I would like to thank Felicity Heaton for being on the blog today and sharing with us for this great cause.
I’m a one cat sort of woman (although the intention
had been to have two cats, but don’t tell her that) with a very special kitty
in my life. She’s ginger, rambunctious, playful and sometimes cuddly. My
current love, codenamed Koyo, has been with me for six years this month and I
have enjoyed every minute of our up and down relationship.
All pet owners think their fur-baby is super special
and I’m no different. She’s a very special cat because she has such a
personality, and I think it stems from the fact that she was an only kitten,
born to my late aunt’s ginger female at a very young age (hussy). We had hoped
she would have two or more kittens because, well, cats have an average litter
of two or more! But no, Koyo came out as the sole kitten, and while her mother
did a semi-admirable job of raising her, by the time my darling baby was only
seven weeks old, the hussy was off flaunting herself at toms again.
It was left to me to wean Koyo onto solid food. No
easy task! I remember how excited I was the day I found her eating her first
bowl of wet food. I took a picture and texted it to my family.
She developed an incredible personality that I like to
put down to her being an only kitten. She never learned the right way to play
or correct social etiquette, so she’s always been one for taking things too
far. I have the scars to prove it. She’s fiery and can unleash her
fastest-claws-in-the-west routine on your feet if you don’t do what she wants
when she wants it. That covers everything from playing or letting her out, to
her becoming my alarm clock to get me out of the damn bed to feed her first
thing in the morning. The joys of being awoken by a cheeky paw under the
She’s not all fire and spit though. She’s a wimp when
it comes to other cats, more often than not turning to me or my husband to
assist with removal of other cats from her territory. She’s scared of strangers
and will hide behind the bed whenever the plumber comes around or my family
comes over. She views myself and my husband as her pride, and trembles with
emotion when we return from a long holiday. I’ve never had a cat shake with
emotion before, and it’s really quite endearing. If she gets frightened, she’ll
curl up close to me and cuddle until whatever has frightened her is gone. That
can be pretty much anything... we had our external walls insulated once and I
had to spend half a day with a cat squashed onto my lap in a tight ball. It
wasn’t easy to work!
Koyo is a character, and I think that shows in her
nicknames. She’s been called everything from Ginger Ninja and Monkey, to Beast,
through to Pudding Pop and other cuter names. She gets called Monkey and Beast
so much that she responds to them now.
She’s my office buddy during the day. She’s actually
sleeping behind me on the padded seat as I type. She knows when I’m about to
tear my hair out with stress and comes to see me, settling on my lap for a
while or convincing me to step away from my desk to play with her. She follows
me around the garden when I’m working out there. And she’s always more than
happy to sleep on either myself or my husband, doing that amazing balancing
tricks cats do so they can sleep on your side and effectively stop you from
being able to move.
You can probably see now why I honestly believe that
to Koyo, me and my husband are her pride. We’re a family unit and we all help
each other out, cuddle together and play together. She’s crazy at times, but
she’s wonderful and I wouldn’t swap her for any placid pet in the world. She’s
my fur-baby and I think everyone should have a fur-baby in their life, and take
care of it, and love it, like I love her.
Felicity Heaton writes passionate paranormal romance
books as Felicity Heaton and F E Heaton. In her books she creates detailed
worlds, twisting plots, mind-blowing action, intense emotion and heart-stopping
romances with leading men that vary from dark deadly vampires to sexy
shape-shifters and wicked werewolves, to sinful angels and hot demons!
If you're a fan of paranormal romance authors Lara
Adrian, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Gena Showalter and Christine Feehan then
you will enjoy her books too.
If you love your angels a little dark and wicked,
Felicity Heaton’s best selling Her Angel series is for you. If you like strong,
powerful, and dark vampires then try the Vampires Realm series she writes as F
E Heaton or any of her stand alone vampire romance books she writes as Felicity
Heaton. Or if you’re looking for vampire romances that are sinful, passionate
and erotic then try Felicity Heaton’s new Vampire Erotic Theatre series.
In 2011, five of her six paranormal romance books
received Top Pick awards from Night Owl Reviews, Forbidden Blood was nominated
as Best PNR Vampire Romance 2011 at The Romance Reviews, and many of her
releases received five star reviews from numerous websites. In 2012, she
received the GraveTells Author of the Year Award and her vampire romance novel,
Heart of Darkness, was selected as a 2013 Epic Ebook Awards finalist in the
paranormal romance category.
