Sunday, October 16, 2011

Halloween Spooktacular Day 17

No Tricks, Just Treats

When I was a kid Halloween was first about the costume, second about collecting candy – as much candy as I could.
Memorable costumes of mine ranged from: Peter Pan to Smokey the Bear ( on the hottest day on record in Los Angeles! ) to Arabian Princess.
Favorite candies of mine were: Starburst, Chunky and 3Musketeers.
Today, Halloween is much different. I only dress up if I’m hosting a party but candy’s STILL huge at our house. We live in a neighborhood stocked with children, and it’s not uncommon to give away 12 – 15 bags of candy the night of BOOS and CHILLS.
I adore seeing the kids come to the door – the costume creativity blows me away!
I’m offering book treats today! One winner can choose one of my books for their Halloween treat. If you haven’t heard of my books then this will be a great chance to become familiar with my titles: Falling for Romeo, Magic Hands, Nailed, A Season of Eden, Heavenly, Penitence, Absolution ( series ) Overprotected and An Open Vein. I’ll throw in a Halloween surprise with the book!
I’m always thrilled to make a new friend/reader so join me on Facebook and Twitter where I giveaway lots of swag and talk books.
Here’s to a great Halloween night with lots of treats!

Jennifer Laurens and


Carol L. said...

Hi Jennifer,
You are a new Author to me but I have to say your books look fantastic. Happy to meet you here. :)
Thanks for this opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

Im sorry to say i havent herd of any of your work,But they sound great and i wouldnt mind checking some of them out:)
Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
Halloween is one of my fav. times of year too.

Unknown said...

I haven't read any of your books, but I am interested in reading Magic Hands. Thanks for the treats!

miki said...

Oah we did a jump in time ^^ i lost one week without knowing ^^ and we are 17october already ^^ ( don't worry- it's nothing)

I never read anything from you but your work seem really interesting and i would like to read Magic Hands.
I can't have facebook nor twitter so i hope it's not only for those who have it

thanks for the giveaway


Amy said...

I actually have the Heavenly series on my "to be read" list because I love stories about angels. The covers remind me of the dramatic and haunting Hush, Hush covers.


Vivien said...

Loved the post! I'm a fan of Jennifer's

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Anne said...

I wish I got trick or treaters. I'm lucky if I get 2. I see them running around outside sometimes, but they never come into the apt. building. We used to love apt. buildings when I was a kid, warm and lots of opportunity close together.

Anne said...

Did anyone notice that this post says Oct. 17 and it's the 11th? Spoooky.

Jeremy said...

@ Anne I had a fight with blogger last night when I was trying to schedule this post and it refused to post on the 17th. So I gave up.

Texas Book Lover said...

WOW! I have heard of all of these but somehow didn't realize they were by the same author.

Thanks for the chance!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

latishajean said...

Thank you so much love her books been wanting to read Absolution for awhile and have not had the chance! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!

Scorpio1974 said...

Hi Jennifer! You're a new author to me and I have to say the books definitely have me intrigued! =) Hope you have an awesome Halloween!! v----v
Thanks so much for this generous giveaway opportunity!!! =) Good luck to everyone who enters!!

Valerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)
Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long -

In Julie's Opinion said...

I haven't read you yet, but I have definitely heard good things about your books!! Magic Hands sounds like a book I would really enjoy reading:) Thanks for a terrific giveaway!
jwitt33 at live dot com

MommysYAaddiction said...

SO Your actually one of my favorite authors! I ate up the heavenly series! I loved Overprotected and Magic hands was awesome! I really want to read anything else from you because I absolutly love your writing! Please enter me!
mommyrds at aol dot com

KT said...

Jennifer -- You are a new author to me as well, but I LOVE to add someone new to my list of favorites (and Magic Hands sounds pretty fun!) I'd love to be entered in the contest to win one of your books! Thanks!! ~KT

Jel said...

falling for romeo looks very good, i want to read it =)

punkme15 at gmail dot com

Mary @SweepingMe said...

I love Jennifer Laurens. I have read two of her books and loved them. I would love to get my hands on a new one! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

mary_reiss @

Khyla said...

i am a huge fan of Jennifer Lauren and i loved the two i read so far which was overprotected and falling for romeo


Rachel said...

I'm looking forward to reading Overprotected--it looks fantastic!

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