Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Spooktacular Day 31: Spooky Interview & Giveaway with author Linda Poitevin

What kind of Halloween person are you? Dress up and party every year, give out candy maybe dressed up, or hide inside your house with the porch light off? I used to be a dress up and accompany the kids type, but now that they’ve all grown up, I’m a stay home and give out candy type. 

Do you decorate outside for Halloween? Do we!!! 

Are you a master pumpkin carver? I don’t know about master, but I do love taking on a challenge. 

Name 3 costumes you’ve worn and at what age. I was a madam at age 21; Mother Nature at age 45(ish); and a rather terrifying witch at some point in my 40s as well. Sorry, no pics for any of those!! 

Find a picture of a costume you love. Can I brag and show off a kid for this one? I used to make all my kids’ costumes and we had some great ones. One of my favorites was the one they all wore for their first-ever trick-or-treating:

Tell us the scariest thing that has ever happened to you and it doesn’t have to be Halloween related. Losing my youngest daughter at the movie theatre. She was only missing for a few minutes, but I swear I died a thousand deaths in that time. Not fun.

Do you like haunted houses or mazes? I’m a total wuss, so no haunted houses for me, lol! As for mazes, only if my youngest daughter is with me…she’s a whiz at finding her way through those things!

Do you believe in ghosts? Absolutely. 

What is your favorite Halloween tradition? Decorating the yard and handing out candy – I love watching the little kids work up the nerve to approach our front door. ;)

What is your favorite Halloween movie to watch or are you a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown sort? I feel the same way about horror movies as I do about haunted houses, I’m afraid, so it’s Charlie Brown all the way! 

Have you ever tricked instead of treated like toilet papering someone’s house or egging a person or house? Honestly? No. It just seems mean to do so. 

Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees? Still Charlie Brown!!! J

What’s your favorite Urban Legend? The one that terrified me most when I was younger was the story about the babysitter who kept getting prank calls from a creepy guy…and then realized the calls were coming from the other line in the same house. At the time, I wholeheartedly believed it and would nearly die whenever I was babysitting and the phone rang!

Linda is giving away a signed copy of the winner's choice of either book 1, Sins of the Angels, or book 2, Sins of the Son. Just leave a comment to enter with your email address.

a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway


miki said...

I loved Sins of angel ( and since i've book 2 i'm not entered this constest) i wanted to thank you for the interview

Becky said...

Great interview! I love how you decorate your yard for Halloween, Linda. They look real in the pictures. I also like the picture of your pumpkin. I would love to win a copy of Sins of the Angels, since I haven't read it yet. Thanks for the opportunity! Happy Halloween to everyone!!

Texas Book Lover said...

I don't like the Halloween mazes! Maybe it is just that I am terrible at them and my husband gets the crazy chainsaw guys to chase me saying my name. Who knows...what I do know is that it will be a very long time before I go back into one!

Linda Poitevin said...

Hey, Miki! Nice to hear from you...and I'm so glad you liked Sins of the Angels! :)

Glad you like the pictures, Becky. My hubby is out in the rain decorating as I type...he's a die-hard Halloween enthusiast, that one! ;)

And Texas Book Lover, are you serious?!? I'm sure that's grounds for divorce, lol!!!

Happy Halloween, hauntings! :)

Elaine G said...

{lease don't enter me for the giveaway,I have both books.Just wanted to say enjoyed reading the interview.great pics.

booklover0226 said...

I enjoyed the interview; it was a great read.

Linda's series sounds great; I have added it to my must have list.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

June M. said...

Love the pictures of your Halloween decorations. I would love to do something like that but I live way out in the country so it would be a waste. I have your books on my wishlist but have not read them yet.
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

jessiel said...

Enjoyed the interview! Thank you for the giveaway.

Linda Poitevin said...

Thanks for stopping by, Elaine, and I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! :)

Glad you enjoyed it, Tracy, and thank you for adding me to your TBR list! :)

June, I've posted a bunch more pics from this year's yard at my blog (you can access it from my website). Glad you liked these ones. :)

Thanks for stopping by to read and enter, Jessie!

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