If you want to
know more about me, or want to get in touch, you can find me at the following
My website: http://www.felicityheaton.co.uk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/felicityheaton
Twitter: http://twitter.com/felicityheaton
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/felicityheaton
Felicity has generously donated three ebooks to giveaway on my blog. This giveaway is totally separate from the main giveaway so there is no need to donate to win this prize just leave a meaningful comment and your email address. There will be three winners. The books she has donated are "Heat", "Hunter's Moon" and "Crave".
Main Giveaway:
Hello Everyone! We have a lot of blogs that have gotten together to help raise money for a great cause. There are going to be some awesome prizes up for grabs for people that donate money to the cause. Here is a little about the company that we are raising the money for:
With A Cause® enhances the independence and quality of life for people
with disabilities nationally through custom-trained Assistance Dogs.
increases awareness of the rights and roles of Assistance Dog teams
through education and advocacy. Founded in 1979, Paws With A Cause is
dedicated to helping its clients who are challenged by many
such as Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Seizure Disorders, and
Hearing Disorders to name just some. Each of our dogs are trained to
meet the specific needs of our clients. Tasks may include opening and
closing doors, picking up objects, pulling a wheelchair,
turning lights on and off, and alerting a person to particular sounds
like a telephone, doorbell, smoke detector and many others. Our dogs
change lives by enhancing the independence of our clients. By just
opening a door, a dog opens up the world for a person
with a disability and your donations will go to making that happen.
PAWS thanks you so much for your donation and allowing us to open more
4646 South Division
Wayland, MI 49348
How to donate:
2. Click on "Make a Donation"3. Enter a amount you wish to donate. Everibbon will add a small fee to your donation for processing. My fee for donating $5.00 was .49 cents. So keep this in mind when deciding your donation amount. You will receive 1 entry into the giveaway for every $1 you donate.
4. In the box that says "on the behalf of" please put your name. This is the name that will be listed on the everibbon website so put a name you do not mind being visible to everyone. Do not check the box to make a anonymous donation because I will not be able to track your donation to enter you into the giveaways.
5. Next it will ask you for your credit or debit card information.
6. Then it will ask for your email address to send you a receipt. This is so that you can submit it for tax purposes.
7. Ta Da! Your all done making your donation. Now you need to contact Danielle to enter the giveaway.
8. Please email Danielle at RomanceBookJunkiesDanielle@Yahoo.com with the name you used to donate your money. For example the name I used to donate on behalf of was Romance Book Junkies. Do not send me your name off your credit or debit card because I will not be able to see this. Along with the name you used please tell me how much you donated and if you live in the US or are International.
9. Your all done. Thank you for donating!
Warning: Do not try to email Danielle the name and donation amount of another person that is not yourself. If Danielle receives more than one email with the same persons name and donation amount she will have to ask for your copy of the receipt from Everibbon to verify that you are the correct winner. Thank you.
We will have 4 winners for the main giveaway.
We have 2 $65 gift certificates to any online book store.
Also we have a huge box of books and swag from Romance Book Junkies and Bitten by Paranormal Romance for US residents only.
Good luck to all and thank you for helping make this fundraiser a success.

What a wonderful organization! It is amazing to see these assistance dogs in action. Thanks to all the bloggers for supporting this worthy cause.
Thanks to all the bloggers for donating and supporting such a worthy and worthwhile cause. I am the proud parent of a 10 yr old Yorkshire Terrier named Maximus Aurelious (aptly named because he ended uo being what they call a "throw back" and weighs in at 22 pounds and drastically outweoghs his 3 brothers, sister, and , mom & dad - they all weigh between 3-5 pounds!) and my 3 yr old Black Lab named Sophie Ann who is the sweetest, loving, silly dog I have ever met and snores like a bear! Thanks for the giveaway!
Crystal Guidroz
So cute. Thanks for sharing.
Koyo is adorable! Did you know it is more rare to have a red female tabby than male. Most reds are born male.
Such a great cause! Thanks for being a part of it!!
What a Fantastic cause, and Felicity Koyo is sooooo adorable, she looks like butter wouldn't melt!! Until she gets her Claws out Eh!!. Ouch. Ahhhh Bless
Wow! the first giveaway i have ever seen where you have to donate for a great cause to gain an entry! GENIUS! Such a great way to gain recognition for the cause and raise much needed funds! ^_^
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