Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Spooktacular Day 25

Hello Everyone!

Halloween is in just a few short days and I would love to share some of the Halloween spirit with you.

Danielle and Donna have been kind enough to invite me to post about a giveaway.
I'm giving away two great books, one of which has a great paranormal theme which is great for Halloween.

I'm sure you don't want to hear me ramble on so lets just get to what I'm giving away.


I am giving away one tote bag which has Demonglass on one side and it is signed in sharpie by Rachel Hawkins and the flip side features Dark Goddess which is signed by Sarwat Chadda. Included in this giveaway is a hardcover copy of Hex Hall and a hardcover copy of Devil's Kiss. These are the first books in each separate series that way you can start these two great series.

Giveaway Details:

This giveaway is for all of the above mentioned (the tote bag and two books).

The giveaway ends November 1st at Midnight!

This giveaway is US Only.

How To Enter:

~ Leave a comment on this post about a Halloween memory you have.

Extra Entries:

~ +1 if you are a follower of Danielle @ http://romancebookjunkies.blogspot.com/">Romance Book Junkies

~ +1 if you are a follower of Donna @ http://booklovershideaway.blogspot.com/">Book Lover's Hideaway

~ +1 if you are a follower of Alexa (me) @ http://www.pages-of-forbidden-love.blogspot.com/">Pages of Forbidden Love

Thank you for letting me join in on the Halloween Spooktacular!


Scorpio1974 said...

My fave Halloween memory is when I was in the 4th grade and I finally was allowed to go trick-or-treating in the trailer court alone with my best friend. It was a blast getting to feel like I was a responsible person and could be trusted to do something without my parents. =) We had a blast and got tons of candy and treats from everyone. =)
+1 romance book junkies blog follower
+1 book lovers hideaway blog follower

Valerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)
Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long - https://www.facebook.com/vsl1974

jfort357 said...

My fav Halloween memory is meeting my hubby!! When I was 17 my friend, Sophie, wanted to set me up with a guy named Joe. I did not like being set up. I avoided meeting him for months. On Halloween, a friend & I went to a party. I dressed as Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz. When I got home, Sophie & Joe were waiting for me. He was so HOT & became quickly embarrassed by my costume. It was what started our conversation. We went on several dates after that. Who would've thought years later we would get married!! On Halloween, we still chuckle about how we met!!! :-)

+1 RBJ Blog follower-jfort357


Vivien said...

Last year was the first year my hubby and I went all out for Halloween. It was such a blast. I even made pumpkin cream cheese muffins. Yum!

+1 GFC follower RBJ
+1 follow Pages of Forbidden

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

miki said...

Great giveaway, unfortunately not for me since i'm international ( ç_ç)

Since we don't celebrate halloween here or on few plce,; my memories are when my roleplaying club decided to organise a sepecial evening ( and day) for that occasion. i got to decorate , think of a special menu and everything...when the other member goot completly spooky, it was really great


Unknown said...

My fav Halloween moment was trick or treating with my siblings. My mom would drop us off at one end of the block and we would hit every house and meet my mom at the other end. We lived in a small town so we knew everyone. Such great times!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

+1 RBJ follower
+1 BLH follower
+1 PFL follower

Kelsey O.
kopsahl48 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I have no special memory of Halloween. I only remember getting costumes and dressing up and going trick n treating. Please enter me in contest. I would love to win. Tore923@aol.com

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

Great giveaway, Thank you:)

+1 RBJ follower
+1 BLH follower
+1 PFL follower

elliott2668(at) yahoo(dot) com

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

My fav. moment was my sons frist Halloween when he could do it by his self and say tricker treat! It was the best

elliott2668(at) yahoo(dot) com

mamabunny13 said...

A favorite Halloween memory of mine is the look on my daughter's face when that first bit of candy was dropped into her pumpkin!

*yadkny* said...

My fav Halloween memory was when my parents put together a haunted house in our garage and basement and invited a ton of people over. It was so much fun! At the time my mom had even just gotten out of the hospital after having twins, so they were able to join us too:)

I have both series on my wishlist! Thanks for the great giveaway & HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

~ +1 Follower of Danielle @ Romance Book Junkies

~ +1 Follower of Donna @ Book Lover's Hideaway

~ +1 Follower of Alexa @ Pages of Forbidden Love


Unknown said...

My memorable and also bittersweet Halloween memory was when I was 8. That year my dad was on deployment in Iceland for the navy. I don't remember having Halloween without him before that, but I probably had. This was just the first one that I can remember. My mom worked super duper hard on my costume and my youngest brother's. I was a mermaid (http://static.artfire.com/admin/product_images/thumbs/--90000--85652_product_1274189211_thumb_large.jpg) and my brother was Michelangelo from the Ninja Turtles (http://static.artfire.com/admin/product_images/thumbs/--120000--94568_product_1443741041_2_thumb_large.jpg). My second oldest brother took video of us getting ready and then my youngest brother refused to wear his costume. My mom had spent weeks on it and it was SOOOOOO good. He ended wearing his previous year's costume which made my mom cry. We video taped us all carving pumpkins. We sent all of this to my dad. We missed him so much but tried to make sure he didn't miss it. We had so much fun getting everything taped and made for him. I decorated the front porch rather tackily, but in the end we still wanted my dad more than the candy or costumes.

+1 I am a follower of Danielle as KainsHottie on GFC
+1 I am a follower of Donna as KainsHottie on GFC
+1 I am a follower of Alexa as KainsHottie on GFC


Amy said...

My favorite Halloween memory was in my senior year of high school, when I went trick or treating with the guy I was crushing on. We had a lot of fun and I fed him some snickers LOL. It was silly but cute.

+1 GFC follower of Book Lovers Hideaway
+1 GFC follower of Romance Book Junkies


Na said...

Mine is spending time with my family watching a scary movie. It would all nice and quiet and sometimes we would scream in tandem lol :)


Jinky said...

That would be 4th grade, best friend & I made our own costumes out of pillow cases & stuff ..bummed we didn't win the contest!

gfc follower of all three. :)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

My favorite Halloween was just a few years ago. It was the first time that my boyfriend and I took out his nephew for trick or treating. It was so much fun watching his reaction to all of the spooky decorations in my neighborhood!

+3 I'm an old follower of all three sites

rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

Texas Book Lover said...

What a great giveaway...both of these series are on my to be read list and this would give me a great kick start!

One of my favorite halloween memories is the first year I got to take my oldest daughter trick or treating! I didn't get to do it growing up so it really meant a lot!

mmafsmith at gmail dot com

Texas Book Lover said...

Forgot to mention I follow all 3 blogs +3

Thank you!

Kyowolf said...

Great Giveaway!

My favorite halloween memory is the first haunted house we had at my house! It was loads of fun.

I follow all 3 blogs +3


Steve said...

How did the actor wearing the Scream mask ever see anything at all??? I tried the Scream costume a few years ago at a pub party on Halloween Night. I couldnt see jack s*** ! Or jack-o-lanterns for that matter, and whats worse was me being drunk. you cant see through the mask properly, like you have tunnel vision... and i kept walking into people which got worse as the night drew on..

Khyla said...

halloween memory i have is walking down a street and someone actually coming out of the woods and throwing me on there back and threw me in a pool full of yucky goo things


Rachel said...

Great giveaway. Don't count me in cos I'm international, but enjoy to whoever wins =D


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