Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spooktacular Day 30: Guest post & Giveaway with author Kaily Hart

Dude. That pumpkin is sick.
I’m not sure what it is about Halloween, but I love it. Absolutely. Completely. And by far it’s my favorite holiday. I grew up in Australia where we didn’t celebrate Halloween, but as a kid we still got bombarded with all the American references. It was one of those things I always wanted to experience myself as a kid. Like Disneyland J. Well, now I’ve gotten to experience both, although probably a few (okay a lot) of years late. Halloween can be spooky or scary. It can be fun and playful. Or it can be whimsical. I think I love that flexibility the most. To a kid, Halloween can be whatever you want it to be. It’s a time for imaginations to go wild, for sugar levels to soar and for super late bedtimes, usually with a tummy ache. It’s the stuff of memorable childhoods. I love being able to share that with my kids and experience it through their eyes. It’s just pure fun.
I also tend to like the odd and unusual and that’s just the way I love my pumpkins. It’s such an icon of Halloween and I adore looking at the really unique, clever and unexpected designs you see circulating this time of year. Some people are really creative and have way too much time on their hands, I think LOL.
So…Why I like Halloween:
·         What’s not to love about a holiday that almost REQUIRES you to eat large amounts of candy?
·         What other time of the year can you get away with wearing well…just about anything you wouldn’t be caught dead in any other time of year.
·         Trick or treating! I always love the surprise on the faces of unsuspecting door openers when I hold out my bag LOL.
·         My evil mwwwwahahahahaha laugh isn’t so unusual this time of year.
·         Pumpkins. Duh. Hope you enjoy some of my favorites!
Why I hate Halloween, cause there’s always a flip side:
·         See #1 above. Hello hips J.
·         Oh crap. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Do I have enough time to drop the weight I put on during the week leading up to, and the week after, Halloween? No? That’s what I thought L. Downward slide from here, baby.
·         Peeps. People don’t really eat those things, do they?
About Kaily
Kaily Hart, a seemingly straight-laced mother of four, left corporate America and a high-powered, lucrative career to be a stay at home mom. Right… That lasted about four weeks, during which time she realized she had a deeply repressed dream—to write. And (gasp) romance at that! Who knew? By day, Kaily plays conservative wife and soccer mom, but at night crafts hot and steamy tales of romance and love with gorgeous heroes who wouldn’t dream of leaving the toilet set up. Ever. She’s smart and sassy, at least in her own mind, and is creating as many happy ever afters as she can, one hot story at a time. Kaily never would have thought she’d be doing this, but now that she is? Well, you couldn’t pay her enough to do anything else.

You can find out more information about all Kaily’s books here and read more about her latest release, RISE OF HOPE here.
If anyone would want to contact me (which I would love by the way) or just keep up with what I’m doing, you can find me all over:
Web – www.kailyhart.com  

 Kaily is giving away a ebook copy of any book off her backlist to one lucky commenter. Just leave a meaningful comment and your email in case your the winner. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway


booklover0226 said...

I just checked out Rise of Hope and it sounds great; I am adding it to my wish list.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Becky said...

Great post! I also enjoy seeing what designs people make with their pumpkins for Halloween. I agree with you about being able to wear about anything you wouldn’t be caught dead in any other time of year. I love eating the candy to and unfortunately that shows in my hips. Rise of Hope sounds like a really interesting story. I have added to my list to get. Thanks for sharing your reasons Halloween is your favorite holiday.


Elaine G said...
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Elaine G said...

I love the Halloween candy.I make sure to stock up for myself.It never makes it to Halloween night ;) Enjoyed reading your post.


Texas Book Lover said...

Carving pumpkins is one of my favorite things about Halloween. We do 3 or 4 of them as a family every year! Lots of fun!

Kaily Hart said...

Thanks, booklover 7 Becky!

We always get way too much candy and never as many trick-or-treaters as we assume. Sigh... I can't just let it go to waste, right?

I love carving pumpkins too, Texas Book Lover. For about 5 minutes LOL. Love how creative everyone is though :).

Allyson said...

I just checked out your books, they are now on my TBR list! I can't wait to read them! I just love this time of the year, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas...what fun:) The costumes...decorating...but my favorite is the candy and the food! I have this theory all of this yummy unhealthy stuff I will eat over Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas( that will go straight to my hips) winter clothes will cover it for now and then after holidays work harder before summer:) Because no way will I miss this yummy stuff over next 2 months:) Happy Halloween and Enjoy your day!

erin said...
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erin said...

Thanks for a great post! I love seeing how much fun the kids are having! And contributing to their future teeth decay :)


Kaily Hart said...

Thanks, Allyson!! There's a reason the holidays are in the colder months. Just sayin'. Happy Halloween to you!

Erin, yeah. Reminds me, I need to make dental appointments LOL.

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