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It's the Blog Hop and Follow Friday.
Please look around and join in the fun..
Check out all my current giveaways on my giveaways page. Click here to enter. Have a great weekend!
In the spirit of the Twitter Friday Follow, the Book Blogger Hop is a place just for book bloggers and readers to connect and share our love of the written word! This weekly BOOK PARTY is an awesome opportunity for book bloggers to connect with other book lovers, make new friends, support each other, and generally just share our love of books! It will also give blog readers a chance to find other book blogs to read! To join in go to Crazy for Books for all the details.
"What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"
Once again its time for follow Friday to join in and get all the details go to Parajunkee's View.
Morning, Danielle! Old follower hopping though :) Have a great weekend!
That's what I had to do as well when I read Jennifer Estep's Spider's Bite. I just couldn't get into it and parts of the writing style bugged me.
Here's my full post
Happy Friday!
Very creative. Myself ... I'm terrible at art, no matter in what form. :-)
Hello Danielle!Hopping by through FF to say hi!
Old and faithfull follower of yours!
Have a happy weekend :)
Anna Books to Brighten your Mood
Happy Friday Danielle! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and get lots of reading in:) That's very cool that you paint as well, I'm pretty good at drawing on the computer, but I've never been great at painting though I love it:)
Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog. I read romance too. Must admit to reading a lot of Mills & Boon! Hehe! Stop by again to have a chat! Have a great weekend!
ooo Oil Painting, interesting. new follower. returning the favor :)
Oil painting. Care to show us followers a few of your paintings Daniella? :) Anyway, thanks for dropping by Clandestine Sanctuary. Already a follower.
Have a great weekend! :)
Hi, Danielle! Happy Friday! Oil painting? Ambitious! I am really good at,... stick figures! I can draw with a mouse but that is it!! I am a crafter of all kinds myself!
Thanks for visiting me!!! I think it can be hard at times to do a review on a book that is very popular by others. I know lots of people loved lessons in french by laura kinsale, but barely got through half of it, but I didn't get through all of it, so didn't do a review on it though. Hope you are having a great weekend!
Happy blog hopping Friday to you. :) Thank you for also visiting me. Let's chat over the weekend!
very interesting, i have tried to read city of bones and haven't been able to get into it
Thanks for stopping by. What have you had going on this week that made you so busy? It's the end of the semester for me so I'm getting a little overwhelmed.
I enjoyed the Mortal Instruments, though it took all three books for me to get there. There were a few things that bothered me about it. And there was just something off about the whole thing. I like a few of the characters enough to keep reading though. I'll have to go read your review.
Have a good weekend!
I've been meaning to try out that series, but I just haven't gotten myself to it yet. I'm a new follower. My hop is at Coffee Table Press
Just hopping through on the Blog Hop and thought I would say "Hello". So, Hello :) By the by, I am a new follower, although in truth, I thought I was already following... hmmph.
Escape Between The Pages
Hey Danielle! Thanks for stopping by! I agree that the Mortal Instruments Series wasn't that astounding. It was good, but it certainly wasn't this amazing literary feat.
I'm amazed sometimes at the books that become bestsellers, but hey, to each their own, right?
I have yet to read City of Bones...I have all 3 in the series here...it would be a borign place if we all liked the same thing :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I actually have City of Bones on my TBR pile but haven't got around to it just yet. I've heard some mixed reviews too.
Hope you get in plenty of reading over the weekend!
Happy Friday and Happy Weekend! I'm so happy for two days off :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Hey Danielle,
That's so cool that you enjoy oil painting, I wouldn't know where to begin. Actually, I have painted before...that Paint By Numbers thingie you get at the craft store.. Yeah well, I wasn't very good at it. Oh well, lol!
have a great weekend!
Nocturnal Bites
Hopping through. I would love to be good at oil paintings. Very cool!
My Hop
Hi Danielle - haven't been by lately. I love oils too. Also soft pastels - they are so fast!
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
email: steph@fangswandsandfairydust.com
twitter: @fangswandsfairy
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for stopping by earlier. I wasn't that thrilled with City of Bones either but I just figured I was too old :)
Hi Danielle! I'm an old follower stopping by to say hi! Hope you have a great weekend! BTW I love the hottie for this week ;)
Wow, it's awesome that you oil paint. I wish I could :)
Wow, you paint! I'm envious of your skill! I like to garden and travel in my spare time, but I don't get much of that lately so I'd say chilling out is my major hobby atm!
Just hopping by to say Hi! Your blog is so beautiful! I recently read Clockwork Angel and I liked it. I haven't read any of Clare's other books yet. I'm hosting a big Christmas Giveaway. Please stop by if you get a chance! Let Them Read Books
Hopping by to say hope you have a great week ahead!
Hi friend!
Oil painting sounds like great fun!
City of Bones is on my to read list. lets hope I like it a bit better, I'l be sure to let you know :)
@ Niecole, I would love to hear what you think of it when your done. =)
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