the hot tub and have sex in public places, Oh ya, its so much fun to hear the other Sims cheering them on as they are going at it LOL. I also like seeing them get electrocuted while fixing appliances, they get nice and crispy with their hair sticking straight up and brunt.
2. How long have you been reading? When did you start? When did you officially become addicted?
I was a freak over reading when I was a teen. Then as I got older I lost interest. One day I seen my daughter reading Twilight and she would not put it down until she was done with all four books, I really never thought much about it until I seen the movie and then I had to read the books and from there I started reading adult paranormal romance books and was hooked.3.What genre did you start reading first? Or have you always read romance novels?
I read the Sweet Valley High books when I was a teen, so I have always been a romance reader.4. What are your favorite genres now?
Paranormal romance hands down is the best for me. I do read others, but I don’t stray long.5. Is there any genres you don't like? Why?
Urban Fantasy. I tend to sick with romance, so I don’t get along with this genre well. It has to be an excellent author to write UF for me to enjoy.6. If you had to guess how many books you have read in your lifetime how many would it be?
Over 1,0007. How long does it usually take you to read an average book?
1 to two days.8. What is your review style? Any formulas? :) I don’t have any formulas. I give my honest thoughts of a book without degrading or to tearing down a book, I may not like a book where someone else will. I do my best to write a review without spoilers, I know most authors don’t like the spoilers. I do try to give teasers or tell a little about a good sex scene without spoiling it. I try to tell if the book has gore or rape etc.. I know some don’t like this stuff and at times I don’t either. Basically I write a review the way I would like to see what is in the book without spoiling the book.
9. Do you tend to judge a book by it's cover? No
10. What are you reading now? Gabriel’s Mate by Tina Folsom
This or That?
Dog ears or Bookmarks? Bookmarks! I am a freak about my books.
YA novels or Adult novels? Adult
Library or Bookstore? Bookstore
Reading glasses or No glasses? Glasses
Snack while reading or No snacks? Sometimes I snack
Beach or Mountain? Mountain
Vampire or Werewolf? Both! You can ask a paranormal person to pick between these two so not fair LOL.
Hot or Flirty? Hot
Movie 1st or Book 1st? Movie
Contemporary or Historical? Historical
Page-Turner or Tear Jerker? Pager Turner!! I not into the crying thing, yuck LOL.
Laurie is a busy girl so I want to thank her for taking time to participate in my interview.
Thanks Laurie!!

Okay, so I had to google what Sims is - just because you talked about skinny dipping and sex in public places. Can't just make me imagine all these juicy things and let me hang there, LOL.
Thanks for the great interview.
Oh I follow Bitten by Paranormal Romace. I always go over there to look for new paranormal romances. I especially love how the reviews have very indepth ratings of the book so you know exactly what type of book it is.
Thanks to you both for the lovely interview! :)
I love PR blog. The reviews are honest and always leave no doubt as to what type of book it is. Laurie fills her blog with all the interesting info I look for in a blog. Thanks for the interview ladies.
Carol L.
Tina- Sorry about that. The Sims is a pc game, you can find it here Its loads of fun and is anohter way to escape life as we know it. The fun thing is you can have your sims do things you would like to do,but cant in life;)
Thanks for stopping by Tina. I know your busy too. By the way I am so loving Gabriel's Mate.
Alexa and Carol- Thank you so much for the complement, it means a lot to me. And you guys mean a lot to me just by stopping by the blog to get some good reads.
My husband is the only one that know how much pain I put into each review to make them the best I can without spoiling things. He edits them each one I write. Its a way for him to keep up with what I love to do. He knows what I want in a review and if I don't make him want to read the book or not, then he tells me to do it again or helps make it better. I also have to give credit to my daughter she helps so much in the same way also.
I try to keep things fresh and up to date on the blog, so you get the best info on PNR reads or even PNR erotica. I am already filling up next year with ideals, so I hope you get more out of the blog this next coming year.
Danielle- Thanks so much for having me. I love the work you do on you blog, it keeps getting better each day.
@ Laurie, Your very welcome. I'm glad you agreed to let me pick your brain a little bit. :)
THanks for hosting the giveaway!
I follow both blogs and I think you both a great job with reviews!
It's a good thing that Laurie does not post spoilers in her reviews!
Heheheh, no veggies? Gosh my mom would strangle you!
Laurie you may love your Sims but you are a naughty girl electrocuting them like that!
BbPNR is one of my favorite sites ever since I found it and do not get to visit as much as would like anymore but keep up the wonderful job you do and looking forward to seeing what you come up with next year too!
I am with Artemis up there have you know love for fruit smoothies at all?
jackie >_<
Interesting interview with great questions!
Great interview, ladies! Laurie, I love your blog. BBPR is one of my "visit daily" sites. You always have the best books to add to my wishlist!!
Now, I'm going to have to check out this Sims game...
Artemis - Does milksake count LOL Nope no smoothies either;)
Kelly- Thanks for stopping and I am glad you enjoy the reviews on my blog and Dianelle's she does an awesome job too.
Jackie- I know what you mean about getting around, I have to figure out how to start taking time to visit everyone more. I love your blog too..
Kris- Thanks so much for stopping in.
Diana- Thanks! I glad I can fill up your wishlist LOL. I think you have a hand in filling up mine too;)
Nice to meet you, Laurie. I got quite a chuckle about the "sex in public" for your Sims - I am BAD at that game! I tend to wander around aimlessly. :)
Aww Lauren sounds like such a nice person. I am loving reading these interviews. x
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